Monday, 29 September 2014

(0102)------------Most of the Time,some people are seen critisizing the worship of many a God or goddesses in India,But at the same time,they forget that even an individual is pious to our culture.He/she is also the incarnation of God/goddess.Besides,People are given the freedom or left at their liberty to find the Ultimate Truth in this world of mystery.Reaching to oneness from the diffrent path and ways shall lead to bringing  the Perfect order in the society.Besides,the best suited to peaceful living in the world also emerges from this tenet of Hinduism.

Sunday, 28 September 2014

0101------------------------In a Interview given to "Amar Ujala"a Hindi Dainik,Shri FarooqAbdulla The CM of J&K rejected outrightly the pakistan's proposal in UNO and of course has drawn the people's attention towards the UNO Proposal for the withdrawl of Pakistani forces from the POK ,where there is not only the violation of human rights,but people's voice is silenced.There is no election held,no power is given or as per the journalists visted there have clearly and candidly voiced the suppression of people's voice who are repentent now and bound to suffer.In the multi-polar world,India is emerging as one of the important poles for the great role to be played in the coming time.Work together with a humane and inclusive approach for the core issues to be solved is the part and parcel of India's foreign policy.India never attacked any country,but it doesn't mean that other nation shall cause harm to us.The condition fully conducive and freindly need to be created by pakistan who always plays a double role by sending his own men as terrorist and showing a masked face to the world blaming .The strong message given by our Prime-Minister in UNO not only snubed Pakistan,but a strong message was also given that whole J&K land belongs to us.But what to do ,Pakistan 's whole politics depend on India -centric and Kashmir issue; made sensitive to their own people ,only to serve one purpose i.e remain in Power.The recent flood has adversely affected the life and property of the people there,where Indian Govt.have extended every sort of support which still shall take many a years for the normalcy to be restored.However, the Govt. of India and also the people have to lauch a crusade to take the 04districts confiscated by Pakistan in 1948,which of even the UNO resolution speak .Furthermore ,as our statesmen confirm that J&K belong to India and no further talk with anyone on this issue.
0100-------------100th is an important no..When a batsman achieves 100th runs on the crease,he leaps 'like an unbounded lamb"expressing pleaure and pleasure.Celebration of 100th year in the fray for any institution is said to be something great .So is the case with me,For a beginner,writing 100 article is no less important.A small beginning always opens the avenues for the further advancement in life.Even one article is sufficient to convince one and all.A few remembers Shrdha Nand Fullory,but the poem /arti written"Om Jai Jagdish harai---" is sung every day.The Name"Shradha"in the last line ia sung with full faith and confidence and is bewtowed upon the Almighty God.
It is said ,everybody's life is the whole literature in itself,the most of the pages go unnoticed,as No break-up or recognition comes his way.Thanks ! to Google for providing the greatest oppurtunity for one and all for the ideas or thoughts to be exprssed through the plateform "Blog" which is,in my opinion' an oppurtunity to know the humanity and learn a lot in return.Even a single idea ,if strikes the mind of others is no less important,for nothing other than Ideas rule the world.I feel peased at heart that out of differences,agreeing or disagreeing ,likings or dislikings of what I wrote sitting  in  a remotest corner of my Nation"India"brings closer to many a people in the world,the places ,though difficult to visit or difficult to meet with the friends.
I will be a failure,if I forget to extend my thanks for "Google" for the plateform given,Thanks to Angrezi News for appreciating my article"the World is beautiful",Thanks to my 1200facebook friends,and thanks to all my more than 15000 readers ,more particularly from USA,  Russia, Turkey, Germany,France,China,Romania,UAE,Indonesia,Korea, and of course India visiting my pages.Other than words"Thanks with a sense of gratitude",nothing can be provided.Hence,Only thanks..........

