Tuesday 23 September 2014

098-------------------------Trust and Treasure Your Culture !
Importantly, During this month We offer our indebtedness to our forefathers. More or less, this exists almost every- where, the devotion is seen either through the burning of candles or offerings both in kind or gifts.
It is said in Hindu Mythology that there is birth after death or vice versa .Even foreign writers have written about these things .Earlier a book “Life after Death ”or Punerjanam (Re-birth)or other books by Gita Press ,Gorakhpur(UP)India have spoken of in detail. Clearly ,there is  a tradition to pay respect  to our forefathers through the rituals. Of course, whatever we have or are, is due to them. To feel indebted and pay respect or to remember them for the great work done is one of the best tenet of the Dharam and Religion.The most of the things evolved ,invented or traced or found out  etc. speak of their contribution   and to save them for the Continuity is but our main duty. Let they be go for ultimate salvation is our wish and prayer to the Almighty. It is said that their grace or blessings come in the form of what at best we get during this life and enjoy the moments to moments .The name and Clan or the region ,of course make us recognized or are known for. Traditionally believed, what is donated reaches to them through the Sradh –karma.   This month assumes importance  in India ,as being fully dedicated to them.
During Worship Grains/Water/ Fragrance or light/or cloth/til/or gifts of other nature bring  those left  at peace .As per belief, These things reach to those living the life of Pret/Pisach, Trees, of godly-position, or again to the human-beings in their rebirth. Some of Important things to be taken care of include
1-It is limited upto three generation .
2-Even those living may perform during their life ,provided, he is childless, or son gone mad or insane, or the fear of not being performed after death. the warning is given, that no survive might have been present in the whole clan too.
3-Even the Woman is at the liberty to perform with certain restriction ,more or less as given above in the paragraph no.02.

4-No doubt ,A few of the families are seen prosperous and advanced and still, they suffer in such way that the solution remains afar.The story comes from the life of karna, whose life was ,but for others. A great donator and warrior of recognition through the ages was doomed to suffer,As Chitrgupa heard everything ,but denied salvation because of non-performance of the ritual-Shradh.It is said that he had come back for solely this purpose only.It is advised that if anything occurring this way anywhere ; invites the attention for this ritual to be performed. It is further added that even the Janampatri reflects of this curse.

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