A lot of hot discussion on caste-ism and its ill-effects on the
society is held and is being held or it seems as it may last for. Most of the
time, the scriptures are held responsible for the wedge in society ,But ,
About what is written with regard to human beings in the Indian scriptures ,is
less spoken of .World-scholars praised India for the great work done, which
suffered at the hands of aggressors who
(1) burnt Indian original literature
---------example of Nalanda and Taiskhila libraries etc. ------A historical
(2) Rulers like Aurangzeb and others allowed their men to destroy every literature of India during their time of rule.Even History itself confirms that only one writer wrote the history secretly during his period
(2) Rulers like Aurangzeb and others allowed their men to destroy every literature of India during their time of rule.Even History itself confirms that only one writer wrote the history secretly during his period
(3)The Indian Dharma which talks of the whole world as my
abode-------“vasudheb kutumbkem”-------can not be so rigid and narrow as cited
after Ancient India. The work of Interpolation with a view to create enmity
among Indians is a well-designed conspiracy. (4) The aggressors forget one old-age
science----Astrology and others---------- to destroy completely because of its
wide-prevalence .Still today ,it gives solid proofs that no caste-ism ever
existed .In Ancient India .only Varna system that too with a high glory to man
first existed which was changeable due to status and mobility in the society
.An example is Awahada chakra in astrology which decides the man-fate because
of his tendency to work even today .
(5)the moment we lost in battle in the past, we suffered at every step socially, politically, economically, nationally, spiritually and also no importance at the hands of International community .Somewhere we were called with very derogatory words,
(5)the moment we lost in battle in the past, we suffered at every step socially, politically, economically, nationally, spiritually and also no importance at the hands of International community .Somewhere we were called with very derogatory words,
(6)The History is
replete with the examples that some rulers /politician/writers/or others have
been very cunning .They have always suppressed the great teachings and brought
forth the twisted and mala-fide materials either for their vested interest and
to establish the ideology of racial supremacy. The need of the Hour is to
reveal the true facts for the welfare of the world and the society. All sort of
evils entered the society now takes our turn to be thrown
away from the society lastly
(7) The conspiracy by Col.Will-du Wrath is well known ,whose efforts have been to target the Vedas and Indian scriptures and for that even Max-Muller who was once liked Vedas, suddenly changed his stand and worked upon the theory of racial supremacy.This is open conspiracy.
\ (8) Some people believe that they have suffered a lot ,while they forget that even kings had to eat grass-bread and with 80 /40/20 wounds had to fight and suffered a lot .Prithiviraj Chauhan had to get his eyes smashed.The thing is this a few suffered less or few suffered a lot ,Clearly all suffered is the right question and very secretly,the conspiracy was hatched to divert the direction of fight inward and not towards those who were responsible.
(9) By 1823 ,97% people were educated and suddenly, graph came to almost Zero by 1833 ,though even Macaulay praised Indian way of living with a social feelings of co-existence
(10) No God in the Indian History and Mythology carry with the surname or title or Ram would be singh ,Krishna sharma or Laxmi Verma etc.
(11)Winners dictate the terms and write History according to their interest and Hence ,Nobody can deny of manipulation ,more particularly ,during the period ,when we were not independent.
(12) During the Vedic period ,about 01lakh (10million )hymns or sloka were composed.80000 for Kerma kand ,4000 gyan mantra and 16000 Upasana mantra .99971 speake for the welfare of the people and all across Globe .Only 19 mantras /hymns divede the people,May be a work of interpolation,But surprisingly,the high office bearers like Shankracharya etc never had the courage to delete these mantras from the holy books,What a surprise ?
(13)This is also a wrong conception in the society that Brahmins are responsible for this divide,During both missioneries and foreigns thought it better to persuade Brahmins to give up their religion so,it would be an easy access to implement their agenda,failing which led millions of Brahmins to cut their throat ,Konkani Bramins is the example.
(14) we must accept that Balmiki wrote the Ramayan and the whole society follow it,Even today contribution by Ramanand Sager is indelible from the society.(15)Shiva was born in the Kireet clan ,but He is the basis of Sanatan and Hindu Dharma completely rejecting the theory of wedge prevailing.
