Monday, 30 November 2015

0287----इस सप्ताह के लिए --यजुर्वेद प्रथम मन्त्र(Hindi Long Narrative Poem- L47-48/651-652)

इस सप्ताह के लिए --यजुर्वेद प्रथम मन्त्र
Dedicated to Chandra Shekher Azad

Rbs Chauhan's photo.

(HINDI POEM L47-48/651-652)
नमन है उस जगदीश्वर को,
जिसने बृह्माण्ड रचा है ,
निहित -ज्ञान विज्ञान जिस में ,
ऐ सा संसार सजा है I(1/8)
सबकी अपनी थाती है,
सबका अपना अलग विज्ञान,
समझना केवल हमको है,
आधार बना हैअपना ज्ञान I(2/9)
सजीव निर्जीव दो भागों में ,
दुनिया की है विभक्त ,
संचालित करते नियम सटीक ,
यहीं समझ सबसे सशक्त I(3/10)
ऋग्वेद ज्ञान का प्रथम आधार,
भारत किया प्रकाश आलोकित ,
विश्व ऋणी है भारत का,
मानवता होती जिससे शोभित I(4/11)
ऋग्वेद का पढ़ना समझना,
आज जरूरी आवश्यक ,
नियम यहाँ के शाश्वत ,सनातन,
जीवन बनता इनसे लायक I(5/12)
षणयन्त्रों ने दूर किया,
नियत,नियति का फर्क ,
आधार भला हो मानवता,
इसके आगे कौन सा तर्क I(6/13)
वस्तु जहां का हमने पाया ,
प्रयोग मांगता सावधानी,
सबका भला हो दुनिया में,
पदार्थ करें ना किसी की हानी I(7/14)
कृपा मिले प्रभु की सबको ,
उप योग पदार्थ का हो सफल ,
मानव कर्ता का कारक,
प्रयास करें ना कभी विफल I(8/15)
सुख ऐश्वर्य की वृद्धि हो ,
द्वार सभी के समृद्धि ,
दूर हटायें कुबुद्धि ,
साथ चले बस सदबुद्धि I(9/16)
दुःखी प्रजा कभी ना हो ,
खुशी का हो अविरल संचार ,
सबका भला हो दुनिया में ,
रच दो ऐसा नया संसार I(10/17)
शिक्षा उत्तम गुण वाली,
बच्चों को सिखलाना,
रोग, विध्न, विपदा सारी ,
मिलके झ्है हटाना I(11/18),
चोरी का साया ना हो ,
श्रेष्ठ कर्म हो सुख की खान ,
ज्ञान किसी की ना सम्पत्ति ,
मानवता का हो कल्यान I(12/19)
पदार्थ की रचना संरचना,
आश्चर्य हमें होता है !,
निर्धारित नियम है सबके ,
पर परिवर्तन सब में होता हैI(13/20)
काम तुम्हारे श्रेष्ठ रहेगें
,ईश कृपा चलेगी साथ ,
भला करो ,सोचो सबका ,
कृपा मिलेगी उसके हाथ I14/21)
अर्चना व राज
1-This is self explanatory and is placed in the easiest way.
2-The welfare of all in the world shows how benevolent ,kind and simple society with high thinking existed at that time.
3-Swami Vivekananda says,"If Close the door of the education,the light shall never enlighten".The same thing happened in the country otherwise the world welfare is aimed.
4-Education also aims at the human-refinement and sophistication.
5-The wonder is expressed,but findings too support that there is an inbuilt system of check and balance ,whereas the care plays an important role in the proper use of the matter.
6-Living and non-living is already traced at that time.
7-Presently ,a view has percolated that Man is the maker of Gyan and knowledge.But,He sees and discovers and names the things for his use and understanding ,otherwise the matter as revealed here already exists in the universe.
8-God-fearing society was at that time and even today ,most of the people believe so.
9-Let everyone strive for prosperity of All across the boundaries.This is important.
10-As air is important to life,so is State for the society.How pious is the approach !
11-Quality Education at that time for all-round development of the personality is revealed.Is it not surprising ?
12-Great and excellent work shall excel all for better living.
Now the question arises ,Than why some bad things are spoken of somewhere -
Our country has been enslaved for thousand years,and definitely the Ruler dictates the terms,as in the case of Aurangzeb when ordered to destroy all Indian manuscripts ,Bakhtiar Khilzi did the same thing too.Besides,Sycophants always adore the rulers.Only one historian is said to write secretly during the time of Aurangzeb.
Thanks to those who buried still a lot to survive ourselves as a nation.

