Wednesday, 26 March 2014

058--------------------My Naughty Bhatiza(Nephew) at his liberty  in diferent Poses

Sunday, 23 March 2014

 057------------It is said,"If you have idiots as your advisor , the result shall be idiotic."The consequences ,thereupon, may only be estimated .The kind of work decides the advice needed in the particular field. The general advice taken or based on self-decision goes on, but when the situation is of grave nature, the experts 'opinion is  advised .However, in order to develop own stand extremely needs the wide ,both extensive and intensive studies or information, For it always opens the new vistas or the areas to work upon and the stream of knowledge or Gyan flows ceaselessly.The Ved sings '' vkjksg relks T;ksfr% “  (Let the darkness be removed paving the way for the Gyan or true knowledge ) and clearly this is not the age deciding the maturity of a person ,but his knowledge or Gyan. Here is needed to be having a clear-cut stand that mere possession of information is not true knowledge or Gyan ,but an asset essential to be successful in the field of choice or  brings  a professional excellence with a view to have an edge over others. Saint Vyas  says,”u rsu LFkfxjks Hkofr];sukL; iafyra f”kj % ACkkyksfi iztkukfr ra nsok % nsok % LFkfoja fonq% AA ”The white headed is not a sign of intelligence, the white head doesn’t  mean one being old but a child  possessed with extreme knowledge makes a difference and as such,he deserves respect or reputation in the society. And he is old (enriched with knowledge ) It is further clarified that” Js;kUnzO;e;k|Kkne Kku ;K% ijari A loZdekZf[kyea ikFkZ Kkus ifjlekI;rs AA (Only Gyan yagan is supreme ,even it has edge on material Yagan .All the Karma lead to true knowledge and find finish or end there. The donation of Gyan is the best and pious and only of its kind) Enabling Arjun to understand,Lord Krishna speaks of the greatness of Gyan and this leads finally to meet The Lord in the end.Gita speaks ,”  cgwuka tUeukeUrs Kkuoku eke izi|rs A Hence,in the fastly changing world of Today,knowledge is power and like Thithenus,”let the knowledge come to me from all direction and let me melt in the pursuit of knowledge----“Hence,Let us be our own advisor or be dependent on the experts’ support but maintaining the distance from the  idiotic advice.

Sunday, 16 March 2014

056----------------My Dharam Patni in different appearances
Setting her box of the clothes etc.

This is the time to go to School in Silchar(Assam)

A Pose for the Remembrance in Mathura(UP)

A Pose for Application of a Job of the Teacher in Aligarh(UP)

Taking Rest after being Dead tired while climbing the Hill of the temple'Kamakhya Devi" in Guwahati(Assam)

Newly Weded Dress 'Lehnga and Chunni'

At the Doorstep in Home in the ParentalVillage

Time to be Happy.Full Laugh Removes all tension and Worries 

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

055---------------------One day GuruNanakDevji was on his regular visit to bless his followers with his  divine blessings.Suddenly,he entered the kitchen of an Orthodox Brahamin.It irked him and he got very angry.GuruNankDevji asked him what he would do then.He replied,''I will wash my kitchen again and again and than purety shall come."GuruNanakDevji asked him,''When your inner is not pure ,how purity shall come .The outwardly what we see is not pure untill and unless our thoughts and views are not pure.The purity of the Inner shall remove all the dirth and filth outside."When he heard of it,he felt ashamed and asked for His forgiveness.The some people in the world talks of high ideals ,but when the reality is faced ,they are also seen partial and unjust in the discharge of their duties .The concept of the vision Wide is seen nowhere.The concept shall grip the ground ,only when thoughts pure surround us and enable us to work for the welfare of the humanity.

Monday, 10 March 2014

054----------------From the Memory of the Days Gone by

Training Session in Guwahati (Assam)
Free Time with friends in Nagaland

After Walk,rest is essential in Nagaland

Evening Walk in Nagaland
Pose to keep the memory ever-fresh in Nagaland
In the College Campus in Nagaland
Pose with friends in Nagaland

Rest with friends on a hill-top in Nagaland

Sunday, 9 March 2014

Jai Sri krishna
Aapki Sada Jai Ho !

