Thursday, 23 April 2015

Srajan (E-Magazine): 00205----Hinduism-----00011-Use of Om

Srajan (E-Magazine): 00205----Hinduism-----00011-Use of Om: Hinduism-----00011 ------It was yesterday that I got a message from my friend asking me to forward a message on "OM"written for ...

00205----Hinduism-----00011-Use of Om

Hinduism-----00011------It was yesterday that I got a message from my friend asking me to forward a message on "OM"written for at least 2815times.I felt excited and did what he said.My close family-members were upset and called it "hypocrisy".It was to my surprise.It stunned me,not because they said so,but because they seemed to be on the receding ends, as we witness in the whole society.The very recently ,there is well-maligned design to attack India's oldest culture from every Quarters.By way of alluring the people,encouraging those criticizing our culture and of course ,the secularism means,as former defense Minister admitted' to satisfy the minorities and fight for their rights" or rather blackmailing in the name of secularism at the cost of majority and creating a gap in between the two communities with a view to polarize the votes.The recent verdict by the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India defining Hinduism ,not as religion .but Dharam aiming at the way of life,where very important dictum is,,"Follow the best ,and reject the worst",the very secret of letting us survive ,besides all sorts of atrocities, our forefathers suffered and we are also facing in the same way.As we know,one branch of Hinduism worked as ascetics or saints and when found the truth,they associated it with the Dharam.So is the case with "OM" having the presence of Brahma,Vishnu and Mahesh from the religious perspectives and at the same time a scientifically proven words having the strength to cure many a diseases,Baba Ram Dev and Shri Shri Ravi Shanker and others have proved it in their yoga classes.Forward people have no grudge despite the religious differences.When people in Iraq did so,The ISIS was disturbed. Since these things belong to our identities and India's age old culture,No need to feel ashamed of ,but with head above always ,say,This is the treasure of India."Aur Yeh Sharam ki Nahin Garva ki Baat hain.

Monday, 20 April 2015

Srajan (E-Magazine): 00204----Understanding Hinduism

Srajan (E-Magazine): 00204----Understanding Hinduism: Hinduism---0010 ------In the world,Three Phases always appear in the life of everyone, whosoever he/she may be.It is "AAdi" ...

00204----Understanding Hinduism

Hinduism---0010------In the world,Three Phases always appear in the life of everyone, whosoever he/she may be.It is "AAdi" meaning it exists and we perpetuate it. Despite our simple life ,we have illusions, enemies or what not, Secondly,"Upadhi,"this life gives us in one or the other way,For example, Honour comes our way sometimes in life,big or small may be another concept,and Thirdly, "Vyadhi" Whether we are rich or poor, powerful or weak, This comes in our life, For example, we do not want to be sick ,but still it comes to us in the form of diseases or bloodshed. At this stage "Bhagwat” comes forward and suggests to us about "Samadhi" which is interpreted in different ways. However, to establish a balance and work for equality with freedom and feeling of brotherhood towards all comes this way. It takes us to extremes in the life, where we are bound to be understanding the life itself------

Saturday, 18 April 2015

00203---Let Us Suggest Something too

This is the first time,when the PM of India is so gentle and directly related to the people.The world is giving him a lot of importance ,President Obama calls him the reformer in chief,Time magazine places him best amongst a few in the world.Secondly,the make in India has won applause far and wide.Not only so,The change shall come now.Another important feature is this that he invites suggestion from the people for the Great India ,Recently,a suggestion by a common man was accepted about launching 25Rs.note.This is great.But one thing is irksome which needs to be curbed by the Centre.For example.The Govt. of Chhatishgarh,a state with recurring problems,has decided to purchase fortunner Vehicle for the ministers on the state exchequer,Why not Safari or Mahendra.The make in India has got set back here.Let them purchase these vehicle from their pockets ,Not from public fund otherwise big people shall enjoy and we shall be defeated in this great mission.Because,Even a common man going to market is so much influenced by the Modi impact that he/she prefers to India make items.Secondly,the subject related to food in Parliament canteen is hotly debated about pricing,though not the present responsible,but a change is perceived.This facility may either be a part of service to parliamentarian as in armed forces or at the market prices.It should be remembered that the Planning Commission early advised people 's thali at a very low cost ,But when the party was organized by the then PM,its cost was more than 7000Rs.per thali.Thirdly,due to felling of the trees in the name of the development needs complete change,This has heavily resulted into the change of the weather patterns causing a lot of harm and damage to the nation.Why can't we adopt the Chinese way of shifting the trees to the safer place ?I think ,my friend shall agree to it,if any suggestion,it should be fo

