Sunday, 9 March 2014

Jai Sri krishna
Aapki Sada Jai Ho !

                    **HkokUHkh’eJp d.kZJp d`iJplfefrat;% A
                         v”oRFkkek fodZ.kJp lkSenfRrLrFkSo p AA**

“Bhavanibheemash ch karanashch Kripashch samitianjah   I
Ashawthama   Vikaranshch             Saumdattistathaiva ch II”

With a sense of pride being reflected in the voice of Duryodhana,He asserts the great warriors present on his side.They include the rev.Guru ,Pitamah Bhisma,Karn ,Kripacharya glorious with victory in the war-field,Ashawthama ,Vikarna,Burishrava-SomDutta’s son.
                     "Man fear to Death " is a universal truth. Sometimes, in the midst of impending death," what shall happen" makes everyone afraid of consequences. Whether the victory shall come is unknown. However, the leader upon whom the entire system is dependent, never goes to lose his temper or fear surrounds him. The secret system of the entire universe is resultant of beautiful admixture of check and balance. So is the case here, Other side has world-famous warriors, so what ?,we have such great fighters whose names themselves  convince of the victory.Gurudev  ! You and Bhisma Pitamah –(No third person is more powerful in the world ,Besides, Bhism Pitamah is also blessed with a boon of Death with Desire) .Karna- only one sufficient to destroy the whole Pandavas’ army,Kripacharya-the world famous warrior ; but is named after Karna ,for the Victory as per Duryodhana’s perception lies with Karna, but very cleverly he uses an epithet before his name ‘sangramvijayi’ so as to avoid his anger or giving the impression of his greatness and need of the hour, Ashwathama-His Guru’s son possessed with more power,Vikan-Duryodhan’s brother is  saint  and also a fighter, Bhoorishrava –another saint and fighter-‘s presence fill in us confidence of only win-win result.Victory is in our favour because of the presence of these great warriors.But poor Duryodhan fails to understand the game of life, what man proposes, God disposes. Even after being convinced of the situational result favorable, something contrary happens. The major portion of the life’s book is unknown .The surety is simply a conviction .The most powerful people and nation lose within no time. 
Here,an example may be sited from Astrology where house no.01 to 08 clearly tell us of the expressed form of the life ----The soul gets during the course of his life on earth and still despite of great discoveries ,house no.09 to 12 is simply  calculted but result is based on probability,For that portion defines the unexpressed version of life in the world for the soul destined to suffer !

(To be continued )
Rest leave in the hands of the Lord Krishna .May He showers his love and affection and blesses  one and all the world wide for their happiness, good health, wealth, weal ,welfare. peace and prosperity and remove the darkness pervading before !
 Amen !

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