0286-Sara bukhar utter jayega !(All fever shall go away)

I was sitting on the bed watching the debate on Z TV, how many days the tolerance and intolerance shall disturb us ? was before me .The true advice for these tolerant is this that they should visit the borders and request the terrorist to be tolerant and join hands for the peace .
Besides,They shall get Nobel Prize guaranteed ,if they bring peace in the middle east. Everybody knows how deserving they are.Sara bukhar utter jayega !(All fever shall go away).The west media men get their throat cut,while reporting,here the so called scholars can never think of,but air the issues only to create wedge.
Instead ,we should give importance to great work as telecast
1---is of Noorjahan about whom PM also spoke.She enlightened the whole village -Pairi dergah in Kanpur Dehat of UP.Her small Solar Plant charges the solar lantern of all without any distance created either of religion or other petty matters.A strong lady with a strong will who deserves to be rewarded so as to inspire other people in the nation.
2-------Secondly,is the family of Major Dhruv Yadav in Gurgaon, who recently sacrificed for the nation .Salute to him ,Really ,"you were great" ,Just at the age of 32 ,you left for abode for us only.Besides,His family is no less important.In the midst of all the grief and sorrow ,they feel proud of their son,After he left ,a little baby came to their home ,in whom they possess the memories of the martyr.Mother ,his wife and sister and above all his father are the real embodiment of the tolerance.No leader visit there.The God shall strengthen the family to bear this loss for the Nation,the sacrifice for the nation "is supreme"adds his father Retd Wing Commander Rajveer Singh.A great salute to You all.
With courtesy  from "Z"News.

Srajan (E-Magazine): 0285------ -यजुर्वेद है प्यारा मुझको -Hindi Long N...

Srajan (E-Magazine): 0285------ -यजुर्वेद है प्यारा मुझको -Hindi Long N...: One day ,I was in discussion with my sister about the Vedas and felt there was the time,when people spoke in praise of them,Max Mull...

0285------यजुर्वेद है प्यारा मुझको -Hindi Long Narrative Poem One day

One day ,I was in discussion with my sister about the Vedas and felt there was the time,when people spoke in praise of them,Max Muller is the best example ,but suddenly the interpolation and twisting with the content happened and These were targeted.Untoward matter was also thrust-ed in and no doubt some selfish people also played with the spirit.
Further more,Col.Will Du Wrath in espionage with Macaulay was the first of believing that India can be weakened, only when Vedas and other scriptures are under attack and people deprived of their studies and till now that work is on.
Besides, Those close to English influence are so much fed up today that the change is not acceptable to them and to play trumpet against the Govt.all the time is an insult to the voice of the people.How many people understand that what the English people have done to us is shivering and such people are honored by them,But thanks to FB,Google,Twitter etc.that we come to know the reality and hence is voiced now .The facts are sacred and the Truth can not be supressed.Example is cited below ------
The last emperor Bahadur Shah Jafar was hungry and he wanted food .When requested to the English people,He was served with heads of his own sons and secondly,When thirsty,he was served with urination,and when wanted to be died -buried in india ,he was sent to Rangoon .The pages of the history speak this way,But instead of holding the real culprits guilty,we are against one another in the matters of religion and in the matters related to caste ism.Besides,certain paid agents also show their faces as if they were our custodian.
I studied Yajurveda and want to share with you ,For I feel when the content talks of the welfare of whole humanity,How can we be deprived of their studies.Let us pray to Almighty Krishna to guide our way on the pious and of baba Gorakhnath and enable us understand at least one stanza in a week---
--यजुर्वेद है प्यारा मुझको ,
ठाणे बैठे क्या करें ,
शुरू करें कुछ काम,
शुरू करें वेदाध्ययन,
लेके गोरखनाथ का नाम,(Taken)
To All friends,
सबसे पहले ऋणी आपके ,
स्वयं को हमने जाना है
प्रभु दिये गीतों की शक्ति ,
साथ आपके पहचाना है
शिक्षा दीक्षा वेदों की,
दूर कभी ना दिल से जाये ,
अच्छा जो मिलता जाये,
प्रेम से उसे गले लगायें
दुनिया दीवानी वेदों की ,
गति धीमी ना होने पाये,
अन्दर छिपा ज्ञान- विज्ञान ,
आओ इसको समझते जायें
भावना दिल में अच्छी हो,
बुरा कभी सपना ना आये ,
भला हो हर इंशा का,
धरा स्वर्ग जैसी बन जाये ,
बहकाया हम को खूब लड़ाया,
ज्ञान को ऐसे बाँट दिया
बिन कारन के बदले,
अच्छा -2 छाँट दिया
My Liking Ist
यजुर्वेद है प्यारा मुझको ,
पहले शुरू करें इसको ,
हर प्राणी का हो विकास,
मिले यही कामना सबको
rest next day
अर्चना वराज

Saturday, 28 November 2015

Srajan (E-Magazine): 0284---Time to Re-think

Srajan (E-Magazine): 0284---Time to Re-think: Why some people criticize RSS and speak ill of all the time.A reason is this that as Dalai Lama has commented that" those who critic...