Friday, 17 April 2015

Srajan (E-Magazine): 00202-----अनोखा सफर

Srajan (E-Magazine): 00202-----अनोखा सफर: अनोखा सफर (HindiPoem-0011/00214) भावना में बहा- बहा, मेरे दोस्त ने मुझसे कहा , जिंदगी बिताने का का तरीका आता नहीँ , सलीखा सिखाया...

00202-----अनोखा सफर A Unque Journey-With English Translation

अनोखा सफर
भावना में बहा- बहा,
मेरे दोस्त ने मुझसे कहा ,
जिंदगी बिताने का का तरीका आता नहीँ ,
सलीखा सिखाया किसी ने नहीँ ,
मेँ भी चलता रहा ,
जिंदगी भी चलती रही I
मुकाम आते रहे
,मंजिलेँ बदलती रहीं II
हर हर मोड प रुकना चाहा ,
हा मेने समझना चाहा,
किस किस रास्ते मुझे जाना हैं ,
इंहेँ मेने नहीँ, जिंदगी ने पहचाना हैं ,
कदम बढ़ते , ठिठक ते रहे ,
कुछ दूर राहबर भी मुझे मिल ते रहे,
अनुभव बांटते रहे ,
मुस्कराते रहे ,
कुछ दूर साथ चलते रहे,
हर पल इक सवाल उभरता रहा,,
किसी ने कहा, किसी से जबाव मिलता रहा,
कोई हंसा हमे बेवकूफ समझ के,
गिरते कि ,संभाला किसी ने हाथ पकड़ के,
वे भी हंसे. हमको भी हंसना पड़ा,
कारवॉ बस चलता रहा,
सफर भी थमता नहीं ,
हम भी बदलते नहीं,
किसी ने बन्दूक थामली,
किसी को बन्दूक थमादीI
कोई मिला बन्दूक चला दी,
खून की नदी बहा दी,II
थपथपाते हाथ कम ही मिले,
दिल में हरेक के सिले ही मिले,I
क्यों कहें ?
यहाँ तो खोने वाले ही मिले,II
किसी ने क्या पाया ,
नजर नहीं आया ,I
पर घबराया,
रेत पे पानी से लिखा पाया, II
थक् चूर के पैर घायल हुए,
हम भी जिन्दगी तेरे कायल हुए
खुद ही मन करने लगा,
बस में कुछ भी न रहा .
सबकुछ मन समझाने की बातें हैं ,
सफर के लिए ही बनी दिन-राते हैं । --------------
(अर्चना व राज)

Being Emotional ,My friend said about the Life ,How to lead life is difficult to go,for everybody criticizes of a person not properly trained at one or the other stand,But it goes on and on,I also tread upon .The different destination come,appear and disappear,I wanted to stay and understand and want o know which way shall be suitable for to grope in dark is challenging with step going on ahead ,but fill fear so as to sometimes retreat back.I got other passers-by like with smile on their faces and with experience sharing and being a part of my journey for sometimes and for a little distance.At Every moment,one question always strikes,somebody also said and others try to answer,Some one laughed understanding me a stupid fellow ,but a few hands came forward when seen going down,it makes me laugh and others also enjoyed,But the journey goes on and on ,This journey is endless and goes on for ever,Hardly we change .On the way,it is seen someone with gun in hands and someone got it it ,whereas someone is found opening the fire and enjoying over shedding the blood and patting his back .Rerely found are the hand applauding .Whosoever meet is seen with a pain in heart and sorrow over the loss ,None is seen gainer ,but loser and loser.Who claims his achievement,it is always written with the ink of water on the paper of sand.This journey makes me tired and tired,but Life at this stage makes me to laugh at ,The idea when things seen and appreciated going beyond control ,I want this way ,but they go the other way makes me o take a sigh of relief.Nothing is under control,everything moves on and on .Nothing is right or wrong ,but all days and night are just fot his journey for ever-------(Raj)

