Tuesday 26 August 2014

091-----------------------Where We failed ?
"I have not read it"Said President Gorvachauv of erstwhile USSR.
"Read it now "replied Boris yeltin ,"would be President of Russia "backed by Western Powers.
The tone he used could convince one and all that time that something wrong would happen and it happened,The Super Power was disintegrated  finishing the cold war season and putting an end to the earthly nature of law ;check and balance.
It was the time for the America to be happy and pleased for getting no.01 in the world and untimely got the self imposed power of dictating terms to the world and forcing United Nations to go( most of the times) or power of Veto is safe , as per  what they think better and even without the proper sanction by the UNO on many a occassion as in the case of Iraq where simply in the name of chemical weapons ,a major mistake was committed.The leader of Iraq Saddam Hussain was executed.Interestingly,It was same Saddam Hussain, a 2nd year law student who in the eyes of America was found ,once,suitable and his rise to the leader of the Baath party was directly and indirectly related to the interst of America.
After becoming powerful,Saddam Hussain dictated terms according to his way of thinking ,contrary to the interst of United States and thus  bringing the relation in between the two irksome and conflicting ;resulting into  what we witness in Iraq today.Had The United nations 'proposal of not-attacking Iraq  been followed,the picture of Iraq and its impact on the world today would have been different.The Iraq is a state now trying its best to wriggle out of the quagmire of carnage ,racial hatred,animosity in between the people,and queching the thirst of their own brethren divided as Kurds,Shias and Sunnis and foreigners becoming the targets and undoubtedly to Americans prone to whimsical attitude and rage of terrorists.
Furthermore,interestingly till 1979,the relation in between Iraq and Iran were normal,but suddenly a news was published  in Washington Post in 1979 that in the areas known as Sattat-al-Arab ,the oil-fields enriched with ores are traced with the help of sattellites ,firstly unbeleivable and later since it was supported by the technological research ,was found true making each nation claiming over the fields.The tension brewed to such a level that it led to war for ten years ,resulting animosity in between Shias and Sunni.After nothing was found,the Editor apologized believing  it to be a machine-error.Who would claim for the losses incurred is still to be decided.
Till 1979,there was nothing so critical against the terrorism,After the disintegration of USSR,it became a fashion to hit and target or rather weakening the islamic States and further creating a big gap in between peace-loving and jehadis ,who have got the certificate to be the saviour--------.
Its impact is still  being felt in our nation  where Hindus and  Muslims  are peace loving ,tolerating and working hard  as per once Western media's reflections and A journalist from Yemen (  name forgotten ) openly praised Indian muslims on our National TV.Surprisingly other than Daud Ibrahim,nobody from India was on America's top criminals'list.One of the leaders ' efforts that all original inhabitants in India belong to the same clan ,race and blood simply  bring us closer and closer and empowering us to work for peace and properity  for the nations and let Nostradums'prophecy that India will emerge as  beacon to Peace  shall come true and miscreants to be dealt with strictly.
The policy of 'let the nations fight amongst one another '  and the inspecting role of some nation and also the trading of 'what Baba RamDev calls,selling of the weapons and medicines'' is taking the world to the wrong direction ; needs proper handling  and review or let United nations work seriously and decisions be resorted to  or Peace shall go afar .The Uncivilized may pose a nuclear threat to the Civilized nations in the name of God ;always afar from reach through centuries--------------------.

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