Tuesday, 14 January 2014

033-------------------------’Talks are very cheap ---------- !’Really a very insulting remark !But just see,it seems very much true too.Anybody may say anything against anyone at any point of time without understanding to what extent  remark  of such nature has a penetrating repercussion and hurting the sense and sensibility of others.

In order to meet with the immediate gains or rather a shortcut formula to be in the lime-light ,some people held responsible for even those who are no more and they write and speak in such a vulgar ways that it becomes very hard to bear with.Political gains or say ,short-term gains may serve the purpose for the time being,but not for all the time to come.The people being at liberty doesn't mean to drag the faith and confidence of the people  and hurt to the feelings of others.The Imagination or the thoughts  ,as Osho remarks,pave the way for the Science to come afterwards.The science tries to measure everything with the instruments,the results are always soothing places everyone to think awhile.Its journey is on since its birth,and no doubt ,it has given a lot to mankind. But, still various research counter-dict most of the things. In the field of medicines ,it is generally seen.It is surprising to note ,even today,the Dr. gives prescription in the name of  Almighty and carries most of the tests based on probability.The efforts to reveal Truth  from the mysteries of life and universe are always welcome in the modern times.Its journey is also from imperfection to perfection.Let us remove the blots ,but with facts and truth and not with our bent of thinking which is limited to the boundaries in many a cases !

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