Monday, 27 January 2014

0043-----------------Gita----(0002)    Jai Sri krishna !

n`’Vok~ rw ik.Mokuhda O;w<a nq;ks/kuLrnk A
                        vkpk;ZeqilxaE;     jktk      opueczohr~AA
“Sanjay speaks –The Vihoo-formation in the war-field erected by the Pandava was seen by Duryodhan that time. He went to Dronacharya and thus said this statement.”
“This clearly confirms that even during the time of Dharam Yudhha ,the attempt to know beforehand  about the strategy and tactics of the opposites were too made. The only difference existing was a fight in between worriers on the Warfield unlike the present system where attempts are made to cause harm and injuries to the general public in order to draw the attention of the Govt. or to create animosity amongst the people.
Though a few in the no., but presence on the side in an effective array with discipline ,imposes the great impression  in war-field unnerving the other side.
The obstinate and obdurate nature of Duryodhan takes him to his Guru which is very confusing to note. Whether this was related to serve any hidden purpose or to show honor to the Guru as per Indian culture where Guru is more important than God himself, For every failure or success, the way goes through the Guru.
Duryodhan did not proceed to Bhisma Pitameh ,may be because of the fear of getting the strategical move to be wekened or spread far and wide or secracy to be leaked  ,for despite every reason for the Captain ,the utmost love and affection possessed by Bhismah Pitameh lies with Arjun or his team ;very earksome to him.Guru whom he knew better in every aspect could better assess the situation and may discuss with Captain  later or in between the wartime.
 Whatever may be the reason that time ,one thing not to forget is this that “villain is villain ,even if he smiles ,he is a villain” in the matters related to the conflicts and in the language of the war.It is also said that the Gyan if lies with Good people,it becomes an asset to peace and properity  and if otherwise the wrongs shall come to the humanity. The coming episode shall open the new vistas to understand each and everything ,however the farsightedness to understand and caliber  to calculate the situation for bringing the results to his side lies with Duryodhan.
This may be a guess only and left to the individual capacity and ability to assess the situation.
 (To be continued )
Rest leave in the hands of the Lord Krishna .
A true incident is narrated in Mathura and Vrindavan ,where one day ,TTE in RadhaRani Express running in between Vrindavan and Mathura was devoted to Lord Krishna ,for whom It was a daily routine to come to worship Lord and than running fastly to perform his duties on the train.One day ,he came hastily and took more time in getting Lord'sdarshan and when returned ,the train left for Mathura.The train going without TTE would invite serious disciplinary action ,so TTE was very disturbed as things were expected upto his resignation,but what really happened is left on friends to find out .----------
May He showers his love and affection and blesses  one and all the world wide for their happiness, good health, wealth, weal ,welfare. peace and prosperity and remove the darkness pervading before ! Amen !

Tuesday, 21 January 2014

042-------------I have written a letter  to my Dr. for the best treatment ,he gave to me on 14th of 2013.

Your Patient

Shri Ravi Rai,
 The Doctor
 Upon Treatment to me,
Ruchit Hospital,
Gorakhpur (UP).
 Subject - A Letter of Thanks.
Dear Sir,
             With due deference and very humble submission,This is my first and foremost duty to extend my deeply heart-felt thanks to You which I think is more or less formal .Informally,even to say anything  in return what you did to me during the emergency treatment on 14th of December,2013 shall  be a menial attempt.The Dr. is said to  be next to the God is correct not only 100 % but  more than the  limit of percentage traced in the human society.The sudden increase of my Blood Pressure in between 174 to 130 with heart beating fluctuating in between 50 to 90  was a very first unique experience of the Life .All theories ceased to exist.The eyes were dimly fixed on the readings of your machine asking my true friends from Gorakhpur, whether there is improvement or I am going to leave one and all for ever.Truly said,Death is never dangerous ,but the fear of impending death breaks the man was really experienced.Your presence with injection and forcefully letting the pills through the mouth  despite vomiting were a great surprise ,for I have not faced  any problems in eatables on  right from bad to good place.The close monitoring and treating me with your better to the best efforts was a surprise,for the signs of sadness ,though present on my face with something to say that time were seen to be reflected back on your face ,thus creating a rapport or unknown relation into the best in the world.
This dramatic scene ,though real and concrete changed entire outlook in my life.I came to realize that everybody's life is important in the world,where the pre-defined roles are to be performed.A little carelessness results so heavily that a line of demarcation takes no time in between Life and Death.There is no doubt,a Reason behind everything in this universe.'Even a vernal wood may teach you more than all the sages can'may be true to William Wordsworth ,but Had he experienced such type of happening before the Dr.on the Earth ,all theories and philosophy would conclude,''Thank You,Dr."The treatment given has made me fully well just within a month and Now I bow to accede to the suggestion by you and the heath-exercises for two hours everyday and placing  the beautiful  beautiful picture ,taken earlier,pasted on  my door for the constant inspiration,and following Baba Ram Dev 's Yog and Pranayam and regular check-up for health consciousness  convince me that they are not only correct,but save us becoming the ludhakta hua aallo ka bora( like Rolling  potato sack ).
I wish every sort of success for my Dr.with prayer to the God for making your future resplendent and empowering you and your soothing hands to serve humanity.
Thank you,very much.

