Monday, 20 June 2016

Srajan (E-Magazine): 0344-योग दिवस Happy Yog Day

Srajan (E-Magazine): 0344-योग दिवस Happy Yog Day: योग दिवस खोई प्रतिभा लौट के आई, भारत को पहचान दिलाई,   विश्व ने माना योग का लोहा ,   योग ने दुनिया का मन मोहा,   अफसर ...

0344-योग दिवस Happy Yog Day

योग दिवस
खोई प्रतिभा लौट के आई,
भारत को पहचान दिलाई, 
विश्व ने माना योग का लोहा , 
योग ने दुनिया का मन मोहा, 
अफसर हो या चपरासी, 
चाहे कितनी आपाधापी, 
उठी प्रेम से सबकी नज़र, 
योग ने किया बेहतरीन सफर, 
आसन हो या प्राणायाम, 
कूदते फांदते करते व्यायाम, 
सड़क पे उतरी सरकार, 
“स्वस्थ विश्व “सपना होता साकार , 
योग िदया भारत को पहचान, 
गौरव बढा िमला सम्मान, 
बड़ी उपलब्धि मिली है हमको, 
कामना;स्वस्थ शरीर मिले सब को, 
अमर रहे ये योग दिवस, 
विश्व को उत्तम दे भारत बस, 
विरोध ,बखेरा छोछि राजनीति, 
न बदले इससे देश की नीति, 
नियम योग से च ला इन्सान, 
फ्री मे पाया सोने कि खा न, 
बीमारी गायब तनाब मुक्त, 
मुस्काहट से चेह् रा (रहे) युक्त, 
सिगरेट सी टागैं सूधरी ठीक, 
योगसे होते सारे ठीक, 
दुनिया का आभार व्यक्त, 
सभी बने स्वस्थ सशक्त, 
सदियों से भारत की पहचान 
विश्व बन्धुत्व हमारी जान, 
शांति अहिंसा प्रेम अगली बार, 
ये आदर्श जीने का सार, 
सरकार धन्यबाद की पात्र, 
ये तो केवल अच्छी शुरुआत मात्र I

(अर्चना व राज)
Yoga Day
(Lost Prestige came again)
(Lost Prestige came again)

India got recognition,
World gave importance to Yoga
Yoga impressed the World 
Whether officer or peon,
Despite their hectic activities,
the people showed their love to it,
Yoga has traveled a long journey.
Exercises or Pranayaam,
Jumping,Physical exercises,
Even the Govt.came to the road 
“ For the healthy world;dream coming true.
Yoga has brought us recognition.
It has enhanced our place with honor.
It is a great achievement to us.
our wish;Let everyone be healthy and disease free.
Let this day enlighten the world for centuries.
Let Bharat give best to the world every time,
The protest,disputes,narrow politics.
Can never change our policies for world cause?
The yoga rules if followed as expected 
,gives a man a lot as if mine free of cost,
It removes the diseases and keeps us healthy
The smile dances on the faces as if shining
weak legs becomes stronger
This is the power of Yoga that makes us healthy
We are indebted to the world for this importance(that they decided to devote one day as Yoga Day-to bring consciousness)
All becomes healthy and powerful
It is but our identity
World/human brotherhood is our life
Peace.non-violence,love shall bring us recognition soon
These are the essence of life
Our Govt.deserves the praise and thanks
This is really a good beginning; a new phase in the history itself...


सृज (मेरी कविता ) SRAJ (A Collection of My Poems): 00019---Yoga (Hindi Poem-F-027/000327) with Englis...

सृज (मेरी कविता ) SRAJ (A Collection of My Poems): 00019---Yoga (Hindi Poem-F-027/000327) with Englis...:                                                   My Nephew Prakhar performing his Yoga   योग दिवस कहाँ  खोई प्रतिभा लौ...

Saturday, 18 June 2016

Srajan (E-Magazine): 0344--krishna Arjun Samvad(Dialogue) based on the ...

Srajan (E-Magazine): 0344--krishna Arjun Samvad(Dialogue) based on the ...: This is truth in the world ,Arjun, Only Truth shall bring the Win The False shall evaporate But It make us shiver and thin. 81 ...

