Thursday, 13 February 2014


Jai Sri krishna
Aapki Sada Jai Ho !
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 (Atra shooramaheshwasa Bhimarjunsama yudhi I
Yuyudhano Viratschawa Mararathah II)----04
Dhristaketuschakitanah kashirajasch Veervan I
Purufjitkantibhojaschshavasch narpunngavaah II----005
Yudhabhimanyusch Vikrant uttamaujasch Veeryavan I
Saubhadrau Draupde;aasch sarva ev maharathah II--006
Duryodhan leaves no stone unturned in speaking out before his Guru Dronacharya.He stresses time and again that the Great worriers ,archers are on the side of enemy and surprisingly they are no less powerful than Bheem and Arjun.Yuyudhan (A great worrier Satyaki ),Virat and Drupad are the great worriers and are ready to fight.
(Laughingly )Dhoomketu (whose father was killed by Krishna for having failed not to cross more than 100 mistakes or blunders,is with his enemy’s side.)Chekitan,Kashiraj ; a powerful worrier ,Purujit and Kuntibhoj,Shavya ; a supreme commander amongst the human-beings,Famous warriors from Panjal Desh,Yudhmanyu and Uttamauja (appointed to take care of Arjun’s chariot ),Subhadra was Arjun’ssister and her son Abhimanyu,all five sons of Draupadi are all great worriers and Maharathi ( capable of controlling  and commanding ten thousand archers at a time )
Whether this is Duryodhan’s motivational skill as leader or to increase the level of confidence out of the tough war going to happen very soon. Naming the Great leaders on the opposite side undoubtedly carries a deep meaning. It also gives the impression that the Guru’s role is of prime importance and in spite of the fact that the Guru’s disciples are on the both side and bestowing upon Arjun the great boon of making  him the world famous worrier has been the main target of Guru’s teaching  which Duryodhan is conscious of. Both time and place play an important role in the war ,this must be out of any favoritism / nepotism or attachment ;is the main motto of Duryodhan. ,Meanwhile. Here the Gita gives this message also that in the whole world the infights begin with attachment which the whole humanity is a prey of. Overcoming attachment through detachment is a real battle in the life and if humanity failed ,Death liberates of this bondage in life.
There is presence of leaders like Satiyka who learnt the art of archery from Arjun ; sufficient to understand him. Arjun ; though his very dear disciple is in his against and that too along with Satiyka. Scholars believe that Duryodhan is very clever even in naming the worriers before his Guru with this impression that at no stage, the Guru might per-sense his motto or about an act of instigation. He speaks of King Virat who is symbol of power to be subdued .Very cunningly he names the King Drupad who was once his Guru’s friend .His friendship suffered a lash when King Drupad differentiated in between king or beggar and thus he insulted Guru  Dronacharya forgetting the friendship and hence, the right time is just now to begin and to wreak vengeance or to take revenge ,clearly indicating  to  punish him out of insult he did.
Not only so,he names other worriers with the reputation ,they had in the war at that time.This is true that the prior information about these worriers makes it a challenge to win the battle at any cost.He dreams of Win-Win situation and beforehand, it is his strategically - approach of apprising his Guru. This is the reason that he resorted everything in the war to have the winning edge later. First time ,there was a deviation  from the universally  accepted tenets of Dharam Yudha,for most of the worriers named now were brutally killed out of espionage designed and fabricated at the behest of Duryodhan ( a symbol of evil and bad ).
(To be continued )
Rest leave in the hands of the Lord Krishna .May He showers his love and affection and blesses  one and all the world wide for their happiness, good health, wealth, weal ,welfare. peace and prosperity and remove the darkness pervading before !
 Amen !

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