Friday 18 July 2014

080--------------A True Love Story
What a Sordid scene !
When seen,it pricked me at heart and suddenly felt
,"Had world renowned environmentalist  been present,he would hve taken the strict measures against the culprit."
But,What to do! Life is replete with examples ,  or it is easy to listen  or  more easier to preach but difficult to follow.The examples simply keep us alert time to time ,Upto what level shall they have under their pressure ,only God or the person at sufferance  knows.
"Fly away ! Thou art born for that " could convince a prisoner in England ,when came out of jails who purchased all the birds and just after let them be free.For flying in the sky,the bird says"Freedom is life"
This is the freedom which comes in man's life,but the society takes it away,everynow and then ,putting the pressure.The war breaks out and life of some one aspiring for freedom goes.Thanks to French Revolution ;though no thanks is ever given to any revolution,for giving freedom ,equality and difficult is it to maintain,only a great soldier knows it.He melts his personality to let the air of freedom pass our way.
''200Rs he said,suddenly brought me back from the world of freedom.
No! I will give you 150 Rs.He refused.and signs on his face confirmed that he would not sell for less than 200Rs.
Perceiving no way out ,I simply gave 200Rs. and took the cage with me.Laughingly ! he said, cage ---free-------a gift----!
I simply smiled with a sign of punch as if someone stronger might have given !

The moment I reached home,the home ministry as it did not approve of it  earlier was fired like anything ,For a moment It appeared as if the exchange of fire needs to be extinguished.As usual,after the age of 45 as said,it becomes unbearable to bear with the comment----------- ,for not heart but Mind works on the principle of logic ----that too endlessly unrevelling its fold after folds.
On everything being normal,I had to explain the reason and the necessity to save the life of "the innocent ones"
.Howsoever,the inductive logic of saving the Earth with its flaura and fauna prevailed with the result to be ok.The world is partial,the man has developed everything in the name of the humanity towards his own interest.Other creatures crave for the love and affection of their master on the earth.
"He" remained with me at my home,but distressed and disturbed.For a few days it was ok,but lonliness as seen was somewhat deepening ------------I felt,Company he needs.This is where God might have relised ,the life might go on only in the company of Two.The absence of one enhances the importance of other.No logic ,but Love ,really the intertwinning force narrating something -----beyond description checks and balances the Life.
I had no option ,but to manage for "She" and it succeded ."She" too came.
 The first day was a unique day "He" was somewhat shy and was seen maintaining a distance.Out of shyness and also the obduracy on the part of "She' led to maintain the distance too.Love at First sight may be true for Shakepearean heroes ,but here it seemed to be failed.
However, those poor "ones" forgot that the inquisitive eyes of others were on them and any out of  each and every second may be a turning point .
Gradually and gradually days were running,the littile melting of emotion seemed to be going for a new story to be written anew.The idea that siting with a net will bring a bird in cage oneday seemed gaining ground.the Eyeballs were rolling with something to say.
The interest to know and read about them like an intruder in the  world for something to know first and than sharing with others suddenly caught me .Their activities or any movement was a point for me to entertain my self.
At this stage,as in the human world ,the child feels ashamed first at "her"sight , but runs towards his home and secretly enters his room and stands  before the mirror ,suddenly taking out his comb with  shirt-collers to be right  and fiiting to be checked with smile after smile  naturally running in between the dimples go ahead of narrating something which our pen failed to ------.
"He" was also seen behaving the same way with every care to his body and living hibitat,a little mistake may leave the scorches to be seen and repent in the later part.
None is loved ,but Love is blessed in disguise like boon ,though ,for the time being,a strong entity engulfing the human or world society .
Oneday while serving them,I was stunned, as their eyes were saying something ,though blinking.
Lo ! I felt ,Love story  begins now !
Hindi poet has strongly narrated,"  Kehat,natat,reejhat,khijat,milat,khilat,laziyaat,Bharai bhaun mein karat hain,nainan se hi baat .!"( Lover to beloved-----------"Said,reply-No,smilingly shrinking of the face,then,met,and laughed fully giving the utmost impression of true love )
What was surprising was the beginning of the love story in the same manner ,as vogue in the human society.Not only he did these things,there was a strong response from"She",though with a restraint as Nature has given the power of only impressions appearing which need to be read or step to be taken first never comes."She" is blessed with the power of subdueing even the strongest feeling.
The Time was rolling with its own speed,and one day both came closer ,as if  known from earlier.
Her patting "He" with her nose and love from all direction made a happy couple.
Oneday" He" was wounded,I had to bring medicines,I wanted to catch,but "He" was not ready.I wrapped my hand with a peace of cloth,and forcefully took"him" out and smeared the medicine on the wounded part.The moment I left"him" inside  and locked it,I saw"her" coming to him patting "him" this way, as when own spouse encourages with light patting .
The days came and gone by,the true love could be seen ,both were very close sitting with each other without caring of what others feel,and speak out in the open making it a subject matter of laughter.But,Love is love,it is not altered ,when alteration found,let others say what seem to them good.Pyar diwana hota hain ,mastana hota hain,her ghadi,her gum se begana hota hain(True love is like an unbriddled horse,It does not care ,for love is love.)
Living together,sitting closer and speaking something to each other without making me  understand ,but simply assessing the situation.
Stunning was it when I saw ----------------------Lo ! shru ho gayi love story(Love story begins now)-------------------------Love is love ,it is love,all the definitions given are incorrect ,for love is love beyond any description.........................Let us see ,only a happy ending--------------!

Note-----He/She are the characters in dark.

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