Sunday 12 April 2015

0197----An Experience to be Shared with

This is Sunday today in Gorakhpur ,time to take a little rest, after the tedious and tough job given in Police Recruitment and Promotion Board,where the thousand candidates appeared for DV and medical check-up here in my city.During the entire process,one striking point emerged that our youth needs a little care towards their personality development.What I could gather needs to be shared here--
1-The Candidates were found more less careless towards maintaining the records,It should be kept in mind that the real exams start the day,the Advertisement appears in the newspaper and we make the our mind  towards applying,Hence,Its cutting is advised to be kept safely.
2-Since Advertisement plays an important role,and even the verdict from the Hon'ble court suggest to us that it works like speaking order and hence,whatever is asked for ,plays an important role.For example,the OBC certificate for the period specified  was found to be not produced by the candidates,though they possessed of the different dates.
3-Thirdly,the modern time demands of the safe up-keep of the documents  and that too in the chronological order ; was found missing.The candidates have to learn the art of maintaining their records ,for they are for the whole life and are very-2 important documents .
4-Fourthly,Even some of the candidates were found not having their certificates like sanad etc.and lame excuse is found all the time.To held other responsible is an age old excuse,whereas it is to be understood that only we are responsible for our own work.
5-Fifthly,whenever,we appear at any interview,importantly,everything needs to be set in order one day before .The eleventh hour confuses the candidates and results heavily not only in the wastage of time ,but missing out of fist.Behavior in haste at such juncture proves self-suicidal.After all,haste makes a waste.Others can not wait for us.
6-Laughingly,some of the candidates were found going to their home and bringing the certificates on the same date.Such type of running sometimes causes accidents also.Since time is important,everything requires proper handling but on time itself.
7-It was a surprise that qualified candidates are in the fray,Hardly a candidate was with the minimum qualification ,otherwise all graduate and post graduate candidates appeared at the examination.A few candidates surprised the Board,when seen with Law degree and Ph.d degree .Whether,it is the increase in the unemployment,or the coming days signal for the well qualified society at our doorstep.
8-Sometimes,a clue comes to me that our candidates fail in their proper planning,at the age of 15,IAS/PCS is  the target,at 18 Bank services etc. are included,at22 even the police Inspector is ok ,but at the age of 30,any service and that too mastery anyhow is preferred,which shows how unplanned are we towards the career.The right counseling is required for the youth.Luck serves in the few cases,for candidates once failed in the Police Inspector exams are found to be selected into IPS/IAS.
9-Besides,the heavy flow is towards the art side and science seems going afar,Thanks to Govt of India that programmes like Inspire Awards for the science interest to keep alive in the coming generation are launched as encouraging steps.We teachers have to take up the follow up steps.
10-Beides,attaching the unnecessary papers or out of context are of no value ,but wastage of time and energy.
11-The candidates have to learn the art of communication,surprisingly ,it was found a weakness on the part of a few which needs proper attention ,more particularly at this initial stage.
12-Lastly,I would like to suggest that this whole life is a big project,where we have to conduct  and carry out many a small projects and in this age specially,refinement and sophistication at every stage is of prime concern  .Individually,we have to improve,for others have their work to be completed on time.
Those who remained without flying colours need not to feel worry ,for in this age of tough competition we  have to prepare well in advance and also ready all the time to meet any requirement or eventuality .The coming days shall bring surprise.
Before ,I close this piece of advice,words for thanks jump out of my mind for the better arrangement for water to food or tea by the authorities concerned.The first experience in the company of Police has been but an experience to be cherished with sweet memories for ever

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