Yours etc.


(0001) Jai Sri krishna
                                      Aapki Sada Jai Ho !
/keZ{ks=s dq:{ks=s leosrk ;q;qRlo% A
Ekkedk% ik.Mo ik.MokJpSo fdedqoZr lat; AA
''Dhratarashtra speaks –O ! sanjay !Collected in the Dharambhoomi (Pious field ) Kurushetra,What did  my sons and those of Pandu ;Eagerly waiting for the war  ? ''
The Real story begins here. Dhratarashtra who is a blind king,but is impatient all the time and is unable to be  present in the pious Warfield of Kurushetra ,but wants to know the result minute per result through the eyes of Sanjay. This clearly reflects the attachment of the person who, whether under the pressures of the circumstances or manly weakness like attachment and maya (Illusion of wealth or matter in this transient world )is unable to control the happenings of the war. He possesses the sense that the War-field is the pious and perceives the forthcoming result of the happenings going on ,but inability to control and being dependent on the result is restricted to human weakness. Hence ,the reason of being impatient .Both the sides are keen, eager and bent upon the  in- fight in the Warfield.
He asks Sanjay to narrate what both the side did in the Warfield.
Despite of the blindness of Dhritrashtra indicating our ignorance ;for both matter and maya are of no use for an ignorant person ,still the unlimited wish to acquire power, pelf or position  in this Transient world is a great surprise. Let the war bring forth the result sometimes becomes the need of the Hour in the so-called modern world too.
Sanjay is equipped with the distant vision to watch .Osho Rajneesh has also said of such  a vision lying inherent in every human-beings which need to be developed. Teeth in California is said to be possessed with such a vision in the modern times.                                             (To be continued )
Rest leave us in the hands of the Lord Krishna .May He showers his love and affection and blesses  one and all the world wide for their happiness, good health, wealth, weal ,welfare. peace and prosperity and remove the darkness pervading before ! Amen !

Monday, 20 January 2014

040---------------0002/Gita/                   Jai Sri krishna
                                       Aapki Sada Jai Ho !
                 deZ.;sokf/kdkjLrs ekW Qys’kq dnkpu A
                Ekk deZQy gsrqHkwZ%ek rs lMÛxks∙LRodeZf.k AA
" The Duty of the man is to Work.This is his right.None must aspire for the result.This is the work that leads Man  to gain the result,All ambition and aspiration must be in Work or rather karma ,not Leaving it inbetween .The result is not in his hands."
This is much quoted hymn/Sloka which clearly gives the message that the man gains the result according to the Karma .Work is worship to him.The result shall come .The whole world runs under this current,whether Living-beings or human beings,all are involved in performance of the Karma, .Whereas the animals are restricted to  meet with their biological need,the Human-beings have other than this.Their Karma has greater things hidden.The hidden makes us believe whether there is a role by other powers  or so much sophisticated system evolved all of sudden.The man always struggle for this mystery to unfold.He always try to excl in it.The struggle in-between the Man-made world or the Nature ‘s creation have got certain laws ,the most  of the time the later prevails.People work hard day and night and create a world for themselves ,but within seconds,everything is changed for the future being unknown.
However,the constant theory of the work leads us to the result sometimes being favorable or the other time unfavorable. The concept of Karma is more than that.The rewards are not within the hands or reach.Hence,the true devotion and dedication must never waver in the performance of the Karma.Good Karma brings good results or bad Karma puts forth the bad result .This is true that the known bad ones be avoided .Sometimes,they are not within the reach of the human-beings.Our main aim in life is to perform Karma,Let it continue as per the roles defined ,Leaving it in between or before the completion or surrendering leads us to  now where ,though the efforts never go wasted.This is learning too.

