Friday, 30 January 2015

Srajan (E-Magazine): 0168---Confusion in life

Srajan (E-Magazine): 0168---Confusion in life: Just Think 1-When I was 5 years old,my parents were the best in the world,all knowledge,love and affection came to me from them.They were...

0168---Confusion in life

Just Think
1-When I was 5 years old,my parents were the best in the world,all knowledge,love and affection came to me from them.They were the best to me in the world.
2-When 10,I noticed that my parents had their friends and not my parents ,even their friends had a knowledge and experience,but still my parents were the best.
3-When 15,I noticed that there is the society,where teachers,men and women are there and they had also knowledge,but my parents were still special to me and meant everything.
4-When at 20,What I cherished from my parents seemed to me a little disturbing and I found that they interfere more in my life and they had a little knowledge ,but still they were important to me and meant a more to me.
5-When at 25,my faith wavered a little and I found my parents were not so important to me and talking and sitting together was irksome to me ,for their world was not so-called modern.
6-When at 30,the feeling of this nature overpowered me and I could not understand ,as to what was right and wrong.But bringing them forth seemed to me keeping myself aloof from them.
7-when at 35,when I faced the reality of the world, I turned back in my thoughts and felt that my parents lived their lives full of sufferings in the same way and manner I faced.
8-When at 40,I felt that the crystal culture is more deceptive,my parents were correct and an important lesson of life is to be learnt from them.
9-When at 45,One of them left for abode making me broken,how unfortunate,I was,I could not share life with them .What I did is full of repentance and the photo hung on the wall can not give what I had lost.
10.When at 50,I need their advice very much,not money or material ,but sharing and caring means a lot or it will be a mistake beyond repair ,This life is in itself a deception----------. Let us salute and share and care----

Thursday, 29 January 2015

Srajan (E-Magazine): 0167---Those two Cops

Srajan (E-Magazine): 0167---Those two Cops: Those two Cops It was early morning of 28th of January,2015,when my train reached to the Lucknow Railway station and I came to platfo...

0167---Those two Cops

Those two Cops
It was early morning of 28th of January,2015,when my
train reached to the Lucknow Railway station and I came
to platform no.1 at about 3.15am.It was too cold,despite
every apparel worn to save from the cold assault and
wanted to have a cup of tea.Suddenly,I got struck by the
no.of people watching something of notice.The two cops
brought a passenger from a bogie of a train standing
nearby and were trying their level best to keep that young
man of about 35 years old awaken who tend to sleep time
and again ,who either seemed to be a prey of something
bad,of course.One of the cops dialed to someone giving me
this impression that he might have called a Dr.or related
to some hospital,for his lips along with gestures on the face
spoke that way.After a few minutes,a stature was there and
that smart young man was taken to hospital ------probably.
What is of notice here is the humanitarian approach
Adopted by the Cops ,who really deserve our praise and
Appreciation.When friends from the Police of this nature
are available,the society is safe and it makes me
understand why the Lucknow Railway Police Station is
ISO certified.Let us thank those cops who deserve ,only to
Be Rewarded and encouraged for at least to give a
message to others that this is Real service the society expects of...वे दो सिपाही
यह जब मैं 28 जनवरी, 2015, की सुबह
ट्रेन से लखनऊ रेलवे स्टेशन पहुंच गया और मैं3.15am प्लेटफार्म नंबर 1 पर आया
. बहुत ठंड थीं , ठंड से बचने के लिए मैं ने
भारी भरकम परिधान पहने थे और एक कप चाय पीना चाहता था,
कुछ लोग दो पुलिस जवान को देख रहे थे
एक खड़ी ट्रेन की एक बोगी से एक यात्री लाया गया
और दो पुलिस जवान उस जवान यात्री जो लगभग 35 वर्ष की उम्र का था, को
जगाने के लिए अपने स्तर पर पूरी कोशिश कर रहे थे
हाव भाव से किसी का शिकार होना प्रतीत होता था,,
पुलिस वालों के होठों व चेहरे - इशारों से इस धारणा की पुष्टि होती थीं
कि कुछ ही मिनटों की बात थी, डॉ० /अस्पताल को
सूचना दी गईहै
और वह संबंधित स्मार्ट जवान आदमी शायद ------ अस्पताल ले जाया गया।
यहाँ नोटिस की बात है
वास्तव में हमारी प्रशंसा के लायक पुलिस ने अपनाया मानवीय दृष्टिकोण है
इस प्रकार पुलिस में दोस्त उपलब्ध हैं, समाज सुरक्षित है
और यह मुझे समझ में आता है
लखनऊ रेलवे पुलिस स्टेशन आईएसओ क्यों है
ऐसे पुलिस वालों को धन्यवाद. पुरस्कृत और कम से कम प्रोत्साहित करना चाहिए
इस असली सेवा से समाज की उम्मीद है और दूसरों के लिए संदेश ....

Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Monday, 26 January 2015

Srajan (E-Magazine): 0166----शुभ हो हम सब को गणतन्त्र दिवसII(Hindi Poem...

Srajan (E-Magazine): 0166----शुभ हो हम सब को गणतन्त्र दिवसII(Hindi Poem...: शुभ हो हम सब को गणतन्त्र दिवसII   आजादी का मतलब ?, हम क्या समझे हम क्या जाने,I “उड़ा परिन्दा उन्मुक्त . गगन . में, “...

0166----शुभ हो हम सब को गणतन्त्र दिवसII(Hindi Poem-040 -Happy Republick Day)

शुभ हो हम सब को गणतन्त्र दिवसII
 आजादी का मतलब?,
हम क्या समझे हम क्याजाने,I
“उड़ा परिन्दा उन्मुक्त. गगन. में,
सौगात मिली, कीमत ; उनकी जानें,II
देश के वे तो महापुरुष,
हर गली मौहल्ला चौपालें झूलें,I
“लड़ते चलते करते बातें”
हिल जातीं थीं सरकार की चूलें II
लालच उनकों  ताेड़ा ,
ना लाठी ताकत तोड़ी,I
गिरते रहे खून के कतरे,
पीड़ा उनकोमोड़ीII
त्याग औ’बलिदान हैं उनका
ये तो ऋण है हम पर  भारी I
मजबूत रहे देश हमारा,
करें ध्वस्तसमस्या सारीII
       झुकना कभी. ना सीखा,
हरदम सहेथे गम,I
तड़फ से रहते दूर सदा,
गर्व से खून बहाते हर दमII
न्याय से कोसों. दूर,
जबान पर लगी लगाम I
खुश रहना देश के वासी ,
हम को मिलता,ये पैगामII
याद करो उन पन्नों को,
 जंजीरें जकड़े उनके, कदमI
शरीर टूटे ,सड़े, गले, मिटे,
मुकाम थीं आजादी हरदम.II
ना भूलो उन बलिदानों को,
उन ने खून बहाया था,I
हम केवल काम करें,
यही संदेश सुनाया था,II
नमन करें इस अवसर पर
मिलकर देते हम बधाई,I
बिखरे आज खुशी के फूल.
ईद ,दीवाली,होली आईII
चहु ओर मिले वाह- वाह
सफलतम बने, तन्त्र बसI
इक दूजे को देते वधाई आज,
शुभ हो हम सब को गणतन्त्र दिवसII
(अर्चना व राज)

Thursday, 22 January 2015

Srajan (E-Magazine): 0165-----President Obamaji 's Visit to India

Srajan (E-Magazine): 0165-----President Obamaji 's Visit to India: Now-a-days,there is hot debate regarding President Obamaji's visit to India .The newspapers and Magazines  are full with this great vis...