0344--krishna Arjun Samvad(Dialogue) based on the chapter IInd of the Gita

This is truth in the world ,Arjun,

Only Truth shall bring the Win

The False shall evaporate

But It make us shiver and thin.


For a short period it come and go

Adharma shall never rule here

The world shall be lost,

Lest Dharma leave us ,dear

(Dharma advises to accept what is best and reject what is worst; Badly misinterpreted earlier)


Truth prevails here on earth,
The secret to life lies in It,
The false always bring havoc,
The bad ones go with it
This is true ,Arjun,
Only Truth shall  win,
Adharma shall  never rule,
It understand its sin
For the time being,
It grins and roars
Makes all weary of life,
For it reigns & soars

To be continued (Archna & Raj)

Wednesday, 15 June 2016

Srajan (E-Magazine): 0343---Krishna Arjun Samvad(Dialogue) based on the...

Srajan (E-Magazine): 0343---Krishna Arjun Samvad(Dialogue) based on the...: Blood of the world is the same, Same is the philosophy, Same is the secret of life But who comes for this trophy ? 76 A family...

0343---Krishna Arjun Samvad(Dialogue) based on the chapter IInd of the Gita

Blood of the world is the same,
Same is the philosophy,
Same is the secret of life
But who comes for this trophy ?
A family of repute stands here,
Their power surpasses all,
Blood is against the blood now,
Thirsty of blood are they all
A happy family dwindles the fort,
Now,All Situation go against
All bear best of something,
Even individually done is best
What happens ,happen,
Time is fixed and found,
Everything go wasted,
All Odd seem bound


Truth and false are two brothers

But meet themselves in the battle

Who is more powerful here?

And see, who will settle ?


This is truth in the world ,Arjun,

Only Truth shall bring the Win

The False shall evaporate

But It make us shiver and thin.
To be continued(Archna and Raj)

Srajan (E-Magazine): 0342--A Reply Befitting

Srajan (E-Magazine): 0342--A Reply Befitting: 342 --- On laughing on Indian Mantras by Christ Soldiers. Mr Christ soldiers writes and behaves like an innocent men a nd a spokesman of o...

0342--A Reply Befitting

342---On laughing on Indian Mantras by Christ Soldiers. Mr Christ soldiers writes and behaves like an innocent men and a spokesman of only good things in their religion forgetting their own mistakes and finding fault with everything in Hinduism. While writing they forget that Joan of Arc was only 17 when burnt alive ,atrocities of 100 years war ,sordid attacks and The Incidents and events full of carnage and enjoyment in the murder of so called black and white is a sordid story and what more to write .Om Shanti from India not only gives shanti but a message to the world for peace and prosperity. Our forefathers were great ,they remained stuck to their own culture and greater were our own brothers and sisters who remained strong and threw away all greed and allurement ---Mistakes were committed earlier in an era of slavery and dependence .Everybody, more particularly, educated ones realize it today, whether be Budhist or jains or Hindus ,Let it spread from India to others ,for we share the common ties in the field of culture or life. Those came from outside ,,are very few. Hence, let us give the reasonable response to such sordid and low-mentality based approaches, for the whole world is now divided only in between civilized and non-civilized and History is a guide to keep us alert from the wrongs done earlier and good ones to go on spreading forever for the welfare of the nation and world as a whole  .I fully agree with the former President of America George w. Bush who always keep us alert from the uncivilized or the whole world shall be no more within minutes>this is also accepted that there is a lot of work to  be done ,for we have problems too. But, it does not mean that others shall guide us for our own problems ,Rather  theirs is a conspiracy to weaken us ,for example Ford earns profits from here and spend the same amount for such activities quite objectionable ,Rather advisable is this that there is a lot to be done and to put a curb on such mala-fide intentions and work .The Guru Shishya parampara or teacher –student relation in other part is to be learnt ,for in the name of education whether their values failed, The student open fire before teachers or others or we touch feet before the Guru is to be analyzed .However ,what is best should be welcomed .the concept of Racial supremacy or patting the back by oneself ; the day is gone

Tuesday, 14 June 2016

Srajan (E-Magazine): 341----Krishna Arjun Samvad(Dialogue) based on the...

