Tuesday 14 October 2014

0112---------Swami Vivekanand 's Advice on Areas to Work

0112-----------Dear Friends,
1.    Every body talks of the time right from the time immemorial. Time may be a illusion to the some scientist ,but is very important in the life of the Individuals .All the living creatures on the earth are for their survival ,All other than man spend their time and wait for their turn to come. The whole world passes through two important aspects-(1)Eat, drink and be marry ,and it lies with all the living creatures and (2)Life is precious with some message, which is to be performed on this earth. Every living creature eats ,sleeps and pass the time, But man only is to perform “Karma”. This is through it that he shapes the world.  Time management is very important here. Dwelling upon what Swami Vivekanand has said, Every person has three important roles to play;
2.    (1)It is very individualistic or in other words related to personal field of life. It includes eating, drinking, or quench the biological thirst or fulfill the need .Every individuals defines according to his need .In the fast- changing world, At least two hours time is needed to take care of the health ,For health is wealth. Good health in the body makes everything possible in life and enables us to make the most of the Life. It includes every personal gain including “Be Ready work”, sleep, eat, Healthy programmes,etc.
3.    Secondly ,This is from morning to night .Every living creature has to perform his/her professional work in order to sustain living. It differs from one to all. Since Man has a very sophisticated system of living, His professional field is well-defined where he/she is to perform the duties assigned. It includes everything of what we think of or know in actuality .Even innovation fields have their say everywhere. Normally, From 10am to 5pm is the normal time defined for the professional field. Work for professional excellence is always welcome. The information/Knowledge/Technical know-how/Up-dation/Innovation/performance or result oriented work is welcome everywhere. Better performance has long lasting effects. It satisfies ourselves on the one hand and of course serves the society directly or indirectly. One striking thing to be noted is very much related to the field of work recognized worldwide or for the  weal and welfare of the whole humanity.Teachers/Scientists/Administrators/Politicians/Soldiers/Officers/labours or what not are more less recognized fields. Some People almost feel dissatisfied sometimes because of one or the other reasons. For the progress in the life, Time plays an important roles, however ,failures after failures may give these encouraging words ,as Robert Browning utters,  ”I was always a fighter, so one Fight more”. Still the life seems a tragedy, what can be more satisfying other than the words of the Hindi poet ,Maithlisaran  Gupt who calls “life on the earth as a fight in the battlefield where success come ,but to a few “.Every failure too give a lesson ,as Emily Dickinson  sings ,”the failures are counted sweetest by those who never succeed.”They know the gap existing in between success and failures. The life is on ,the Journey is on like “charaivet and charaivet”.This fields includes the major portion of time purely dependent on the professional challenges.
4.    Thirdly ,this is the social fields, where only man plays a role .He has to feel indebted to what our forefathers has bestowed upon. The hand extending in wiping out the tears stand  only with man who has to serve the generation to Generation. Though the world is developed or developing ,but putting the full stop over some sort  of thinking as the Ultimate Truth is dangerous. This is the point which develops the fundamentalism amongst the people who forget and do not care for others .Hence ,in fights are still on. The ultimate sufferer is Man himself. Destroying the world within one minutes is possible in the world ,but making it in beautiful form includes the sacrifice of one  and all from every quarters. The Ideals and ideology developed and message of Peace given to Us by Lord Krishna, Lord Buddha ,Jesus Christ, Mh.Saab, Mahaveer Swami, Ghandhiji,Martin King Luther Jr etc. are the great treasure to the world .The world shall survive only on the strength of these ideals and ideology. This is the ideology that remind us for the performance of our social service. No other option is left to us out of indebtedness we possess. One striking point is related to this concept of “If you want peace .Be prepared for war” .it may be  under the auspices of UNO ,the main platform for the peace and survival ,for out of the interest ,control and check for balance too becomes essential. However, time for social service is also important .

 ** jkt**  vkj0ch0,l0pkSgku )

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