सृज (मेरी कविता ) Sraj (A Collection of My Poems): 052--------- आज का गीता बोध पाठ-16

सृज (मेरी कविता ) Sraj (A Collection of My Poems): 052--------- आज का गीता बोध पाठ-16: कंरु ना कंरू के फेरे में , उलझ ना ;तू गिर जायेगा , निर्णय तेरा मुशिकल होगा,  अधर्म धरा  पे रह जायेगा I136I सोचो ! देखो! युद्...

सृज (मेरी कविता ) Sraj (A Collection of My Poems): 052--------- आज का गीता बोध पाठ-16

सृज (मेरी कविता ) Sraj (A Collection of My Poems): 052--------- आज का गीता बोध पाठ-16: कंरु ना कंरू के फेरे में , उलझ ना ;तू गिर जायेगा , निर्णय तेरा मुशिकल होगा,  अधर्म धरा  पे रह जायेगा I136I सोचो ! देखो! युद्...

0284---Time to Re-think

Why some people criticize RSS and speak ill of all the time.A reason is this that as Dalai Lama has commented that" those who criticize RSS will not hesitate to sell their mother.,for this is a true patriotic organization.Even a step further ,the Pakistani English newspaper wrote in 1947 that "Had RSS come into existence 10 years later,our boundary would have been touching Agra."RSS has also declared that those  whose love is for the nation irrespective of their creed and culture is Indian"Even all strata of the society believe in so.The bad thing is this that some political parties whose leadership in  the hands of unqualified with narrow approach cornering the minority all the time and dividing the nation into the ideology of majority vs minority and are timid to speak any thing in world politics ,when unlawful things like demolition of mosques in Angola France,temple and churches in Pakistan and Bangladesh take place ;find fault with RSS all the time.Even the court has never banned the organization and all spoke good all the time.On the removal of untouchable ,even Ghandhiji admired of saying what RSS has done ,even he was not a success.Nehru praised a lot and when India under attack by China in 1962,RSS did a lot and even admiration is on the pages of the history.The true meaning of patriotism is this that where we live ,we have to respect the land otherwise such very qualified persons would not have joined ------as EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND OF RSS CHIEF..
🙏Dr. Keshav Baliram Hedgewar - Founder, was a MBBS of 1914 from National Medical College Calcutta.
🙏M.S.Golwalkar - MSc. (Zoology Gold Medalist) from BHU & Worked as Lecturer in BHU when Pandit Malviya was Vice Chancellor in BHU.
🙏Bala Saheb Deoras- B.A. & LLB of 1935 from Nagpur University.
🙏Prof. Rajendra Singh (Rajju Bhaiya) - MSc. (Physics Gold Medal) was Professor & HOD Physics in Allahabad University.
Dr. C. V. Raman (Nobel Prize Winner) offered him a Scholarship.
🙏K. S. Sudershan - (BTech Gold Medalist) in (Telecommunication) from Govt. Engg. College Jabalpur.
🙏The Present RSS Chief Dr. Mohan Bhagvat is a Qualified Veterinary Surgeon from Nagpur University
and on the other hand there is 9th fail,Harvard drop out,failed in their career and so on and so forth ,surprisingly,how can they guide the qualified--emerging progressive nation --definitely their leadership shall remain centered to caste-ism,regionalism,secularism and people were ,are and shall be poverty stricken,unemployed ,homeless and with stone age thinking under their leadership .So whomsoever we support,we have to think of the better guidance.Time to change and re-think and only successful shall lead us to success (Archna & Raj)

Thursday, 26 November 2015

Srajan (E-Magazine): 00280---Happy Deepawali

Srajan (E-Magazine): 00280---Happy Deepawali: खुशियां लेकर आपार   ,              आया यह त्यौहार ,                                    बार - बार .                             ...