Srajan (E-Magazine): 341----Krishna Arjun Samvad(Dialogue) based on the...: Adharma come through man, Secretly it enter our home Truth is hidden for days, It erect & make the dome 71 Shakuni assault...

341----Krishna Arjun Samvad(Dialogue) based on the chapter IInd of the Gita

Adharma come through man,
Secretly it enter our home
Truth is hidden for days,
It erect & make the dome
Shakuni assault the fort,
He fails all the plan
Truth & Justice leave the way
It disturb the whole clan
(Shakuni ;a man with symbol of Adharam is  maternal uncle of Duryodhan the Prince)
Truth is for ever and exist,
All know it well,
Now Blood shall suffer,
Where” win “shall dwell

No man is big or small
Blood is red to all,
The narrow in thoughts are we
It create the wall
The Life is not measured ,
The matter we collect
Life is gone in losing ,finding
The matter we select

To be continued (ARCHNA & RAJ)

Monday, 13 June 2016

Srajan (E-Magazine): 0340----Krishna Arjun Samvad(Dialogue) based on th...

Srajan (E-Magazine): 0340----Krishna Arjun Samvad(Dialogue) based on th...: O ! Arjun !You are very dear, Bhism Pitamah  is helpless Quite against war is He, But why he fails and move-less 71 Education ...

0340----Krishna Arjun Samvad(Dialogue) based on the chapter IInd of the Gita

O ! Arjun !You are very dear,
Bhism Pitamah  is helpless
Quite against war is He,
But why he fails and move-less
Education came your way,
Life of yours was shaped
No stone left un-turned,
Is now he napped ?
Brother ! o !My God,
Bloodthirsty are they,
Lost or gain in the field,
After what will they say
None wants war and war,
But is beyond  control,
This is something beyond,
But who shall petrol ?
Fail is every warrior ,
Adverse is the situation,
All efforts bear nothing
What is destined, happen,!

To be continued (Archna&Raj)

Sunday, 12 June 2016

Srajan (E-Magazine): 0339---------Krishna Arjun Samvad(Dialogue) based ...

Srajan (E-Magazine): 0339---------Krishna Arjun Samvad(Dialogue) based ...: Thy duty is for the Karma to perform, Fruits shall come to your way They will be according to thy karma They will come thy way wi...

0339---------Krishna Arjun Samvad(Dialogue) based on the chapter IInd of the Gita

Thy duty is for the Karma to perform,

Fruits shall come to your way

They will be according to thy karma

They will come thy way with a say


Your heart must remain pure & pious,

Dharma is to be protected

A-dharma shall die ,Arjun !

The world shall again be lighted


You have right to Karma

By self ,It is to be done

The rewards shall go accordingly,

Field  whether lost or won


Just See Bhism Pitamah,

His weakness is his pledge,

Adhering to is a great man

Beyond All is set ablaze

Great warrior like Duryodhan,
A man with mala-fide design
With Harsh words ever ready
Fails everything and malign
to be continued (Archna & Raj)

Saturday, 11 June 2016

Srajan (E-Magazine): 0338---Krishna Arjun Samvad(Dialogue) based on the...

Srajan (E-Magazine): 0338---Krishna Arjun Samvad(Dialogue) based on the...: None is powerful before them, Power is the essence of they, They make or mar here, This is but everyone say (61) Karma...

0338---Krishna Arjun Samvad(Dialogue) based on the chapter IInd of the Gita

None is powerful before them,
Power is the essence of they,
They make or mar here,
This is but everyone say

Karma of Yesterday,
Is the Fate of today
Karma for fruits confirmed
This rule has its sway
Whenever Dharma shall be at stake,
A-dharma shall increase its sway
But beyond boundaries destined,
It finds closed its way
Truth is this ,Arjun,
To control and close its sway
Warriors like you are sent,
(Indebted to others) 
see you close the way
The Soul is immortal, & for ever,
It never dies ,but remain
When work assigned is performed
Like clothes changed ,It gains again
To be Continued  From( Archna & Raj)

Friday, 10 June 2016

Srajan (E-Magazine): 0337----Krishna Arjun Samvad(Dialogue) based on th...