0165-----President Obamaji 's Visit to India

Now-a-days,there is hot debate regarding President Obamaji's visit to India .The newspapers and Magazines  are full with this great visit to our nation .TV and Radio air their programme on this visit.It seems that this visit is something very special to us and that day is not far ,when the moments are going to be historical in the long and eventful nation of the world.Our culture strongly believes in Atithi(guest) as dev(god),hence general treatment is normally given to one and all,But here lies everything different ,He is very special guest on the very special day.President Obamaji has love and affection to Indian culture and before his being elected as the President,he was seen with the Hanumanji's idol with him and his praise to us is not hidden anywhere.When Modiji visited America,the grand and historical welcome is alive and fresh with us every moment.Now ,this is our turn to make it more historical and his visit include Taj too ,Definitely,This will be remebered for generation to generation.Our preparation is in full swing.In order to make it problematic,our neighbor Pakistan is engaged in creating turbulence and trying to hit the soft target in India with the only aim to make this visit a fiasco.That stone age thinking nation forgets that whatever malafide design it may have,they are not going to take place at any point in the future or generation to come.Jammu and Kashmir was never a part of Pakistan and will never be ,the 15th%population living in India stand as a strong concrete wall with this province and even ready to give befitting reply at any moment.Former Secretary General Koffi Annan once said,"The 1947th situation can not be brought back "and that's true also.The plebcite decided the matter of Sylhet then and there and India acceded to 549 principalities to the Indian Uninion .The last ruler of J&K willingly joined The Indian Union,By kicking out Hindus from the valley through the sponsored terrorism,it appears to play a card on the basis of religion with all malafide design.There is no democracy there and ISI and Pakistan army are the rulers there and atom bomb ,they have developed is used as a toy in the hand of a boy aiming to make us fearful.The state is itself a dysfunctional state.This type of terrorist attacks will further deteriorate the situation and we appreciate for the strong Govt. to strongly counter attack to this nation.Leaving this childish activity,the Govt.of Pakistan must realize that this golden opportunity may be better utilized in according the warm welcome to President Obamaji and peaceful talks can be held at Tazmahal ,where the presence of  Modoji,Obamaji and of course Nawaj Shariff  may add golden words on this historical moment,or let Pakistan face the dire consequences .Even ,America has scolded Pakistan  to avoid the attack of  any nature;meaning making us happy to feel that Pakistan is behind all such heinous games,never going to be  a success and not only America ,but the whole world witness it.

Monday, 19 January 2015

Srajan (E-Magazine): 0164---कृश्ना कृश्ना हे ! ,कृश्न मुरारी !Hindi Poe...

Srajan (E-Magazine): 0164---कृश्ना कृश्ना हे ! ,कृश्न मुरारी !Hindi Poe...: पड़ा     द्वार मैं तेरे कर ता रहता हूं पुकार   कृश्ना कृश्ना हे ! , कृश्न मुरारी ! तू ही मेरा भाग्य वि...

0164---कृश्ना कृश्ना हे ! ,कृश्न मुरारी !Hindi Poem with English translation--039

पड़ा    द्वार मैं तेरे
कर ता रहता हूं पुकार 
कृश्ना कृश्ना हे ! ,कृश्न मुरारी !

तू ही मेरा भाग्य विधाता, !!
तुझसे मेरा अजीब है नाता !
      तू ही दाता, !
मुझे सिखाता , !
कहूँ  मैं बारम्बार - बारम्बार !
             कृश्ना कृश्ना , हे !कृश्न मुरारी !

छायी छवि है जब निराली,
जाता कोई हाथ, ना खाली.
तुझसे सारी खुशहाली,
करता दूर,तू ,बदहाली
जो भी आता
कर ता रहता है पुकार 
कृश्ना कृश्ना हे ! ,कृश्न मुरारी !

मै हूं निरा निपट निरक्षर.
चल ता हूं अन्जान डगर,
जानू' मै तो इतना मगर,
गलती होती होगी अगर
हँटेंगें काँटें, मिलेंगे फूल
तेरे दर्शन जो भी पाता
कर ता रहता है पुकार 
कृश्ना कृश्ना हे ! ,कृश्न मुरारी !

(अर्चना व राज)
Krishna is very generous,whosoever comes to his shelter,he is not only blessed with His grace ,but becomes His true devotee.He is the Messenger of peace,love,humanity ,no boundation of any kind.When I got His blessings, I feel excited and elated and feel today what I have and achieved in my life is due to His grace and benevolence.His image is always with me,alive and refreshing and encouraging me to do service to humanity.It is not only me(I),But everyone .The mind becomes peaceful and blissful,The path we are treading on in our life is just like groping in the dark and hence with his guidance and blessings ,every thing ,though thorny, becomes flowery and life becomes sweet and beautiful and we call life pleasure.Oh ! Lord Krishna,I pray to you honestly to let peace along with prosperity come to all in the world which is our Home and where only our brothers and sisters live and let none suffer !amen !.