Saturday 26 March 2016

305----An Example of Racial Hatred

The death unnatural, untimely and mercilessly of a Dr in Delhi on a very petty matter raises a no of question. While playing with his son, the rubber ball hit a passers by ,The dr asked for excuse and a particular boy goes out and come back with a group members of about 35 members and brutally  attack the dr and leave him dead in the posh colony, where the neighbors are not concerned and none dared to call Police. Hence ,an important life is gone away and no humanist came forward and neither the biased channels ,leaving one or two ,of India telecast it that illegally occupying Indian territory ,the Bangladesh nationals reached to this level. Had it been vice versa ,the Indian channels would have been repenting and wailing over PM role, Furthermore ,no political party condemned it for the fear of losing vote bank, the life of a dr is valuable to all the community. The mass may attack this way clearly indicate that the racial hatred spread between the community and unable to bear with others and secondly, it is not possible also that the Police be provided to all But call and immediate action. When BJP raises the question of Bangladeshi’s illegal pouring into the nation, the first one to oppose jumps in to race and channels too become so active that the atmosphere of the nation is disturbed .Immediate demand is this that the culprits be booked and strict action needed to be taken with a strong message that such type of incidents shall never be repeated and secondly, the community living in the city have to learn from village community that no outsider can enter ,and if enter, how they react is a well known answer. The political parties have to seek the answer of this Bangaladeshi ’s migrants ,or further delay may cause irreparable loss.The incident is condemned .(Archna & Raj)

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