Srajan (E-Magazine): 0337----Krishna Arjun Samvad(Dialogue) based on th...: Yea! they are your brothers Thirsty of your blood are they None favors the war, But who find the way ? 55 Situation is adver...

0337----Krishna Arjun Samvad(Dialogue) based on the chapyer IInd of the Gita

Yea! they are your brothers
Thirsty of your blood are they
None favors the war,
But who find the way ?

Situation is adverse,
All warrior fail in the battle,
This Is destined ,unavoidable
Every body either murmur or rattle
The blood is the same,
It belongs to same line of stock,
But it surprises and wonder
All They stop and block
Blood is against the blood,
It stands in the way,
Brother is after brother,
Why ,under whose sway ?
The people watch and  see them,
The Whole world is fearful,
The power they exert,
But Misuse makes all tearful

The battle is in between Truth and Untruth,
The Destiny bring two brothers,
The Direction of the two ;so opposite,
That they are ready for slaughters

to be continued From (Archna &  Raj)

Wednesday, 8 June 2016

0336-Krishna Arjun Samvad based on the chapyer IInd of the Gita

Krishna Arjun Samvad based on the chapter IInd of The Gita
See! Bhisma Pitamah,Parth
His Promise became his weakness
He is man of words,
But came in way to success

A powerful warrior like Duryodhan,
With mala-fide designs he live
The bitter words he utters,
Goodness doth he ever give
Arjun,You are very dear ,
But helpless is he(Pitamah} now,
He doesn’t want war here,
But to stop it how ?
The Education you got,
Hands would play with you,
But Time is changed,
Enmity they find in you
Yea! they are your brothers
Thirsty of your blood are they
None favors the war,
But who find the way ?

From Archna & Raj

Srajan (E-Magazine): 0335-----Krishna-Arjun Samvad Based on the chapter...

Srajan (E-Magazine): 0335-----Krishna-Arjun Samvad Based on the chapter...:   ------------------------- Kerma is your right, Kerma to be done by you, Results will come to you Which you have to follow &a...

0335-----Krishna-Arjun Samvad Based on the chapter IInd in the Gita



Kerma is your right,

Kerma to be done by you,

Results will come to you

Which you have to follow & sue



Your work decides your fate

It is then destined,

Kerma of today decide tomorrow,

Only this is well defined


This mystery exist in the world,

All knows but still unable to understand,

You have to follow too

IIIrd power  to you direct and  send



This Mystery is here,

Always remains beyond known,

We have to do always,

What we receive from Unknown



Karma is done

Certainly It brings fruit to-morrow

Karma of Today,

Becomes the Fate of to-morrow


to be continued

From Archna & Raj

Tuesday, 7 June 2016

Srajan (E-Magazine): 0334----RTI opens Our Eyes

Srajan (E-Magazine): 0334----RTI opens Our Eyes: Through RTI ,It has come to notice that the former Govt funded the Minority  Institution  ,for their work of Conversion .They call thems...

0334----RTI opens Our Eyes

Through RTI ,It has come to notice that the former Govt funded the Minority Institution ,for their work of Conversion .They call themselves Secular which more or less means that the state shall not interfere with any religion ,for Religion is said to be of the Individual belief and faith.But in India,The Secular in practice ,means to oppose Hinduism and support Minority .Somewhere else ,State fund the money on the construction of Graveyard or in other states like Karnataka ,the Govt do not follow the Constitution and openly provide fund .RTI  finds the answer that the Karnataka Govt encourages the Missionaries work and in the name of maintenance and beautification and construction of Community Hall.Very funny thing is this that during that period ,only Hindu saints were targeted and no fault was found with others,though there are thousand news that there is corrupt and anti-national practices everywhere.
An RTI traced the following questios
The Govt of Karnataka replied vide order no MWD318MD22011 dated 16/01.2012 from the minority Ministry
How much money was given for the maintenance of Churches
चर्च की मरम्मत के लिए सरकार की तरफ से साल दर साल कितना फंड दिया गया ?
Q2. Name those Churches which got the Govt donation
उन ईसाई संस्थाओं  के नाम और पते बताएं जिन्हें मरम्मत के नाम पर सरकार से पैसे मिले हैं
Q3 For new churches year wise ,money released
नए चर्च बनाने पर साल दर साल राज्य सरकार ने कितने पैसे जारी किए ?
Q4. Name those Christian missionaries which got the money for new churches
उन ईसाई संस्थाओं के नाम और पते बताएं जिन्हें नएचर्च बनाने के लिएपैसे दिए गए ?

