---------------This world is very beautiful ,so is the case with the universe.Each
and everything has something to narrate.Only thing expected of us is to find
and appreciate ,feel happy and later to share with it.Sometimes out of
depression, some people either create problems for themselves due to their
constant failures or because of the heavy pressure created by the situation or
circumstances tend to commit suicide or live the life, as if this were the heavy
burden to bear with.This is true that all the theories or the things can not
spare us from the icy cold hands of Death ,which is the ultimate Truth for the
life .But Time for that is fixed.William Shakespeare has narrated that
sometimes so much honor is given to those passed away or dead that even having
the negative thinking or against the Death,people like to leave the World with
a story or legacy left behind in the same manner,their funeral becomes
inspiring..The Death is never welcome and surprisingly the impending danger
from the Death makes everyone sick .Even Yudhister,while answering the
questions of Yaksha (angel) admitted that everybody knows about the Death ,but
nobody is ready to die.Hence,only sick or those poor fellow may think of
suicide otherwise this world is like a battlefield where we have to adjust
ourselves to live happily or let others live happily ,as RigVeda declares.Not
one ,but ‘’all people are my brothers and sisters(vasudhev Kutumkem) living
together in the home called earth.Hence,failures in life is a transient
(temporary )phase.This shall never stay in the life ,but for the time
being.Besides,each and every failure has something important hidden for us
always inspiring to do something.Hence,we have to live in this beautiful world
with appreciation of the beautiful creatures or things,we have to find the
beauty in these things,for beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder.We feel
happy at the beautiful sights and its intensity is increased ,when it is shared
with others.Everybody might have experienced that when someone agrees to the
beautiful picture seen with ourselves,it gives more pleasure .The smiling face
of the child or the blossoming flowers are more beautiful.Let us take an
example of this beautiful picture.
The pic is most beautiful ,not because it is beautifully taken ,but even without utterance of a single word,it speaks at length.Anybody may get impressed at the beauty of it ,,but the intensity of pleasure is increased when it is shared with the acceptance of the words related to this beauty.Had Poet Biharii been present here,he would have said about the picture appended below 'Kehat,natat,reejhat,khijat,milant,khilat,laziyaat,---
Bharai bhaun mein karat hain,nainen se hi baat. (Said,Denied,felt loved of,smiled,met suddenly,good laugh with pleasure at heart,later moved to the feeling of being shamed of by self because of the presence of others,These eyes are very much talkative even in the broad daylight ).Whosoever may see it,the imprecision is like that of painting of Monalisa ;famous because of the great smile on the face. John Keats rightly said'beauty is truth,Truth beauty,that's all".Indian philosophy adheres that ‘’Truth is Shiva,Shiva is beauty” ,Transient nature of beauty is for the time being.The true beauty is for all the time to come.This is something higher or need exploratory approach in life.
However in real world,This picture is really at the best and the constant source of Inspiration to those closely associated with it. Even it is experienced ,the beautiful picture from our life ,may be from youth days or when we were child,when seen ,it gives us a lot of pleasure, we enjoy it ceaselessly.Even if someone is fat or prey of obesity or the body seems to be like a rolling sack of Potato ,the beautiful picture taken earlier may be fixed on the point with easy access to see everyday .The result shall be -----the constant inspiration and doing what Dr. suggest towards reducing the fat.
However in real world,This picture is really at the best and the constant source of Inspiration to those closely associated with it. Even it is experienced ,the beautiful picture from our life ,may be from youth days or when we were child,when seen ,it gives us a lot of pleasure, we enjoy it ceaselessly.Even if someone is fat or prey of obesity or the body seems to be like a rolling sack of Potato ,the beautiful picture taken earlier may be fixed on the point with easy access to see everyday .The result shall be -----the constant inspiration and doing what Dr. suggest towards reducing the fat.
Hence,let see ,find,feel and share beauty with a motto for the happy living in this happy world !
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