Friday, 26 September 2014

(099)----------------------------------Very surprising news about Shiv-Sena and BJP came in the evening ,when we heard the break-up of the friendhip for the last 25th years.Just moments afterwards,Even NCPLeader also declared that their relation with Congress is broken.Both the regional parties held one-another responsible,but the secret is hidden (01) for the lucrative chair of the CM ,though Public verdict is still afar.(02)The present election scenario runs in and around the Regional parties who donot want their role to be minimised.The more powerful they will be,they will exert more pressure on the Centre.(03) Thirdly,this will bring both ShivSena and NCP in the neck to neck fight and national parties will be in fray,but after them,at least causing harm to one another.(04) The interesting is it to note that the National parties shall witness their important roles,only after the election is over.In case ,no clear-cut madate comes,No need to worry ,There will be re-union .By that time ,The great time and oppurtunity for the public to decide intelligently or what Rabindra nath Tagore wrote,"The Indians are not educated(during that time),but they are not illeterate".Their decision is always full of Surprise,as happened earlier too.Let us wait for another surprise in Maharashtra......
By the way,let me wish You"Happy navaratri "to all my friends for the peace and prosperity.

Tuesday, 23 September 2014

098-------------------------Trust and Treasure Your Culture !
Importantly, During this month We offer our indebtedness to our forefathers. More or less, this exists almost every- where, the devotion is seen either through the burning of candles or offerings both in kind or gifts.
It is said in Hindu Mythology that there is birth after death or vice versa .Even foreign writers have written about these things .Earlier a book “Life after Death ”or Punerjanam (Re-birth)or other books by Gita Press ,Gorakhpur(UP)India have spoken of in detail. Clearly ,there is  a tradition to pay respect  to our forefathers through the rituals. Of course, whatever we have or are, is due to them. To feel indebted and pay respect or to remember them for the great work done is one of the best tenet of the Dharam and Religion.The most of the things evolved ,invented or traced or found out  etc. speak of their contribution   and to save them for the Continuity is but our main duty. Let they be go for ultimate salvation is our wish and prayer to the Almighty. It is said that their grace or blessings come in the form of what at best we get during this life and enjoy the moments to moments .The name and Clan or the region ,of course make us recognized or are known for. Traditionally believed, what is donated reaches to them through the Sradh –karma.   This month assumes importance  in India ,as being fully dedicated to them.
During Worship Grains/Water/ Fragrance or light/or cloth/til/or gifts of other nature bring  those left  at peace .As per belief, These things reach to those living the life of Pret/Pisach, Trees, of godly-position, or again to the human-beings in their rebirth. Some of Important things to be taken care of include
1-It is limited upto three generation .
2-Even those living may perform during their life ,provided, he is childless, or son gone mad or insane, or the fear of not being performed after death. the warning is given, that no survive might have been present in the whole clan too.
3-Even the Woman is at the liberty to perform with certain restriction ,more or less as given above in the paragraph no.02.

4-No doubt ,A few of the families are seen prosperous and advanced and still, they suffer in such way that the solution remains afar.The story comes from the life of karna, whose life was ,but for others. A great donator and warrior of recognition through the ages was doomed to suffer,As Chitrgupa heard everything ,but denied salvation because of non-performance of the ritual-Shradh.It is said that he had come back for solely this purpose only.It is advised that if anything occurring this way anywhere ; invites the attention for this ritual to be performed. It is further added that even the Janampatri reflects of this curse.

Saturday, 13 September 2014

097------------------------A Dr. from Southern India spoke very recently,"His son ,an engineer-student came into the contact of fundamentalists who prepared him for the fight in Iraq.He went there and was gunned down in the fight."  "-----will meet the hon'ble Home-Minister to get those involved punished who   pollutted his son's mind  " he added.His sorrow and pain can be easily understood from this pathetic situation .But this also alarms one and all to let the fundamentalism under tight control,for not only uneducated,but basically students have been becoming prey to this nexus.Another example is from the Banglore based parents whose well qualified children were found involved in the Heathrow airport-attack  and were shot dead.It is not easy to face the fight when the world opinion is one sided and well-supported.
These two examples are sufficient enough to convince that there is a failure at the leadership level,otherwise in an age when  God particle found is believed to be the secret of existence of our universe with further fear that it may cause the destruction of the whole universe in certain situations.Instead the stone-age thinking prevailing anywhere may jeopardise the lives of the civilised world.The pathetic pictures scenes very recently not only disturb ,but appear like horrifying dreams,disturbing one and all .Whosoever dies in the fight is the important human being with precious life.
The history is replete with examples ,that too scientfically proved that there is long and tedious journey for the human-beings to be in the present shape and for the other world ,still there is search after search and Ultimate Truth is awaited.
Dr.APJAbdul Kalam,Our very popular President of India ,also known for his candid approach,declares once,No muslim is born terrorist but the education they get in some Madrasas make them so.The need of the hour is this that changes through the quality-education may be brought ,or we will suffer this way losing the important lives of the human-beings with endless fight and war.