चर्च के लिए खोला सरकारी खजाना
Govt opened its Treasury
2013-14 12.30 crore for 134 churches and 6.72 for Christian Cummunity Centres.Everybody knows that they work for conversion
2013-14 में कर्नाटक सरकार ने राज्य के 134 गिरिजाघरों को 12.30 करोड़ रुपये दिए. इसके अलावा 6.72 करोड़ रुपये क्रिक्ष्चियन कम्युनिटी सेंटर बनाने के लिए दिए गए. इन कम्युनिटी सेंटरों में ही धर्मांतरण का ज्यादातर काम होता है
2014-15It was inbcreased .for 125 churches got 16.56 crore and for 55 Christian Community Centres 15 crore
2014-15 में यह फंडिग और बढ़ गई . इस दौरान 125 चर्चों को 16 .56 करोड़ रुपये सरकारी खजाने से दिए गए. इसी तरह 55 ईसाई समुदाय भवन बनाने के लिए करीब 15 करोड़ रुपये बांटे गए.
2015-201615 crore and no further news received
2015-2016 में चर्च की मरम्मत पर 15 करोड़ रुपये बांटे गए. इस दौरान कम्युनिटी सेंटर बनाने के खर्च का ब्योरा नहीं दिया गया.
साल दर साल चर्च की फंडिंग बढ़ती गई They increase donation and Staes hardly contribute the money to religious places ,Not only so ,If you are so helpful why you do not support Hindu religious places.The people themselves donate and you see the opportunity to confiscate the money
तीन साल के अंदर कांग्रेस सरकार ने चर्च को बांटे करोड़ो रुपये. अमेरिका जैसे दुनिया के बड़े - बड़े ईसाई देशों में भी सरकारें चर्च बनाने या मरम्मत करने के नाम पर एक भी पैसा नहीं देती. कई देशों में ऐसा करना गैर-कानूनी है. सेकुलर देश होने के नाते भारत मे भी कोई सरकार किसी धर्म धर्म के  पूजास्थल बनाने या मरम्मत के लिए पैसे नहीं दे सकती . जहां तक कर्नाटक सरकार का सवाल है उसने राज्य कई हिंदू मंदिरों की करोड़ो की संपत्ति सील कर रखी है. राज्य के सैकड़ो साल पुराने मंदिरों की हालत बेहद जर्जर होती जा रही है
कैसे अपनी जड़े जमाती हैं इसाई मिशनरियां
ईसाई धर्म को बढ़ावा देने के लिए विदेशों से भारत में जड़ जमाने के लिए तमाम मिशनरीज संचालित हैं। ये हिंदु दूसरे धर्म के लोगों को तमाम तरह के खैरात बांटकर उन्हें ईसाई धर्म अपनाने के लिए प्रेरित करती हैं। इसके लिए ये मिशनरीज उनके धर्म की बुराइयां आदि करती हैं। हिंदुओं में छुआछूत जातिवाद की भावनाओं के नाम पर भड़काकर अपने पाले में लाने की कोशिश करती हैं
The question is this that these missionaries fund those Institutions which work for conversion and destruction of Hinduism,which we have to remember that these Institution right from the beginning dream that to put in Bala Sahab 's words,Conversion is successful for the anti-nation activities,Wherever Hinduism is reduced ,The anti-national power shows its face.If someone speaks in favor of Hinduism ,He is targeted and our biased media come to play a role on the forefront,Hence we have to understand and protest against such activites .This is easy to understand why the present Govt seem to them full impatience .Please share it