Thursday, 16 April 2015

Srajan (E-Magazine): 0201-----A Danger bell in Kashmir

Srajan (E-Magazine): 0201-----A Danger bell in Kashmir: The recent outcry in Kashmir valley in favour of Pakistan by the separatist leaders is a danger bell on our threshold.The impression we ...

0201-----A Danger bell in Kashmir

The recent outcry in Kashmir valley in favour of Pakistan by the separatist leaders is a danger bell on our threshold.The impression we get is this that the day the present Govt.came to power ,the separatist have become bold and openly air to anti-indian feelings.Secondly,they want to draw the attention ,who are surviving hard to gain the ground.The Govt.have to take the tough stand,for the territory belongs to us ,It was not,it is not or it will not be the part of Pakistan.A generation before the matter was decided .The lessons we learn ,the Mufti-govt.have the flexible stand towards these separatists and their plea to understand their ideologies,is nothing but a farce and when the mufti-Govt.comes to power activities of this nature including the kidnappings is a common scene.Thanks to Omar Obdulla how better he completed his tenure and did not allow such openness 
A person eats in India and sings songs for Pakistan,snatches the Indian boat and goes scot-free.Pakistan invites the separatists leaders,but as failed state does not gather the courage against the Indian defense.By sending the paid agents,it may dream better.Laughingly,The Govt.stand for the rehabilitation of Kashmiri Pundits is endangered by the Govt.itself.In order to give a Muslim identity to the state,the terrorists killed a no. of Pundits and snatched everything belonging to them.The state is far away from the ethnic diversity and separate cities make a powerful stronghold irks all.One thing is clear that the coming days shall witness a bloody state of such anti-indian activities which spreads the message that we have to learn the lesson and ever be ready to meet with any eventuality,besides ,the tough stand and to curb them forcefully at any cost is also a need of the hour

Srajan (E-Magazine): 0200---Service to Dady (Hindi Poem-D-4/00207)

Srajan (E-Magazine): 0200---Service to Dady (Hindi Poem-D-4/00207): सर्वधर्म समभाव (Hindi PoemD/4/0207) बापू की सेवा सेवा जमके करो भईया मेहनत करके बापू पढ़ाए , हम सबको वे आगे लाए I कष्ट सहे ,पि...

0200---Service to Dady (Hindi Poem-D-4/00207)