Friday, 5 September 2014

096-------------Happy Teachers Day

The old age proverb goes to say that a teacher, rather Guru is a person who melts his personality in order to enlighten the lives of the others.The Prime Minister of India has called the teachers the modern architect of the Nation”,who has evry responsibility of shaping the Future of Generations and  Nation.How important is this profession that even during the mogul period ,when the king detained his own father ,he rejected his father’s demand of teaching to prince and princesses so as to avoid any fear of his own children going astray.
Indian Philosophy always claims] xq:% câek]xq:% fo’.kq ]xq:% nsoks egs”ojk;%] xq:% lk{kkr ije câe%]rLeS Jh xq:%os ue% i-e. Even the God and Goddess are placed with teacher and in case there is any confusion because of the presence of both the Two.Kabir Das ji goes a step further and declares to place Guru or teacher first and then comes the no.of God and Goddesses. xq: xksfoUn nks; [kMs ]dkds ykxw ik;]cfygkjh xq: vkius]xksfoUn fn;ks feyk;  This is true also ,for this Guru  takes the tiresome journey of learning to the children so as to let him  tide over  successfully in the life.His work with dedication and devotion assumes prime importance and takes him to the age of no retirement, as Prime Minister asserts too. The Nation pays a great respect this day which reminds us that no mistake is ever committed in accepting and joining this stream in life. The Government of Uttar Pradesh has gone one step further and has made it mandatory for the officials ,whosoever he or she may be ,to behave properly and respect the teachers ,failing which the action shall be initiated.
Not only so, This has been my personal experience that more and more respect is showered on by our armed forces who take every care while working along with them or in the schools or colleges situated in their premises. They feel ,”no problems  shall come to the teachers” .Besides ,the officer big or small has no boundation or parameter for the teachers and in their treatment. Nothing greater may be from this situation. Hence,a Great Job ,of Course.
In return ,it becomes our bounden duty to reaffirm with faith and confidence that “we won’t leave any stone unturned in doing our best for the upliftment of our children,empowering them with the weapons of learning  and in shaping the Nation’s future. In the age of terrorism, when our people ,specially our armed forces are engaged in their job of serious nature, we must keep them free from the side of their wards ’learning and let us give  best at the best.”
Since ,Nation wishes us ‘Happy Teacher’s Day’,We must only give the best return, so that thanks with a sense of pride may also added to the great services at the time Celebration next Year.
Jai Hind