(16)The Vedas teach equality among the people in society. No one is superior or no one is inferior. We find hymns in the Vedas.
(17 Rigveda says : -
“Te ajyesthaa akanisthaasa udbhido amadhyamaaso mahasaa vi vavridhuh | sujaataaso janushaa prishnimataro divo marya aa no achaa jigatana ||” – Rig: 5-59-6
Among these men there are no superiors or no inferiors, no middle ones either. They become great from small beginnings. They make progress in different ways by dint of their merits. By birth they are all highborn because they are all children of Mother-Earth. O you men of the Lord Refulgent! be available to us in a lovable manner or grow into praise-worthy souls in fair ways.
(18) Such teachings completely deny of the existence of the casteism
.Further what a lovely hymn is cited which talks of all the human beings as our
brothers. The word –brother and sister-waved and like a storm motivated the
people in America, when swami Vivekanand used them in his address---
(19)“Ajyesthaaso akanislliaasa ete sam bhraataro vaavridhuh
saubhagaaya|yuva pita swapaa rudra eshaam sudhughaa prishnih sudinaa
marudbhayah||“ – Rig : 5-60-5
These men are without superiors and without inferiors. They are mutually brothers. They march onwards for prosperity. The eternally youthful, the soul protecting, grief alleviating God is their father. The richly feeding Mother-Earth produces happy days to these mortals.
These men are without superiors and without inferiors. They are mutually brothers. They march onwards for prosperity. The eternally youthful, the soul protecting, grief alleviating God is their father. The richly feeding Mother-Earth produces happy days to these mortals.
(20) Not only so, the Indian soil has been the invocator of peace and
prosperity to all. The vibrating teaching about peace and harmony is further
enough to realize that the casteism is a word far from India.
(21) “ Sam samidyuvase vrishannagne visvaanyaarya aa | Ilaspade samidhyase sa no vasoonyaa bhara || “ – Rig: 10-191-1
Oh Almighty and Adorable God ! In the whole universe Thou dost the work of harmonizing and uniting, and most fully reveal Thyself in the world. We therefore, beseech Thee to bestow upon us in every way all the means that will enable us to live in peace and harmony.
(22) This is also untrue that the people created differences in
between the people. Brahman is no caste ,this is Rather movement and opens the
way to acquire knowledge and it was open to all. Rigveda enlightens the
people on this aspect-----
(23) “ Sam gacchadhavam sam vadadhvam sam vo manaamsi jaanataam IDevaa bhaagam yathaa poorve sam jaanaanaa upaasate II “ – Rig: 10-191-2
God says :- Let all your activities be so directed as to lead you to one common goal (for which) let there be conferences held among you in a common language. Let all of your minds be one for according to acquire knowledge of the various lore’s. In short do as the enlightened before you in all ages did, performing their tasks in life in cooperation and harmony, with minds in full agreement for the acquisition of knowledge. Like the ancient seers also, Worship alone, Who, the only real object of your devotion.
(23) “ Sam gacchadhavam sam vadadhvam sam vo manaamsi jaanataam IDevaa bhaagam yathaa poorve sam jaanaanaa upaasate II “ – Rig: 10-191-2
God says :- Let all your activities be so directed as to lead you to one common goal (for which) let there be conferences held among you in a common language. Let all of your minds be one for according to acquire knowledge of the various lore’s. In short do as the enlightened before you in all ages did, performing their tasks in life in cooperation and harmony, with minds in full agreement for the acquisition of knowledge. Like the ancient seers also, Worship alone, Who, the only real object of your devotion.
The importance of life, though short has been revealed and it
messages to strive for the common goals to be achieved
(24) “Samaanee va aakootih samaanaa hridayaani vah |
Samaanam astu vo mano yathaa vah su sahaasati II “ – Rig: 10-191-4
Let your object in life be one and the same, your hearts equal (in feeling) and your minds in full agreement so that an excellent common status of life be achieved for all.
The following Atharveda mantras also give a candid proof about the equality : -
(24) “Samaanee va aakootih samaanaa hridayaani vah |
Samaanam astu vo mano yathaa vah su sahaasati II “ – Rig: 10-191-4
Let your object in life be one and the same, your hearts equal (in feeling) and your minds in full agreement so that an excellent common status of life be achieved for all.