Rest leave  in the hands of the Lord Krishna .May He showers his love and affection and blesses one and all the world wide for their happiness, good health, wealth, weal ,welfare. peace and prosperity and remove the darkness pervading before ! Amen !

Sunday, 19 January 2014


(0001) Jai Sri krishna        Aapki Sada Jai Ho !
May You shower your love and affection and bless one and all the world wide for their happiness,good health,wealth, weal ,welfare, peace and prosperity and remove the darkness pervading before and enable me to share your teachings for our leanings a midst my friends and all !Amen  !

Saturday, 18 January 2014

038--------------------Pick the Best in the World
One day ,while watching a movie, an idea struck to my mind that every teaching and learning takes us to the qualitative approach in life. What is best at the individual level ,or the society or in other terms the world community expects of us is or has been the motto before us. What best we can think of can be traced in the world literature. Other than technological advancement or new inventions ,everything seems to be prevailing here ,though the efforts might have been made earlier or is in the process ,which results of the Individual of  three type -01-Those who go with the times and think it better to pass their time ,(2) those who bow down before the circumstances and (3) Thirdly  are no doubt ,thoses who are always impatient and want to bring something new or Their entire perception ,work or leading roles are aimed at creating a  new world order .There is no denial of the fact that the bondage or the curb on the liberty to do so creates problems to them, when their work becomes a problem to the liberty and freedom of others or poses a threat to the co-existence within the ethnic diversity ; the ultimate truth of the Modern age or time. Despite of every efforts by the impatient who want no change or want to colour the world with one colour .Quite impossible is this or every efforts shall take to the stone-age thinking or applicable to animals world where unlike human, what one sheep ,for instance  does, others do the same to follow without any exercise on the mind or brain, But why to held them responsible ,to a sigh of relief to us ,they are from  the animal world. Hence, the talks to the quality of life emerges only with the human beings which has not attained still the saturation-point.
John Ruskin defines the quality as the result of the constant efforts and their result thereof. It may be added that the results need to be brought within the acceptability Zone of the new world order where as what our great men the world wide ,without having any attempt to underestimating their efforts and sayings etc. poured before us. The only need is to pick the best or as my personal perception What the new world has brought us in the form of Information technology or the better use of the technology for the weal and welfare of the people at large.
Whether is it poured before us or left to us to make the most of it ,every field requires the best yet to be achieved. The constant and continuous or continual efforts have to aim at enabling us to gain ; perfection always ahead of us to reach. The earning  or learning might go in to-gather. Every sight or scene has something to narrate .In Indian philosophy, Dattateraiya was a personality with a thirst to be  quenched every time. The flying birds or dog or other insects taught him .Hasan ,a great Islamic saint learnt from the dog or a child who molded his way of thinking.
Likewise, this is our duty to pick the best each and every time and as Johnson has said, the great tribute to the writer is to quote of what he said .Sharing caring  and contributing ,though of little importance, shall leave the footprints behind  to make the world a really living place to live in !