Tuesday, 2 September 2014

095------------------The Struggle for Youth in Life  
-----;g foMEcuk gh dgk tk;sxk fd cnyrh gqbZ nqfu;k esa thou thus dh tnnkstgn esa vkt dh ;qok ih<h fnXHkzfer izrhr gksrh gSAbldk ewyHkwr dkj.k rks gekjh f”k{kkO;oLFkk esa gh fNik gS]vkt dk Nk= “kS{kf.kd laLFkku esa de le; nsuk gh fgrdj le>rkgS ]tks t:jh Hkh gSAmnkgj.kkFkZ] fnYyh fo”ofo|ky; esa ch0,0dk ikB;dze 03 c’kZ rd djus ds fojks/k esa /kjuk&iznZ”ku Hkh gq;s A
Ldwyh f”k{kk gesa ikjEifjd rjhdks ls gh f”kf{kr djrh gS vkSj fdlh cMs cnyko dh vksj dSls lQy cuk;s ]v|ru “ksk/k tkjh gSA
Nk=ksa dks tkx:d djuk lekt dh izFke ftEesnkjh gS vkSj ikB;dze esa vkt dh ekaxkuq:Ik lq/kkj dh Hkh vko”;drk  gSAlekt esa in&izfr’Bk dks ysdj gksus okys cnyko esa /ku dh viuh vge Hkwfedk LFkku izkIr dj jgh gS vkSj /ku lEcU/kh f”k{kk Ldwy@dkystks es u ds cjkcj gSAiwoZ esa Ldwy Lrj ij fuos”k ds lEcU/k esa lapkf;dk tSls dk;Zdze ds ek/;e ls FkksMh&cgqr tkudkjh eqgS;k djk;h tkrh Fkh]ysfdu vaxzsth lksp ds yksxks us mu reke lEHkkoukvksa dks gh lekIr dj fn;k A
,d le; Fkk]tc ge xqyke Fks vkSj vaxzsth f”k{kk Hkh gesa mruh gh tkudkjh nsrh Fkh ]fd ge ];f|Ik lekt dk izfrf’Br “kCn]vf/kdre ckcwth cudj ns”k@lekt dh lsok esa viuk ;ksxnku ns lds]ysfdu ;g vktknh izkIr djus rd dkQh izpfyr jgk ]rRri”pkr lekt dk ,yhV oxZ  vkdf’kZr gqvk ,oa os flfoy lsok esa tkus yxs]ftldk vkdZ’k.k v|ru cjdjkj gSA
1980 ds n”kd ds ckn egRrh vko”;drk izcU/ku ds {ks= esa mHkjdj vk;h ]tc lekt @ns”k dks dsoy iz”kklfud fu;U=.k ls fn”kk nsuk ,oa n”kk lq/kkjuk lEHko izrhr ugha gqvkA;gh dkj.k gS fd flfoy lsok ijh{kkvksa esa vfHk:fp ds lkFk gh fu.kZ;u  vkSj izcU/ku ij Hkh tksj fn;k tkus yxkAvkt ds Hkkjrh; lekt esa izR;sd o;fDr dsoy vQlj cuuk pkgrk gS vkSj fdlh Hkh NksVs Lrj dk deZpkjh cuus esa viekfur le>rk gS ;k fQj etcwjho”k gh dk;Z djuk pkgrk gSAleh{kk vf/kdkjh ;k mi&foRr vf/kdkjh vkfn blds thrs &tkxrs mnkgj.k gSAckctwn blds fd ;ksX; ,oa vuqHkoh etnwjksa dh ekax yxkrkj cuh gqbZ g]S ysfdu Lo;a tSlk fd iwoZ jk’Vifr Jh vCnqy dyke egksn; us Hkh dgk]fd muds }kjk fdlh laLFkku esa Nk=ksa ls okrkZyki ds nkSjku deZpkjh cuus dh ckr fdlh us ugha Lohdkjh ,oa bruk gh ugha ]dksbZ Hkh Nk= f”k{kd cuus ds fy, Hkh rS;kj ugha Fkk];g mlls Hkh gSjkuh okyh ckr gSAblls Hkh c<dj eku Hkh fy;k tk; fd lHkh yksx vf/kdkjh cuk fn, tk;]tks lEHko ugha gS]ns”k dk Hkyk ugha gks ldrkA** fMXfuVh vkWQ yscj** ,oa **bZp vdkWfMZx Vq fgt uhM ,UM VSysUV** ds vuqlkj gh thou esa dke;kch izkIr djrk gSAvkxs c<us ds volj lnSo fo|eku jgs gSa A
ysfdu ;gkW O;fDr ds O;fDrRo ds lokZxh.k fodkl ij tksj nsus dh vko”;drk Ldwy@dkWystksa ls eglwl dh tkrh jgh gS]ftlds vHkko esa ;qok ih<h dks Lo;a ds vuqHkwr lQy ,oa vlQy iz;ksxksa rd lhfer j[kk x;k gS A;g dVq lR; gS fd vO;oLFkfr fnup;kZ ;k KkukHkko esa HkVdu dh fLFkfr vo”; iSnk gksrh gS]tks [kkldj ;qokvksa dks dgha u dgha fopfyr dj nsrh gS vkSj os lle; loZFkk mfpr fu.kZ; ds vHkko esa vius thou esa dkQh fnDdrksa@ijs”kkfu;ksa vkfn dk lkeuk djras gSA
gekjk ns”k fodkl”khy ns”k gS]tgkW leL;k vf/kd ,oa lek/kku de gh utj vkrs gSa]blhfy, ;gkW thou ,d la?k’kZ gS]yxHkx lHkh ds lkeus vU; ns”kksdh rqyuk esa dqN vf/kd gh gSA
thou ,d la?k’kZ gS ;k la?k’kZ gh thou gS ][kkldj mu yksxks dks fopfyr ugha dj ikrk ]tks izR;sd ifjfLFkr dks ekdwy dj ;k fu;U=.k esa j[kdj fot;Jh xys yxkrs gSA                           dze'k%