सर्वधर्म समभाव
(Hindi PoemD/4/0207)
बापू की सेवा
सेवा जमके करो भईया
मेहनत करके बापू पढ़ाए ,
हम सबको वे आगे लाए I
कष्ट सहे ,पिताजी सारे ,
हमको रख्खा बना दुलारे II1II
आज जहाँ हम बैठे हैं ,
आज जहाँ हम पहुंचे हैं I
इतनी सामर्थ उनमें थी ,
उसी ताकत से पहुंचे हैं II2II
गिला नी मन मेँ कभी न आए
अच्छी शिक्षा उनसे पाए I
भाग्य हमारा साथ मे चलता
बापू के सपनोँ को बुन ता II3II
बने भाग्यहीन हम तो ना
सपने उनके तोडे ना I
त्याग, तपस्या बापू ने की
उनका खून पसीना मंजिल दी II4II
बूढ़े हो गए कमजोर हो गए ,
पिछली यादोँ में वे खो गए I
किसी का कहना हम क्यूँ माने,
दिल से उन की सेवा जानेII5II
जीवन दिशा दे दो हमको ,
सेवा भाव मिले हम सबको II6II
दोहा -----
वृद्धा आश्रम की हमको,
जिसने दी सौगात,
डुबा के डंडा तेल मे
मारो उसको लात,
मेकाले के भक्तो ने,
बिछा दी नई बिसात,
नहीँ मानेंगे , नहीँ मानेंगे ,
चाहें कैसे हो हालात ,
अब्बू, बापू, पिताजी, डैडी, पापा,
कुछ भी बोलो दिन औ रात
जमके करेंगे सेवा उन की,
यही देश की प्यारी बात II
(अर्चना व राज)
The role by Father in our life is of utmost importance,he leaves no stone in giving the best of the facilities to his children ,whether education ,feeding or other things to.Whatever position we occupy in our society speaks of his contribution.His hard work reminds me all the time,Sometimes,some people ciriticise for the failure,but they forget that their work and fate as believed also go with them.Besides,the circumstances also play a great role ,as Thomas Gray in his poem sings ,when he sees the mud/clay-sepulture that these people could  also become great ,but because of the adverse circumstances ,they could not reach there where wanted in life.In the name of freedom ,he is neglected.When he is old ,he draws our attention and it becomes our duty to take care of him.We may call him by any name like Abbu,Papa,Dady,Bapu,Pitaji ,but we should also repay our debt ,at the time of his dotage or old age.The concept of Old Men's Home is align to our culture and instead ,we must encourage the service to him in our home itself. (Raj)

Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Srajan (E-Magazine): 199------Conspiracy of the NGOs

Srajan (E-Magazine): 199------Conspiracy of the NGOs: What a shocking news is received,that the a few western NGOs or people are not happy over the progress being made by Bharat.They are tryin...

199------Conspiracy of the NGOs

What a shocking news is received,that the a few western NGOs or people are not happy over the progress being made by Bharat.They are trying their best to put a break and create the unnecessary obstacles in the path to progress.Furthermore,the stable a irksome to their sound sleep.It is clear from these two examples,First The Greenpeace under the garb of social work not only tried to convert the people ,but used the money to influence such powers working against the interest of our nation.Second example is from Ford foundation which contributed to 290000Dl through a NGO in India with a aim to disturb the communal harmony,to tarnish the image of the Govt.and constantly weakening the nation.This is also true that we are confronted with such organizations being funded by the foreign agencies and trying to get their agenda a success under the name of humanity and social service and laughingly ,the media cries over the such organizations too.What we have to learn is to be careful from such malafide intents ,whatever may be a case ,this true that all those living in the nation belong to same stock and blood and Hence,our problems ,we are the solution.JaiHind

Monday, 13 April 2015

0198-----Personality Development--

Very recently,I was invited as a member for the Interview in a college in Gorakhpur,Out of many a candidates,a few candidates were found to be upto the the mark.What I could gather ,is below for those going to appear at the Interview----
As the word suggest to "inter view" meaning the inner view,while talking formally in an informal way brings forth everything hidden within.
One of the great leaders once said,"Allow a person just roaming before me ,I will write history on him."This is true too.The strata and mobility decides to our level we belong to.
1--It should be kept in mind that by appearing before the Interview Board ,A candidate is doing no favour,but bringing his suitability to the post applied for.
2----Dress code plays an important role,According to the season,the dress is always advised .Matching clothes draws the attention of the Board.The first impression is the last impression is applicable here.
3------Trimming and hair style,facial impression and also the pace of the steps really make a difference.The leader is positive or lacking in stamina is proved here.
4-----The ocean of knowledge is vast .Nobody, including the Board members , knows everything.But instead of admitting ,the candidates are found simply making the Guess.This is bad.Guess is allowed only when Board members ask for this.
5------The command on the subject,experience of the field if working,presentation,tone,confidence level,Personality,leadership etc are the basic fields.The innovative work draws the attention and questions are expected.Hobby and interest area are found to be of interest in this formal chit-chat.
6---Most of the time ,the interview begins from the bio-data and also the subjects studied in the school and college level invite the Board's attention.
7-----The new comers face a volley of questions based on the subjects,whereas the already working in the field places themselves about the experience they gain or gained.
8----The present age is very tough for the service and job,one is to lead over others to be a success,which means impression over the Board.The intelligence also lies in the fact that candidates should try to take the Board towards his areas of interest,If Board goes the other way ,then difficulties for the candidate arise.
Lastly what a great Indian writer ShivKheda has said,"The great men are not different,but they work differently,"tells us everything.
Rest time to time,With best wishes,from RBSC.