037------------------Ideas Rule the World
Once a Poet remarked that neither Gold,Silver , buildings or assets ,but ideas make the Nation great’’ .In the human world, the great people are like us, but as ShivKeda has said,’ ’The great people are not different, they work differently.’’ Out of the common talks and views ,they make the wonderful things. At the same time ,even during the course of chit-chat ,gossips or discussion ,various valuable ideas figure .Whether out of fatigue or laziness or measuring own image at low level or other reason whatsoever, such things go wasted. We remain where we are. The famous Jk Rauilings, a family-name today because of the publication of series on Harry Potter had numerous ideas, but due to one or the other problems ,she could not make the best of them. Her struggle  ,right from beginning, created innumerable difficulties and problems .it did not come in her ways, Her ideas possessed in the beginning  to now brought her name and fame .Mahatma Ghandhi took the ideas on Non-violence and truth from the great teachings of Lord Budhha and other great people .Using them on the appropriate time and place enabled him to be a world body whom the Nobel-prize Committee feel and find a historical mistake in having failed to reward him for the great contribution to the society and international community. The Former Prime Minister Tony Blair may have his own reservation or  individual thinking about the Gandhian philosophy ,it is true that these ideas on Truth and Non-violence will prevail ,since they reflect the real human qualities. The same case lies with Swami Ram dev ,Beginning his career from very low rank, he got ideas from Patanjali’s and has given to the world something great to which every body is indebted to.

This is true  that we have to value our ideas and on time ,they need to be implemented or others shall leave us behind in the race. The ideas must have a clear-cut picture. It enables for their easily – implementation.

Wednesday, 15 January 2014

036--------------------we have to create a Loving World.Ideal conditions nowhere exist.The crisis in different ideologies serve as a great platform for the hostile world to come into existence.Pt Jawaher Lal Nehru says ,"Always keep your vision wide,you will see yourself suddenly becoming a great man on this earth.'" and this is very much needed in today's' society.The smile of the child is beyond the reach of any theory.The God himself has given us such things to feel proud of .The love,smile,patience,help,co-operation,positivism,support,peace ,prosperity or what not are to one and all .No theory may acclaim to be perfect  . Many a or sometimes to feel everything is bestowed upon,though directly or indirectly.Once,A great painter thought of an idea that he "would make a painting to be the best in the world.He roamed about the different parts of the world,but subject was still beyond any reach.Sitting with his friend one day,he saw a smiling child in his home.He got the idea that the smiling child is the best suited to his subject.He made a painting.Everybody liked it.The appreciation and praise, he received at the hands of the people ,made him very-2 happy.After a few days,another idea struck to his mind ,he would make a painting on the subject watching which the people would lose their temper and welcome it with abusive words or their anger would be to the extremes.Again,his journey took him far and wide for the subject to be picked up and later on,to be decided.lastly he visited jail,he met with the topmost criminal whose life was just a story of topmost terrorist activities,he chose that subject and as usual,his painting knew no bar and everybody disliked it .Thus,it is clear that at least two great things are Godly-gift to us----a---Smiling child and  2---blossoming flower ,The moment we see,how happy we feel and the intensity of pleasure is increased ,when it is shared with others. Hence love /help/experience /come forward for the cause of one and all ,Humanity is sublime and superb ,Theories are man created Hence ,perfection is always wanting and reflect weaknesses .People may pat their back and may feel pleased for the time being ,but They come afterwards or what not.This world will not only be Loving Place ,but Life ,as you dream will always be beautiful. 