The following Atharveda mantras also give a candid proof about the equality : -
(25) Further ,the AtharVeda
“Sahridayam saamanasyam avidvisham krinomi vah I
Anyo anyam abhi haryata vatsam jaatamivaaghnyaa || “ – Atharva : 3-30-1
Oh men ! I ordain for your concord of heart, unanimity of mind and freedom from hatred in dealings with each other. Love one another in every way even as the inviolable her new-born calf.
“Sahridayam saamanasyam avidvisham krinomi vah I
Anyo anyam abhi haryata vatsam jaatamivaaghnyaa || “ – Atharva : 3-30-1
Oh men ! I ordain for your concord of heart, unanimity of mind and freedom from hatred in dealings with each other. Love one another in every way even as the inviolable her new-born calf.
Further,the stress is on the common goal to be achieved for the
welfare of others----
(26) “Samaanee prapaa sahavoanna bhagaha samaane yoktre saha vo yunajmi |samyanchognim saparyataaraa naabhimivaabhitah ||” – Atharva : 3-30-6
O you men! may your water reservoirs be common; may the shares of food be enjoyed jointly. I unite you all under the yoke of common code of conduct with one another. Worship the Lord of Luster congregationally, just as the spokes touch the hub from all sides.
(26) “Samaanee prapaa sahavoanna bhagaha samaane yoktre saha vo yunajmi |samyanchognim saparyataaraa naabhimivaabhitah ||” – Atharva : 3-30-6
O you men! may your water reservoirs be common; may the shares of food be enjoyed jointly. I unite you all under the yoke of common code of conduct with one another. Worship the Lord of Luster congregationally, just as the spokes touch the hub from all sides.
The life is very short ,it may never go wasted and hence,at each
and every minute this possible through the peace of mind---------
(27) “Sadhreecheenaanvah sammanasaskrinomyekasnushteentsamvananena sarvaan I
Devaa ivaamritam rakshamaanaah saayam praatah soumanaso vo astu ||” – Atharva : 3-30-7
I enjoin on all of you to be mutually helping one another, to be united in your mind and to have one goal in life. You should, like the wise of all ages, ever cherish the idea of the liberation of your souls from the trammels of the world and to this end may peace of mind increase among you evening and morning.
(27) “Sadhreecheenaanvah sammanasaskrinomyekasnushteentsamvananena sarvaan I
Devaa ivaamritam rakshamaanaah saayam praatah soumanaso vo astu ||” – Atharva : 3-30-7
I enjoin on all of you to be mutually helping one another, to be united in your mind and to have one goal in life. You should, like the wise of all ages, ever cherish the idea of the liberation of your souls from the trammels of the world and to this end may peace of mind increase among you evening and morning.
The lord’s message of common good to all takes us far away from
the casteism or narrow minded approaches. One man weakness can not be a subject
matther of controversy .The life is possible through the efforts of all,The
hymn says------------------------------
(28) “Samaano mantrah samithih samaanee samanam vratam sahachithameshaam|
samaanena vo havishaa juhomi samaanam cheto abhisamvishadhvam ||”-Atharva : 6-64-2
May your thoughts and hymns be common; may your assembly be common; may your austere vow, spiritual resolve be common; may all your minds be alike and united. I provide you with common food, drink and needs of life. All of you strive for a common objective.
(28) “Samaano mantrah samithih samaanee samanam vratam sahachithameshaam|
samaanena vo havishaa juhomi samaanam cheto abhisamvishadhvam ||”-Atharva : 6-64-2
May your thoughts and hymns be common; may your assembly be common; may your austere vow, spiritual resolve be common; may all your minds be alike and united. I provide you with common food, drink and needs of life. All of you strive for a common objective.
The concept of togetherness and of common weal is
(29) “Sam vah prichyantaam tanvah sam manaamsi samuvrataa I
Sam voyam brahmanaspatirbhagah sam vo ajeegamat II “ – Atharva 6-74-1
Let your bodies (or learning and other attainments) and minds work together in harmony for the achievement of the common ideal. It is for this that the Majestic God, the Protector of the universe, has brought you together in life.