Sunday, 12 April 2015

0176---Let Us Understand Hinduism-Charnamrat--002

चरणामृत क्यों सेवन किया जाता है ?
क्या इसमें भी कोई वैज्ञानिक कारण है ?
आइये जाने इसका वैज्ञानिक पहलु .....
हिंदू धर्म में भगवान की आरती के पश्चात भगवान
का चरणामृत दिया जाता है। "चरणामृत" इस शब्द
का अर्थ है भगवान के चरणों से प्राप्त अमृत। हिंदू
धर्म में इसे बहुत ही पवित्र माना जाता है
तथा मस्तक से लगाने के बाद इसका सेवन
किया जाता है।
चरणामृत का सेवन अमृत के समान
माना गया है। गोस्वामी तुलसीदास ने
श्री रामचरितमानस में लिखा है-
पद पखारि जलुपान करि आपु सहित परिवार।
पितर पारु प्रभुहि पुनि मुदित गयउ लेइ पार।।
अर्थात भगवान श्रीराम के चरण धोकर उसे
चरणामृत के रूप में स्वीकार कर केवट न केवल स्वयं भव-
बाधा से पार हो गया बल्कि उसने अपने
पूर्वजों को भी तार दिया।
चरणामृत का महत्व सिर्फ धार्मिक
ही नहीं चिकित्सकीय भी है। चरणामृत का जल
हमेशा तांबे के पात्र में रखा जाता है। आयुर्वेदिक
मतानुसार तांबे के पात्र में अनेक रोगों को नष्ट
करने की शक्ति होती है जो उसमें रखे जल में आ
जाती है।
उस जल का सेवन करने से शरीर में
रोगों से लडऩे की क्षमता पैदा हो जाती है
तथा रोग नहीं होते। इसमें तुलसी के पत्ते डालने
की परंपरा भी है जिससे इस जल की रोगनाशक
क्षमता और भी बढ़ जाती है।
ऐसा माना जाता है कि चरणामृत मेधा, बुद्धि,
स्मरण शक्ति को बढ़ाता है। रणवीर
भक्तिरत्नाकर में चरणामृत
की महत्ता प्रतिपादित की गई है-
पापव्याधिविनाशार्थं विष्णुपादोदकौषधम्।
तुलसीदलसम्मिश्रं जलं सर्षपमात्रकम्।।
अर्थात पाप और रोग दूर करने के लिए भगवान
का चरणामृत औषधि के समान है। यदि उसमें
तुलसीपत्र भी मिला दिया जाए तो उसके
औषधिय गुणों में और भी वृद्धि हो जाती है।
चरणामृत सेवन करते समय निम्न श्लोक पढऩे
का विधान है-
अकालमृत्युहरणं सर्वव्याधिविनाशनम्।
विष्णुपादोदकं पीत्वा पुनर्जन्म न विद्यते।।
अर्थात चरणामृत अकाल मृत्यु को दूर रखता है।
सभी प्रकार की बीमारियों का नाश करता है।

Srajan (E-Magazine): 0197----An Experience to be SShared with

Srajan (E-Magazine): 0197----An Experience to be SShared with: This is Sunday today in Gorakhpur ,time to take a little rest,for after the tedious and tough job given in Police Recruitment and Promotion...