Tuesday, 14 January 2014

035-------------------Very surprisingly, a curious student asked me a Question !What is modern ? To some extent,it disturbed me ,but gave me a chance to answer .I feel !
1-If you speak in Hinglish  !
2-If we wear the the dress quite contrary to what is traditional !
3-The moment ,the size of our clothes goes on as short as------!
4-Whether we win any trophy,at least after purchasing from the market and whenever anybody visit home,bombastic speech on winning trophy seems having no stoppage !
5-Instead of sitting on the ground in order to take the food,whether someone waits or not ,we start gobbling with the food !
6-When our parents appear,suddenly,we retreat so as others may not recognize them !
7-Instead of serving at home, old age home may be traced for old to adjust !
8-When children start calling the alive papa as Dad !
9-When Ammu becomes Mom !
10-When Guruji (A Person who enlightens the life removing the darkness ) becomes Sir !
11-When something left in the legacy becomes the subject matter of in-fights !
12-When all evils shroud the thoughts !
13-When singing like a crow on the road !
14-When technological items become the subject matter of display !
15-When everything goes on becoming odd !
16-When the serious matter becomes the light subject !
17-When our great leaders are replaced by the musketeers !
18-When the milk is replaced by the wine !
19-When joint families are broken in the name of the advancement ! Despite the fact that the Single families take it as a matter of pride in showing as very beloved on the road and dramatic scene at home !
20-When to giggle before the aligns and to criticize boldly what is our own signifying the sacrifice of our great leaders or forefathers !
21-When the rate of poverty goes up and the economists fight on the TV showing as if their theories are keys to success ,despite of  every failure to serve the poor or the unemployed !
22-When let the people are made  maintain distance in the name of caste ,creed or religion !
23-When new diseases ,never heard before attack us !
24-When people   maintain relation only with computer or Laptop !
25-When life becomes serene and bound to machines or rather mechanical instead of emotional !
26-------When clothes are torn and shabbily dressed.
27-When Elders or Older ones wait for the respect from the Juniors or youngsters!
My list was on and on ,but I saw ,the student suddenly on his knees start running away crying --Guruji ! I donn't want to be modern ?

 Didi is very angry,She was not given Laptop to work !

033-------------------------’Talks are very cheap ---------- !’Really a very insulting remark !But just see,it seems very much true too.Anybody may say anything against anyone at any point of time without understanding to what extent  remark  of such nature has a penetrating repercussion and hurting the sense and sensibility of others.

In order to meet with the immediate gains or rather a shortcut formula to be in the lime-light ,some people held responsible for even those who are no more and they write and speak in such a vulgar ways that it becomes very hard to bear with.Political gains or say ,short-term gains may serve the purpose for the time being,but not for all the time to come.The people being at liberty doesn't mean to drag the faith and confidence of the people  and hurt to the feelings of others.The Imagination or the thoughts  ,as Osho remarks,pave the way for the Science to come afterwards.The science tries to measure everything with the instruments,the results are always soothing places everyone to think awhile.Its journey is on since its birth,and no doubt ,it has given a lot to mankind. But, still various research counter-dict most of the things. In the field of medicines ,it is generally seen.It is surprising to note ,even today,the Dr. gives prescription in the name of  Almighty and carries most of the tests based on probability.The efforts to reveal Truth  from the mysteries of life and universe are always welcome in the modern times.Its journey is also from imperfection to perfection.Let us remove the blots ,but with facts and truth and not with our bent of thinking which is limited to the boundaries in many a cases !

Monday, 13 January 2014

032-----------A true incident occurred in GujaratThe matter was like this that there was a demonstration before the gathering of the drunkards.The subject matter was related to drinking ,for it causes loss to the one or the other way.Many a families are destroyed leaving the family members on the road .It is very intoxicating and hence,it should be taken at any cost.Some insects were collected ,and  then ,put in the jar.Later,a wine bottle was brought and was poured into the jar.After some times,the insects kept inside the jar were found dead and their bodies were floating.The drunkard was called for and asked to explain as to what happened.He said,  "" if you take wine,it kills worms and insects in the stomach and the stomach is clear".hahahhehhhhhehhhh!
Time to Ponder !
While reading something, I came across about what my dear Nephew wrote. I paused ,read and tried to think over again and again and later thought to share with one and all with a view that even the young generation is fully acquainted with the gems lying in the world with the only problem of expecting of them with result-oriented success in Life. They are as follows-
1-Truth-Gandhiji always spoke that the Truth is the powerful weapon ,though possessed by a few. In other words, whatever heard is poured out without any touch of twist and breaks.
2-Non-Violence-is essentially an essentiality to the survival of the World. Not to cause any harm whether through thoughts/sayings/or work and conduct.
3-Astaiya-No stealing of anything.
4-Brahmacharya-This is preface to the married life. Celibacy during this period confirms of good results at the later stage in life.
5-Apirgraha-Possession of Matter or material things is not the ultimate aim of life, though in many a cases, they ease the pace of life.
6-Purity-Both internal and external in the absence of which causes a great loss both to the individuality.
7-Satisfaction-leads not to feel remorse of the loss or non-possession of the matter or material things.
8-Self-control-is the  most of the time essential on both thoughts and matter.
9-Pedantism-Knowledge  is essential in the modern age  , for Knowledge is power.
10-Devotion to the Almighty or nature-Whether God ever exists or not, but search to Him is constantly on by crores of the people. He will meet us one day is true.
11-Spiritualsim with Vivek--- The know-how and the knowledge of better use.
12-Non-Attachment---The whole journey is from attachment to non-attachment and when man is on the verge of Death.he realizes the nothingness into everything present on the earth.
13-Self-Discipline—has enabled many a people to be successful in life according to their likings or disliking.
14-Tolerance-is important to the limit if the existence is no danger
15-Piousness—be free of mixing or amalgamation in both matter or thoughts causing harm to others.
16-Contol on the Wishes—Man’s wishes are unlimited ,if they cause no harm ,but control is advisable.
17-Pardon-----Small mistakes need pardon, but when it becomes a threat to people and property,it becomes the subject matter of the state.
18-Valour and courage-----to face and meet with the challenges
19-Pity and Sympathy------Against the  atrocities. Goodness may prevail,
Let small and petty things may not stop our journey of achieving big goals in life.
030--------------------------One day A man went to buy something from God's Shop,
God------What do you want ,dear ?
Man--------I want Happiness, success, love and fruits etc.
God --------------------I sell only seeds----not fruits----------------Rest you grow---hahahehhhhee