(30) “Sam jnapanam vo manasotho samjnapanam hridah |
Atho bhagasya yachchraantam tena samjnpayaami vah ||” – Atharva 6-74-2
Let your heads (minds) work in calm and precision and let your hearts join them in contented co-operation. In addition to this for the trouble you have taken to realize the majesty of God, I invigorate you (that you proceed on and reach your goal.)
(31) Further more,--------
(29) “Sam vah prichyantaam tanvah sam manaamsi samuvrataa I
Sam voyam brahmanaspatirbhagah sam vo ajeegamat II “ – Atharva 6-74-1
Let your bodies (or learning and other attainments) and minds work together in harmony for the achievement of the common ideal. It is for this that the Majestic God, the Protector of the universe, has brought you together in life.
(30) “Sam jnapanam vo manasotho samjnapanam hridah |
Atho bhagasya yachchraantam tena samjnpayaami vah ||” – Atharva 6-74-2
Let your heads (minds) work in calm and precision and let your hearts join them in contented co-operation. In addition to this for the trouble you have taken to realize the majesty of God, I invigorate you (that you proceed on and reach your goal.)
(31) Further more,--------
mr nsok ]vofgra nsok mUu;Fkk iqu% A
mrkx”pdzq’ka nsok nso tho;Fkk iqu% AA
;s ! fnO; xq.k ;qDr fo}ku
iq:’kks vki thps fxjs gq, yksxksa &dksbZ Hkh ,oa dgha Hkh & dks mij
mBkvks Ags ! nsoks !vijk/k vkSj iki djus okyksa dk m)kj djks Ags ! fo}kuksa
!ifrfr O;fDr;ksa dks ckj&2 vPNk cukus dk iz;kl djksA gs! mnkj iq:’kks !tks
iki esa i`oRr gSa]vudh vkRe T;ksfr dks tkx`r djks A
(O!You great scholars
with divine souls !Those deprived or –anyone and anywhere-be uplifted.O ! Great
souls !Let thoses criminals or committal of crime or sin be uplifted.
(Kiran Bedi –Ist IPSofficer of India did this remarkable job
even during the present times ,when posted in the Tihar Jails and for that,her
work was recognized world-wide.President Bill Clinton invited her on the
Breakfast and Magsaysay Award and others were showered upon her )
(32) O ! Scholars !Let your efforts go on again and again till
-----the goal is not achieved.O !Kind and pious souls ! committal of crime or
sin let thy ignite the inner light in them -----and enjoy bliss of life.If any one fails in this object of serving the society ,he does not understand the sanatan Dharma .
(33)rSfRrjh; mifu’kn esa Hkh dgk x;k gS
vksbe lgukoorq A lg ukS HkquDrq A
lgoh;Za djok ogS ArstfLouko/khreLrq ek fof}’kk ogS A
gs ! izHkksA vki ge lcdh ,d lkFk
j{kk djks A ge lcdk ,d lkFk iks’k.k djks Age lc lkFk&2 cy izkir djSa]rstLoh
gkSa]Kku izkir djSa]ge lclg;ksx djus okys gksa vkSj dksbz fdlh ls bZ’;kZ u djs
(O ! God ! You save and
protect us all.You take care and look after us .We all gain power. Let us be
Energetic with versatility and Knowledgeable .Let us be helpful and
co-operative and let none be envious or jealous of any one.)
(34) The above-cited example
is sufficient to break the boundaries of caste and creed. The Rig Veda,rightly
called the first Gyan to the human world,(and first is the best to be cited upon) touches the International boundaries.
The caste and creed are nothing but a malafide design to gain and work for the
vested interest and hence ,the need of the hour is to crush it down heavily
,both for India and abroad.The human life is above all;all politics; national
or international. Work for peace for peaceful co-existence and survival
is essential.
(35) The need of the hour is this that the strict steps need to be taken ,if this is to be removed and Dharma Sansad should sit to delete those mantras /hymns dividing the people in the name of caste ism. Only Contemporaries remember and with the passage of the Time ,people make it a part of fairy tales ,thus serving the society with a great cause.Please share and forward for a great cause and contribute also
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