Tuesday, 4 February 2014

045---------(0003) -Gita-----
Jai Sri krishna
Aapki Sada Jai Ho !
**Ik”;Srka ik.Mqi`=k.kkekpk;Zaegrha peweA
O;w<ka nzqiniq=s.k rc f”k’;s.k /kherk~AA**
“O ! Acharya (Guru) ,See  Pandu-sons’ big Army 0r warring forces Erected  with The Vihoo-formation(a secret military formation) in the war-field by Your intelligent disciple (Drupad son-Dhritadhumn) .”
Sometimes ,this happens in life that in order to get the answer of our choice, either negative or the statement aiming at the inner feelings to come out ,people resort to instigating the instincts or try to touch the inner through bombastic approach. The Disciple and that too intelligent  may stand against his Guru is said to be impossible.
Right from the time of Draupadi’s Swamber (Where the Girl was given the liberty of choosing the groom of her choice )Duryodhan was against Drupad and his kingdom.Taking it as an insult to the Indian worriers. He criticized the condition of the Swamber .No,doubt ,his son was was at Duryodhan’s target.The use of word ‘intelligent’ is ironical,For Duryodhan himself  uses the word’intelligent’ very intelligently before his Guru and waiting for the reaction of the Guru.
Whether Pandu Sons forces have unnerved Duryodhan or he has adopted the tactics to be on firm-fighting terms that the enemy is not an easy prey and we have to think again and again to review our preparation.and also trying to pour more venom into the ears of his Guru that when his intelligent disciple is not understanding his(Guru ‘s)importance ,No room is now left for any sort of excuse or forgiveness and rather situation of this nature invite the fury of punishment.
(To be continued )
Rest leave in the hands of the Lord Krishna .May He showers his love and affection and blesses  one and all the world wide for their happiness, good health, wealth, weal ,welfare. peace and prosperity and remove the darkness pervading before !
 Amen !

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