Saturday, 11 January 2014

 ,d fnu y[kuÅ ls QStkckn]v;ks/;k vkrs oDr ns[kk ]fd ,d efgyk ;k=h us viuh ;k=k y[kuÅ ls “kq: dh ftudh fVfdV muds fdlh ?kj ckys us [kjhn dj ns j[kh Fkh vkSj cl esa cSBrs gh viuk lkeku iMksl esa cSBs ;k=h ds lg;ksx ls lSV fd;k AtSls gh cl ckjkcadh igqWph ]efgyk us dgk ]QStkckn vk xby dk ! ugha dk mRrj feyk AfQj ,d NksVk lk dLck utj vk;k]mUgksus fQj dgk ]QStkckn vk xby dk ! ughaa !;kf=vksa us dgk A FkksMh nsj ckn fQj ml efgyk us nqgjk;k ]& QStkckn vk xby dk ! bl ckj dUMDVj >Yyk;k vkSj cksyk]& vEek fpUrk er dj ATkSls gh QStkckn vk;sxk]ge crk nsxsa ]Abruk lqudj vEek “kkUr gks xbZ vkSj FkksMh gh nsj esa uhan dk Hkh vkuUn ysus yxh AbRrQkd ls QStkckn fudy x;k vkSj dUMDVj crkuk Hkwy x;k Acl ]bl chp yxHkx QStkckn ls 2 fdeh vkxs fudy  xbZ Avpkud dUMDVj us tksj ls dgk fd vEek mrj !QStkckn rks fudy x;k  ! avEek vHkh uhan esa Fkh aAbl okD; ls lHkh ;kf=vksa us viuh xqLlk dUMDVj ij mrkj nh A “keZ ugha vkrh ]cMh&cw<h efgyk dks taxy esa mrkj jgk gS]dqN gks x;k]dkSu ftEesnkjh ysxk AMªkboj us cMs rko esa vkdj cl ?kqekbZ vkSj QStkckn iqy ds uhps viuh xkMh jksd nh A;kf=;ksa usa vEek dks txk;k vkSj dgk ]vEek mrj ]QStkckn vk x;k AvEek tSls dksbZ liuk ns[k jgh gksa ]viuh vk[ksa [kksyh vkSj dqN ugha cksyh ]viuk cSx [kskyk]iqfM;k fudkyh vkSj cksyh ] rSks xksj[kiqj tkr gSb ]MkDVj cksyk]tc QStkckn vkbsy] viuh nokbZ dh [kqjkd ys ysuk Abl ij lHkh ;k=h gWls ]ij Mªkboj o dUMDVj dk eqWg ns[kus yk;d Fkk&&&&gkkgkgkkkkgsgggsggs