0197----An Experience to be Shared with

This is Sunday today in Gorakhpur ,time to take a little rest, after the tedious and tough job given in Police Recruitment and Promotion Board,where the thousand candidates appeared for DV and medical check-up here in my city.During the entire process,one striking point emerged that our youth needs a little care towards their personality development.What I could gather needs to be shared here--
1-The Candidates were found more less careless towards maintaining the records,It should be kept in mind that the real exams start the day,the Advertisement appears in the newspaper and we make the our mind  towards applying,Hence,Its cutting is advised to be kept safely.
2-Since Advertisement plays an important role,and even the verdict from the Hon'ble court suggest to us that it works like speaking order and hence,whatever is asked for ,plays an important role.For example,the OBC certificate for the period specified  was found to be not produced by the candidates,though they possessed of the different dates.
3-Thirdly,the modern time demands of the safe up-keep of the documents  and that too in the chronological order ; was found missing.The candidates have to learn the art of maintaining their records ,for they are for the whole life and are very-2 important documents .
4-Fourthly,Even some of the candidates were found not having their certificates like sanad etc.and lame excuse is found all the time.To held other responsible is an age old excuse,whereas it is to be understood that only we are responsible for our own work.
5-Fifthly,whenever,we appear at any interview,importantly,everything needs to be set in order one day before .The eleventh hour confuses the candidates and results heavily not only in the wastage of time ,but missing out of fist.Behavior in haste at such juncture proves self-suicidal.After all,haste makes a waste.Others can not wait for us.
6-Laughingly,some of the candidates were found going to their home and bringing the certificates on the same date.Such type of running sometimes causes accidents also.Since time is important,everything requires proper handling but on time itself.
7-It was a surprise that qualified candidates are in the fray,Hardly a candidate was with the minimum qualification ,otherwise all graduate and post graduate candidates appeared at the examination.A few candidates surprised the Board,when seen with Law degree and Ph.d degree .Whether,it is the increase in the unemployment,or the coming days signal for the well qualified society at our doorstep.
8-Sometimes,a clue comes to me that our candidates fail in their proper planning,at the age of 15,IAS/PCS is  the target,at 18 Bank services etc. are included,at22 even the police Inspector is ok ,but at the age of 30,any service and that too mastery anyhow is preferred,which shows how unplanned are we towards the career.The right counseling is required for the youth.Luck serves in the few cases,for candidates once failed in the Police Inspector exams are found to be selected into IPS/IAS.
9-Besides,the heavy flow is towards the art side and science seems going afar,Thanks to Govt of India that programmes like Inspire Awards for the science interest to keep alive in the coming generation are launched as encouraging steps.We teachers have to take up the follow up steps.
10-Beides,attaching the unnecessary papers or out of context are of no value ,but wastage of time and energy.
11-The candidates have to learn the art of communication,surprisingly ,it was found a weakness on the part of a few which needs proper attention ,more particularly at this initial stage.
12-Lastly,I would like to suggest that this whole life is a big project,where we have to conduct  and carry out many a small projects and in this age specially,refinement and sophistication at every stage is of prime concern  .Individually,we have to improve,for others have their work to be completed on time.
Those who remained without flying colours need not to feel worry ,for in this age of tough competition we  have to prepare well in advance and also ready all the time to meet any requirement or eventuality .The coming days shall bring surprise.
Before ,I close this piece of advice,words for thanks jump out of my mind for the better arrangement for water to food or tea by the authorities concerned.The first experience in the company of Police has been but an experience to be cherished with sweet memories for ever

Thursday, 9 April 2015

Srajan (E-Magazine): 0196------We Salute You Gen(retd) VK Singh

Srajan (E-Magazine): 0196------We Salute You Gen(retd) VK Singh: Today is a very unfortunate day for the Indian media over wailing over the use of the word "Presstitude"uttered by Gen.VKSingh,f...

