Tuesday, 21 January 2014


(0001) Jai Sri krishna
                                      Aapki Sada Jai Ho !
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''Dhratarashtra speaks –O ! sanjay !Collected in the Dharambhoomi (Pious field ) Kurushetra,What did  my sons and those of Pandu ;Eagerly waiting for the war  ? ''
The Real story begins here. Dhratarashtra who is a blind king,but is impatient all the time and is unable to be  present in the pious Warfield of Kurushetra ,but wants to know the result minute per result through the eyes of Sanjay. This clearly reflects the attachment of the person who, whether under the pressures of the circumstances or manly weakness like attachment and maya (Illusion of wealth or matter in this transient world )is unable to control the happenings of the war. He possesses the sense that the War-field is the pious and perceives the forthcoming result of the happenings going on ,but inability to control and being dependent on the result is restricted to human weakness. Hence ,the reason of being impatient .Both the sides are keen, eager and bent upon the  in- fight in the Warfield.
He asks Sanjay to narrate what both the side did in the Warfield.
Despite of the blindness of Dhritrashtra indicating our ignorance ;for both matter and maya are of no use for an ignorant person ,still the unlimited wish to acquire power, pelf or position  in this Transient world is a great surprise. Let the war bring forth the result sometimes becomes the need of the Hour in the so-called modern world too.
Sanjay is equipped with the distant vision to watch .Osho Rajneesh has also said of such  a vision lying inherent in every human-beings which need to be developed. Teeth in California is said to be possessed with such a vision in the modern times.                                             (To be continued )
Rest leave us in the hands of the Lord Krishna .May He showers his love and affection and blesses  one and all the world wide for their happiness, good health, wealth, weal ,welfare. peace and prosperity and remove the darkness pervading before ! Amen !

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