Monday, 9 December 2013

015------------------------------------------------ our body also teaches us is very much true. no doubt, our body is also a machine .but very delicate ,soft and durable ; if everything goes ok day by day   and of course very sophisticated in nature. No man made machine may replace it in its making .Its two system are well woven and well knit with a difficult structure in itself ; Difficult in the sense ,a new medico has to spend about 05 years in understanding the chemistry of the body and further at least 02 to 05 years are spent on the various organs for the Dr to get expertise. Out ward , everything seems o.k. until and unless something foreign causes harm  or injury and immediately  treatment and cure takes place. But surprisingly, I n many a cases ,the inward harm  comes to notice with a little delay or until and unless diagnosis is carried out .During the present times ,so much stress, tension, burden and  unnecessary  problems have percolated that all of a sudden inward indications start coming, sometimes taken note of  otherwise most of them go unnoticed resulting in heart fail/   heartattck   /euro problems /indigestion /  spondilitis  / and various other diseases. I  understand one of my known’s who was advised to go on evening and morning walk every day and do yog and pranayam ,but negligence resulted heavily one day, when he was rushed for the emergency treatment in the Hospital ; on the one hand disturbing his own  body- chemistry and causing on the other hand loss both in the money and disturbing the all  family members. After he was discharged from the Hospital, he takes care now- a- days.  This gave me a teaching ,our body also teaches us but  when  there is a Delay----------------------------------------- !

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