0196------We Salute You Gen(retd) VK Singh

Today is a very unfortunate day for the Indian media over wailing over the use of the word "Presstitude"uttered by Gen.VKSingh,forgetting that the work done by Indian army under the captaincy of Gen.(Retd) VK singh has a great relevance in Yemen,the work; where launched under the operation "Rahat" has won the heart of the world.Even the powerful nation requested India to safely evacuate their nationals strangled in the war torn country.That job is done,At least 41 nations thanked India for the safe -evacuation of their 960 nationals till now.This is Indian Army.More striking is the point that in History of India no minister has ever faced a situation like this who stood along the side of our nationals in war torn country like Yemen of today,Those reached safely felt unbounded joy and happiness and a surprise for their life as a boon by the Indian Army.Neither Obbessi or other leaders could gather courage to shoulder such responsibilities who are busy in giving threat to Uddahva Thackey putting a challenge to see in his own home in Hyderabad ,if the question is turned back ,the same thing may happen in Mumbai too,But what to do,the innocent people may lose their lives,these people shall found a safest place in the jails for some days to be passed behind the safest wall with VVIP treatment.
The Western Media enjoys freedom and for that they have paid the price and bring us the news which our media still fails to reach there.Thanks to Face Book,Twitter and Google where we enjoy the real freedom of expression or 20 years back ,even the information was choked.That day is not far when people would like to see the programmes of their choice and also at the point of time when to be liked ,not what media gives us Now time is changed .At this juncture,Our army deserves further praise for the great job done there and stood with our nationals,Thanks to Gen.VKSingh and all the personnel who brought glory and pride to nation.Jaihind

Saturday, 4 April 2015

Srajan (E-Magazine): 00195-----Misconception about Lord Krishna

Srajan (E-Magazine): 00195-----Misconception about Lord Krishna: News FeedHinduism-009------There is a dharam Guru,he always speaks aaltoo-phaltto about Hinduism.He tarnishes the image of Lord Kris...

00195-----Misconception about Lord Krishna

There is a dharam Guru(religious leader ),he always speaks aaltoo-phaltto(all rubbish) about Hinduism.He tarnishes the image of Lord Krishna each and every time.Now let us remove the misconception--

1-------------There are 100000(one lakh)mantras(hymns) in our vedas.It is said that 80000mantras are meant for karmakand (rituals)of different nature,16000 aim for the upasna mantra 108 (though for different pious religious books and scriptures)is important for the upasna and also for chanting of mantras suggested to us time to time.The total ia 16108 basically for upasna mantras.During the Dwaper yug,Lord Krishna ,God (not God of gods or goddesses--which he fails to understand ,for this is another concept ) was worshiped and these mantras were more and more invoked to His worship.This 16108 are basically the upasna mantras.

The History is replete with numerous examples where the truth is distorted and maligned .The interpolation leads us to better understand the realities.
and remaining 4000 are the gyan matras .Their studies may make it quite clear what is the difference in between  GK and Gyan.This gyan is for all the time to come,Nobody has been in a position to refute even a single hymn.
2-------Lord Krishna is the symbol of true love and never a  lust which I need not to explain here,for this Dharam Guru will be the first to run away.Surdas ji has beautifully explained the stages of love beginning from the childhood to the last stage of life.We love the child lord Krishna for his" larikayat love".We love a child for his larikat or full of innocence,The different stages of love passes through the life of man differently.John Keats in his poem "An ode to Grecian Urn"has beautifully defined it while talking of beauty and our love to it.Gracefully ,Lord Krishna represents the love and never lust .First, Study Dharam Guruji,Hinduism is the ocean ,the surface information does not make you  a scholar.
3------------All the chhya poet in Hindi ,even if targeting their own love found the easy access through Lord Krishna.Since poets have the poetic freedom,so we need not to talk here,this is a separate subject,But Lord Krishna is above all.
4--------The power of Lord Krishna ,if not taken otherwise brings even officers or many a educated of today  to be under the extreme impact which does not mean the maligning the name of Lord Krishna.
5--------He is the God who showers his love beyond boundaries or no line of demarcation is ever in existence.Love brings peace ultimately leading to prosperity and peaceful co-existence.
6-------He objects all the time Lord Krishna as God coming amidst humanity is our belief ,For the God of gods or goddess is another concept.The purity and piousness goes with all ,When God is with us why not to seek shelter directly,Anoop Jallota has sung this concept beautifully.
7------I invoke Lord Krishna to shower love with his blessings on all humanity so that this world- an abode to brothers and sisters may be free from conflicts and warring people
8-----After all,The Divine love surpasses all the boundaries or restrictions and is very very above and  beyond the description of human beings.Meera 's love was also very pure ,but for Lord Krishna who melted her personality only for the sake of His love and sacrificed herself and no human chains could do anything to her-------"Me to prem diwani-dosra  na koi" how touching are the lines.It is self explanatory here.