                    **HkokUHkh’eJp d.kZJp d`iJplfefrat;% A
                         v”oRFkkek fodZ.kJp lkSenfRrLrFkSo p AA**

“Bhavanibheemash ch karanashch Kripashch samitianjah   I
Ashawthama   Vikaranshch             Saumdattistathaiva ch II”

With a sense of pride being reflected in the voice of Duryodhana,He asserts the great warriors present on his side.They include the rev.Guru ,Pitamah Bhisma,Karn ,Kripacharya glorious with victory in the war-field,Ashawthama ,Vikarna,Burishrava-SomDutta’s son.
                     "Man fear to Death " is a universal truth. Sometimes, in the midst of impending death," what shall happen" makes everyone afraid of consequences. Whether the victory shall come is unknown. However, the leader upon whom the entire system is dependent, never goes to lose his temper or fear surrounds him. The secret system of the entire universe is resultant of beautiful admixture of check and balance. So is the case here, Other side has world-famous warriors, so what ?,we have such great fighters whose names themselves  convince of the victory.Gurudev  ! You and Bhisma Pitamah –(No third person is more powerful in the world ,Besides, Bhism Pitamah is also blessed with a boon of Death with Desire) .Karna- only one sufficient to destroy the whole Pandavas’ army,Kripacharya-the world famous warrior ; but is named after Karna ,for the Victory as per Duryodhana’s perception lies with Karna, but very cleverly he uses an epithet before his name ‘sangramvijayi’ so as to avoid his anger or giving the impression of his greatness and need of the hour, Ashwathama-His Guru’s son possessed with more power,Vikan-Duryodhan’s brother is  saint  and also a fighter, Bhoorishrava –another saint and fighter-‘s presence fill in us confidence of only win-win result.Victory is in our favour because of the presence of these great warriors.But poor Duryodhan fails to understand the game of life, what man proposes, God disposes. Even after being convinced of the situational result favorable, something contrary happens. The major portion of the life’s book is unknown .The surety is simply a conviction .The most powerful people and nation lose within no time. 
Here,an example may be sited from Astrology where house no.01 to 08 clearly tell us of the expressed form of the life ----The soul gets during the course of his life on earth and still despite of great discoveries ,house no.09 to 12 is simply  calculted but result is based on probability,For that portion defines the unexpressed version of life in the world for the soul destined to suffer !

(To be continued )
Rest leave in the hands of the Lord Krishna .May He showers his love and affection and blesses  one and all the world wide for their happiness, good health, wealth, weal ,welfare. peace and prosperity and remove the darkness pervading before !
 Amen !

Sunday, 2 March 2014

052---------------Much before through a drama'The Merchant of Venice',William Shakespeare wrote,''There is nothing good or bad in this world  ,but thinking makes it so."This is very true even today.Something seems to be right to a person may be wrong to the other or vice versa.Going further,Indian philosopher,Osho Rajneesh commented that to define life is very difficult and all the definition given about life shall be wrong.Hence,while treading upon the journey in life,he further adds,''All the philosophy stand still before a man and what he does is great or supreme to him(Provided it does  not come in the way of either an individual or society at large )This wriggling out of the quagmire gives a lot of joy to enjoy or shared with.Living the life to the fullest with enjoyment and peace and prosperity is the secret shared with by everyone in this human world.
On TV,There was a Dharam Guru critisizing the holy books of the other religion,believing his to be  the best and last on the earth.Every religion has got the holy books with pious and pure teachings ,suggesting to visit the holy places and taking advice or guidance from the so-called scholars and later in their life something experienced is shared with,provided it is not based on fanaticism or bigotry.Those who get something are lucky to enjoy and share with us or like us fail to be blessed  ,they remain with their mouth a gap and having no other way but faith,For John Milton sings,"Those who stand and wait ,also serve the God."Hence,ultimate Truth is still beyond reach.Faith is also very powerful,A piece of paper carries my grandfather's picture on a piece of paper and my head bows down--------(before a paper only)-----------------------.Let him take the corrective measures first.

Saturday, 1 March 2014

051----------Gita ---(The Philosophy of Life)--------007
Jai Sri krishna
Aapki Sada Jai Ho !
** vLekad rw fof”k’Vk ;s rkfUuHkkst f}tksRre A
Uk;dk eel lSU;L; lKkFkZa rku czohfe rs AA&&007&
 ( Asmakam too vishshta ye tannibhoj dwijottam  I
Nayaka mamash sainyaashya  sangyanartham taan braveemi te II)----04

(     Duryodhan takes a turn and Addressing his Guru as the best among all).He says, o ! greatest among the Brahmins !Please have the information about those fighting from our side.For your information I am to narrate  about those military leaders from our side )
                                      Insite of everything tough and typical on the side of the enemy, Duryodhan behaves like a true  military leader. He calls his Guru best among the best (possessed with the best knowledge )He measures himself and his men no less important  in the war-field. Whosoever is the best from his side , the information to the Guru is essentially to be shared with. Hence, he is ready to provide with the information about those great military leaders. In the modern war too, the Leader plays an important role .His leadership qualities enhance the moral and tempo of his men. Even today, the leader providing with information has to show himself as encouraging with the words  through the voice reflecting confidence building measures and preparing his men with psychological motivation. The expectation in return also touches the win-win situation.
(To be continued )
Rest leave in the hands of the Lord Krishna .May He showers his love and affection and blesses  one and all the world wide for their happiness, good health, wealth, weal ,welfare. peace and prosperity and remove the darkness pervading before !
 Amen !