Sunday, 24 April 2016


This is the age of somewhat confusion ,we hear one thing in the morning and find it of no use to us in the evening ,Definitely ,the information somewhat baffles us ,and we are in a fix as to what to do and what to be avoided. Age-old traditions are also passing through the test of time ,others feel that the ground to stick with them is losing its hold ,so baffled they seem. In India ,the leadership is behind the public and its will, provided they are from the intellectual class, the situation is very funny .This is ,however true that we lack in the practical side of the things ,whether true or unfit to the present time, need the  proper handling and use to our interest at the individual level and for the interest of the society too .Immediate conclusive remark simply feed our brain with no logic and it is filled with most of the useless things. Hence, be careful.
(Archna & Raj)

Saturday, 23 April 2016

Srajan (E-Magazine): 0308---Shri Shri Ravi Shanker

Srajan (E-Magazine): 0308---Shri Shri Ravi Shanker: Hate perpetuates Hate and violence perpetuates violence,says Ghandhi ji who upheld that ultimately peace shall prevail and humanity shall s...

0308---Shri Shri Ravi Shanker

308----Hate perpetuates Hate and violence perpetuates violence,says Ghandhi ji who upheld that ultimately peace shall prevail and humanity shall survive .This is not new in India ,it rests with the mindset of the public at large,,,So is the case with shri Ravi Shanker  whose name was endorsed by at least 08 heads of state for Noble prize and his Art of Living won the hearts of the people across the globe.Recently held program  in New Delhi ,at 350 million people were profited in one or the other way .This is the power of shri shri ,even one dharma Guru had to say that he has understood what Hinduism is.We we were militarily weak in the past,so every efforts were made to destroy us and attack in all the forms are directly pouring in ,but we have withstood them and so our culture the motto  of which is the whole world is our home and people living in are our brothers and sisters.
In Iraq ,people suffered a lot and shri shri brought them out of darkness ,an effort not digested by IS.Since then,IS has targeted shri shri ,Shri shri asked for peaceful talks ,but rejected by IS and rather his photo with head cut was sent,showing their desperation
.Former PM Tony Blair has rightly mentioned that Ghandhism shall not be a key to all problems ,Maybe Gandhi ji was ahead of time and super human and ideal conditions shall take time.
So is the case with IS ,till recently spreading at a higher speed,but thanks  to  uncle Putin whose thundering strikes not only  stopped its impact ,but has subsequently contained it and like other terrorist organization it is going to be in the dark pages of the past.
Now question arises what they want of the world and for the world with  their global vision of spreading their views and quote a Pakistani writer that out of 54 countries ,there is no  democracies and in fights everywhere killing and spreading the blood of all,even their whom they call their own brother ,however creation can be divided when Creator has made no difference  ,Repeatedly,I have written that Confucius correctly remarked ,We are born equal by Nature ,but different by Nurture".
Hence ,no difference in between the people.though ideology separates them.
Secondly,that writer has correctly remarked that contribution either in the form of discovery or invention is almost nil  .What  West and East has done is being taken only.
Recently IS remarked that their  Dharma Guru are obstacle to progressive ideology and what will they do with their global vision when in the age of science and reason things are being judged.
However ,threat to shri shri is serious and if he suffers,the whole world shall go into stone age thinking ,the Government have to be serious on this issue.(Archna & Raj)

Wednesday, 13 April 2016

Srajan (E-Magazine): 0307-------Public Debate

Srajan (E-Magazine): 0307-------Public Debate: During the present century,the social media has emerged as an powerful asset,for even the common man has found the way to express his voice...

0307-------Public Debate

During the present century,the social media has emerged as an powerful asset,for even the common man has found the way to express his voice and it has got a say and that too without any partiality or backing .It was not so during the time of Print Media .Only selected or with some objectives in the mind-set articles were found their way.As in our country,there are some experts who sit in the high offices and when they speak ,it appears ,How they are holding such offices which they do not deserve at all,Definitely,Pleasure from the powerful ones go with them.Every debate is centered either at the PM or ills of Hinduism and there is no weakness in others at all,it seems from their debate or fools when selected as the advisers ,so shall be foolish outcome.
Macaiver and Page has defined the society passing through the three stages;Primitive society,simple society and complex society.Each one known for their strong and weak points.For example ,if we take the medieval period,,Hinduism suffered caste-ism the ill-effects of which are still seen and this is very much highlighted by such people,though work for removal is zero.Not only Hinduism ,every society faced such type of savage thinking.When Timur attacked India ,Heads of more than one lakh Hindus were beheaded and mountain of them pleased Timur .John of Arc was burnt alive Hundreds years war has been fought .Those who talk of social equality made the world to suffer in the name of skin,color etc.In other words ,the cruelty on the part of people during that era prevailed.In other words ,the whole society in the world has black pages,But still human civilization is safe ,because of this facts that Nature give birth to all without any partiality or by Nature we are equal and by Nurture we,are different.
Even than ,all the society see that time to time people

1-Super Human---their ideology is for the whole humanity
2---Good people--They do good for themselves and for other
3--Average Good People---They do their work and do not interfere with others.
4--People Selfish--They do for themselves ,but feel unhappy at the progress of others
5---People with criminal Mentality--Whatever anyone say ,they are here to cause loss to others
6--Hardcore criminals---They will enjoy in causing loss to all etc
Sociologist Lembresso had to say that criminals are born too.Rest is for the Police to see and work.
When imbalance is caused ,there is disturbance.Some people are led by criminal,sick and ill-mentality.They are danger to the society and world.
We may say advanced today ,but method is changed as conventional weapons are replaced by modern technological ones.
Hence,problems are everywhere .the only thing is to bring forth  the good ones ,not people with sick mentality,for to color the world with one color is impossible,ethnic diversity or as in India we say ,unity within diversity is the secret to our survival,Probably,this is the secret to our survival.This is rubbish that nature or God has given the power or liberty only to a few !(Archna & Raj)