09---------Further more Krishna 's Divine love is for all ,not only human beings,but even animals.Even in Gita this concept is highlighted.He stands there where it is difficult for us even to think,This is our conception and understanding to what extent can be go and understand.This is for all or none is but depends on our outlook.
10----- I thank Discovery Channel which through a programme on History of India brought out that all foreigners, despite all odds and conflicts and even after a number of attempts to finish the sanatani culture in India failed in their malafide intends and India still stands where it was and it will further its concepts and teachings for the welfare of whole humanity.........That is where lies our strength.
11-------Interestingly,There are some so called the big people who pat themselves and comment to be the best on their side and for others simply hiihhhiii is their answer,For God is with them waiting for others.What a false !
12------I advise that Dharam Guru,please look to yourself and get compared ,the correct answer will come to you  7 year old girl is found to be a wife by a man of 45 years----Is this love or lust or child abuse or racial discrimination------------!No answer-------!The spec with a feeling of racial hatred or discrimination does not pass through our God Lord Krishna.Jai Shri Krishna

Thursday, 2 April 2015

Srajan (E-Magazine): 0194---A Problem Hole in the Police Recruitment Or...

Srajan (E-Magazine): 0194---A Problem Hole in the Police Recruitment Or...: News Feed A Problem Hole in the Police Recruitment Order Regarding Reservation--- --- It is from the 27th of march,2015 that the ...

0194---A Problem Hole in the Police Recruitment Order Regarding Reservation-----

News Feed

A Problem Hole in the Police Recruitment Order Regarding Reservation------

A Problem Hole in the Police Recruitment Order Regarding Reservation------
It is from the 27th of march,2015 that the constable recruitment work is going in the 70districts of the UP.As per orders circulated,the work is going smoothly.The candidates selected have taken a sigh of relief after tiresome and of course difficult mode of selection through the year spent and as per requisite conditions ,it is important too.The proper facilities provided led the work reach its destination.But since,the final end shall come to 13th of april 2015 and also another chance shall be given for the dissatisfied candidates before the Regional level of Medical Board on certain condition.Everything is ok upto this stage.All of a sudden,an order regarding the BC/SC certificates has been circulated that the candidate shall provide the certificate of the particular period which is a joke,for this information was not either given or printed on the call letter of the candidates or other sourece of information,as candidates admit.No proper exercise has been taken before giving this order on time,secondly,it is rarest of the rare case where the a candidate from the creamy layer has come down or suddenly a particular candidate has touched the creamy layer.Secondly.within such a short period ,no officer shall issue a certificate and that too of back date specially of the period demanded,Thirdly ,no clear cut order has been issued regarding the caste problems as in some cases,there are people from BC to SC or vice versa.Normally,the candidates get the certificate only once or twice and let it continue for their use.But at this stage the coming days shall witness a number of rejection of the candidates on the one hand a flood of court cases shall come to the Selection Board..Advisable is this that either a chance for the candidates or the order for the issue of the certificate to authorities concerned shall be given so as to avoid with the life of our future candidate ,for today each and every competition has its own glamour and tough for final selection