0283---Another Gross Mistake is Going to be Committed

“Asad has to go,” “Asad has to leave”----Both the statements came from Both President Obama and Foreign Minister of USA, Surprisingly, it seems that they shall decide the future of all the nations in the world. Why is the time not taken for retrospection about what has been done till today ? They played their game from Afghanistan and gradually and gradually ,they moved to Iraq ,Syria and in other middle east country; all leaving in the war-torn unstable nations. On the lame excuse of chemical weapons, they attacked Iraq and left it war-torn simply destroying the peaceful living of the public at large, The opposite party Presidential candidate in USA correctly remarked ,”Had Saddam Husain or Col. Gaddafi been alive, There would have been peace today “ and such forces would have under control .But the overambitious design led USA to attack these nations and the repercussions are seen very heavy and the heavy is the price paid in the world today .Even the West is not in the position to control easily and millions are homeless today dying of hunger, diseases and shelter and so on and so forth. The solution is still afar .It is a very dangerous situation gone out of control. Even if ISIS is controlled today ,the accidents like Paris, Newyork or Mumbai shall not be stopped and poor people are doomed to die. With the true spirit ,Russia launched the war against the ISIS and till today ,simply in the name of citizens, they have failed to provide with proofs whom they want to save by letting Asad to go. The provocative action by Turkey in shooting down the Russian fighter plane has brought the double standards before the world. When all forces are against ISIS fighting, Than why this double standard ?Of course ,the west is exposed here ,they are selling the sophisticated weapons to the terrorist on the one hand and news already brought out that the American companies are making the most of the situation by selling the weapons to terrorist groups and on the other hand, The USA are bombing the ISIS. After the disintegration of USSR,USA policy is limited to the role of inspecting and according to the selfish motives to be gained .President Putin is correct in observing that the 40 nations are supporting the cause of ISIS with all help given .Turkey is also one of them and being a member of the NATO ,the provocative action may further vitiate the atmosphere ,for we have to believe that Russia is also a super power. A little mistake may bring the world on the verge of 3rd world war which is to be avoided at every cost. So far as our stand is concerned ,we must not lose our friend Russia ,for Russians always stood by us ,whereas Americans never allowed India and Pakistan to be on the friendly terms otherwise What Dr, Farooq Abdulla suggested to the world would have been a solution to Kashmir problem till now and hence time to rethink and time to pressurize to avoid Big Powers to be on inimical terms ;or worst day for the world and fear ; of not becoming the Nostradamus prophecy a truth ,for place declared is the same------!

Wednesday, 25 November 2015

0282---Aamir Makes a Mockery of Himself

"Aamir Says ,He will not leave the country" and further says ,his statement is twisted by media,what said still stands with it.This is the stand why such type of statement hurting the sense and sensibility of millions of the people are spoken of and like politician taken back saying it is misinterpreted.You have done a lot to the nation and majority of the people who like your work is within India and not outside.and you earn 16lakh Rs.per day.
Whosoever comes to power is because of the mandate of the people ,whomsoever they like ,they will send to parliament.Our duty is to get the work done for the people of the nation.
After so many years,the education,poverty,unemployment,caste-ism,regionalism and above all terrorism etc. are before us and we have to solve them .So say "sorry" ,the same public shall excuse you,because only Indians are tolerant ,not others.
Taslima Nasreen ,only for the use of the words is suffering and only India and America provided her with safety,But she too was insulted in Hyderabad and that time you did nothing .
The problem with Bollywood is this that after 1980,it was subjected to black money,gang war and supporting role by Daud D company,It made those "sadak chhap" hero also ,who simply became great because ,none could have had the power to stand against D company.Secondly,More problems shall come still,for Modi after D company and Daud their target and hence ,those rose suddenly because of D Company have to return back by making silly statement.Secondly,Modiji is uniting India and world against the terrorism,Definitely,terrorist organization shall create more problems which we have to be ready to face in the days to come. ,because it appears ,they shall do anything to divert the people attention.
Lastly,the core point of the Indian politics is ,as it seems,is corned to minority and subjected them to use against the majority .Modi Govt and other state govt.have now launched program sabka vikas ,desh ka vikash and we have to support the program.
India is a big nation,so is our problems,very patiently and intelligently,they need to be tackled with and without ,this will be arduous----

Tuesday, 17 November 2015

Srajan (E-Magazine): 0281-एक शराबी- पिन्नी- नशीली (Hindi Poem-0625) ,

Srajan (E-Magazine): 0281-एक शराबी- पिन्नी- नशीली (Hindi Poem-0625) ,: दीवाली के अवसर में मुझे एक शराबी मिला और उसने जो सलाह दी ?----- आपके सामने है------- ये है दर्द भरी दास्तान ------ एक शराबी- पिन्नी- न...

