Sunday 14 December 2014

0148------Comfort or Peace.

Modern people are lucky ,for our scientists who work day and night in their laboratory or in the field have given to us ,whatever anybody could imagine in the ancient times in order to make a living happier.The hard work rendered or duties performed in the field make us tired,and when The sweet Home takes us to bed with ultra-modern facilities,make us forget the nature and its adversities.The mode of  transport and availability of the information and its technology are but further surprise,for both space and time are measured. Till the last century,the people searched places and maintained relations on the planet.Now ,This century shall place us to another planet ,But when ?Let us wait and see.Another search of Interest is basically related to the World  Food ,The Taste takes us beyond our boundaries,Though Food value is being reduced.The Fast Food culture is another attack on our taste ..When we find ourselves in this changed scenario in the name of modernity,We have to be very careful too in their very use.The diseases remote to our forefathers are common to us now.The emotional firmament is being replaced to scientific taste and temperament believing on  faith and emotion is beyond modernity.The people are ,as it seems wriggling through the quagmire of what we have gained and what we once imagined.The acceptability zone , aggressive nature and problems of measurabilty expose to us for further problems.For example,the electromagnetic waves,the radiation,pollution,adulteration, or freedom or at being our own liberty for more business rather than for safe human life or Home is better than a modern house.So automatically without our knowing,the conflict has emerged  with ourselves ,with ideologies and with what exist with us today.Those expert in better management understand and seek amiable solution otherwise the frustration or depression surround us resulting in the war-torn world.Channel present  them every day.Hence,more alertness to our life is required and changes need to be introduced for the weal and welfare of the world despite pressures both internal and external--------------------------?This is a surprise too that not the yokel or uneducated ,but the qualified people tend to fight in the name of these ideologies.The arrest of a well educated person in India's Silicon Valley Bangalore has brought forth the new debate,For working in a good company during the day time and working for the terrorist organization at night is a surprise to us.The religion ,though losing their gleam for the modern youth today,is no threat in ideology ,For most of the people are not as God-fearing,as they were.There was the time for the religion to thrive on the society 's demand of the then existing circumstances.Hinduism is more the way of life with best to accept and worst to give up and less religion .The new world order brings to us new challenges and to cope with them,the refined mode of training to the youth is very essential everywhere so as to avoid them going into the hands of the wrong doers,For along with comfort,Stress and Pressures too find their ways and Peace-------let us make  it sticky to us.

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