0281-एक शराबी- पिन्नी- नशीली (Hindi Poem-0625) ,

दीवाली के अवसर में मुझे एक शराबी मिला और उसने जो सलाह दी ?-----
आपके सामने है------- ये है दर्द भरी दास्तान ------
एक शराबी- पिन्नी- नशीली
(Hindi Poem-0625) ,
आज का शिक्षा प्रद हास परिहास
अरे ! तुम क्या उजाला दिखाओगे ,
दुनिया में अंधेरा छाया है ,
लगा ली है पिन्नी- नशीली ,
हमने अंधेरा मिटाया है ,
मौज है पिन्नी- नशीली लगाने में ,
नफरत मिट जाती हैं ,
साथ जाम लगाने में ,
बढ़ी दूरियां घट जाती हैं,
ये दुनिया मुसाफिरखाना है ,
ये ना हमारा ठिकाना है ,
फिर क्यों अफसोस करें हम,
नशीली लगायें और मौज करें हम,
इसी ने तो दिल से लगाया है,
सबको अपना बनाया है----------------1
मौका आने का मिलेगा कि ना
गफ्लत में पड़ना हमको ना
भरोसा करना आता नहीं ,
किसी ने की कभी दिलाया, नहीं ,
जब तक है सांस ,
तव तक है आस,
सुबह उठना है ,
गले लगाना है ,
लगा लो पिन्नी- नशीली ,
विन बारिस जमीन गीली ,
पैर फिसल गया है ,
जमीन पै गिर गया है,
किसी ने ना उठा या है,
इसी ने तो दिल से लगाया है,
सबको अपना बनाया है----------------2
अरे !समझाने वाले मिले है इतने,
आसमां में तारे जितने ,
सलाह फ्री में देते हैं ,
जोश से भर देते हैं ,
इनसे काम चलता नहीं ,
धन्धा कोई मिलता नहीं,
चैन से बैठ सकते नहीं ,
पंगा ले सकते नहीं
आप भी आओ,
या तो गले लगा ओ ,
मेरा घर बस ने दो ,
प्रेम बरस ने दो ,
वरना 30 रूपये थमा ओ,
नापो ,अपने रास्ते जाओ ,
पिन्नी- नशीली मैं हूँ मगाया
इसी ने तो दिल से लगाया है,
सबको अपना बनाया है----------------3
इधर का तनाव ,
उधर का तनाव ,
पैसा बनाते,
हम को लड़ाते,
अपनों को खोयें
किस-2 को रोयें ,
किस-2 को फरियाद करें,
खुशामद, पैसा भरें,
हम ना की किसी को याद करें,
अरमानों को मिटाया है
पिन्नी- नशीली ने गले लगाया है
इसी ने तो दिल से लगाया है,
सबको अपना बनाया है----------------4
------------------hahahheeez! हंस लो दुनिया वालों
(अर्चना व राज)

Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Srajan (E-Magazine): 00280---Happy Deepawali

Srajan (E-Magazine): 00280---Happy Deepawali: खुशियां लेकर आपार   ,              आया यह त्यौहार ,                                    बार - बार .                             ...

00280---Happy Deepawali

खुशियां लेकर आपार  ,             
आया यह त्यौहार ,                               
     हम करें कामना,                                         
                   Happy Deepavali.                              
    को हो स्वीकार.             ................     1               
          जो भी इच्छा ,                                          
 जो भी कामना,                                         
 अब तक ki कोई साधना          
 रही अधूरी............
..हो  पूरी  
इस बार.                      
                         तुम्हारे घर द्वार.                                 
                                        खुशियों के भंडार.                                   
                                     हम करें     कामना                                                     
                             हैप्पी दीपावली                                          
                                                                          सबको हो स्वीकार.   ---------------------------------2                                    
 बिछड़ा    मित्र पुराना,
 रिश्ता यार.    
                                जिस का भी हो इंतजार.                               
   जो भी रूठूा
             जो भी छूटा     
            दिल जिस का                                             
     जब भी टुटा                                            
                                मधुर मिलन की बेला में                                      
 खुशियों    के मेला में         
           आया यह अवसर.                      
                  मिट जाए,
नफरत की सब दीवार.        
 हम करें कामना                     
         हैप्पी दीपावली                                  
   सबको हो स्वीकार .............                      
   सपने अधूरे ,
                   हुये   पूरे                            
   कष्ट  तुम्हारे,
                                       रहे   बुरे                                                         
                       मिले प्यार. Is baar,           
                      आपके घर द्वार
 लक्ष्मी जी की कृपा निराल
  महके   बगिया           
                        इस दिवाली                                               
धन दौलत की कमी हो                         
       इच्छा पूरी  सभी हो                           
      खुशियों के अश्व  पे  ,
आप हो सवार.       
                                  संग हमारे गाए,
 गाए बार-बार,
 हैप्पी हैप्पी दीपावली
सबको हो स्वीकार.

 best wishes from Archna and Raj