Friday, 31 July 2015

0000241-----Weeping and Wailing

There is much weeping and wailing by some people in the nation and they are so sad at heart, as if the next no is for their owns to come.How surprising is this that out of 755 capital punishment given till today after Independence,only34 persons were from the Muslim community and rest came from other communities,But the dirty politics to some extent and that too in certain cases has taken such a shape that we are surprised over the selection of our some leaders in the parliament.When the Americans punish the terrorists and hang him out,none speaks,as the national interest is at the stake.Even in Saudi Arabia,very strict rules and laws exist and they execute them strongly,Even in Pakistan,but none goes against.But here in India,these people confuse the whole nation.If they are so influencing,why they do not go to Kashmir and ask them to be silent or in the camp of IS,where their pursuing shall bring them Nobel Prize for peace,guaranteed.The hon'ble Supreme Court changed the whole history and gave the final chance to save him.The court was open at 3am today and time fixed was 6 am to 7 am for the capital punishment,Not only so,22 years 'time is not less,but none of them spoke.The court has awarded the life imprisonment to all the aids of Yakoob menon ,but Capital punishment for him ,mainly because 1-He managed the money through the "hawala "racket",2-He booked the tickets for the terrorists for training to Pakistan,3--85 hand grenades were managed by this man,4-Even bombs were made at his home and captured by the Police,5-He was master-mind in the whole design of the bomb blast 6,-He misguided the very poor fellow to implant bombs in the name of religion,after all ,he was the master -mind in controlling,commanding and executing the whole plot and ultimately killing 257 people from every walk of life.and above all,he accepted his guilt.He was a CA by profession and more so.Even ,the advocates on the record confirms that every chance was given to him for his stand,but he along with others ,who spent millions of Rs. to save him were answer-less.Hence,capital punishment.But ,these people do nothing ,but cry,probably drawing attention may enhance their position in the eyes of public-----

Thursday, 30 July 2015

Srajan (E-Magazine): 0000240---A Great Teacher Kalaam Saab

Srajan (E-Magazine): 0000240---A Great Teacher Kalaam Saab: Kalaam Saab visited Kanpur,He went to some Educational Institute there.He took the student-choice for the service.One by one ,everyone ...

0000240---A Great Teacher Kalaam Saab

Kalaam Saab visited Kanpur,He went to some Educational Institute there.He took the student-choice for the service.One by one ,everyone rose,and expressed opinion to join either Civil Services/ defense forces/Managers/CA/MN Cs/foreign services or other profession,but none of them was willing to join teaching or be a teacher.He said so politely," You will be what you want to be in your life,But how will you achieve,when you do not have good teachers in the society."A great respect to teaching profession by the greatest man of our time ,otherwise the Lekhpal visits the schools for checking today and SDM asks a teacher to be a cock in  Mathura and to add further, the Govt have to issue GO that none shall misbehave with the teachers.This great man was always very polite believing only teachers shall bring the changes ,as PtJi,Guruji in his life.Salute To You as our Guiding Star.JaiHind

Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Srajan (E-Magazine): 0000239-----Homage to APJKalaam Saab,

Srajan (E-Magazine): 0000239-----Homage to APJKalaam Saab,: As usual,I was in the office and city Gorakhpur,whomsoever I met ,he was sad and depressed over Kalam Saab's leaving for abode.The...

0000239-----Homage to APJKalaam Saab,

As usual,I was in the office and city Gorakhpur,whomsoever I met ,he was sad and depressed over Kalam Saab's leaving for abode.The condolence meetings were held,and surprisingly,Kalaam Saab's words that" on his death, more work is needed to be done for Nation" surprised all ;of course a new beginning and great service hidden in the words for the nation.Really Salute to this great son of Bharat who did everything to the service of Nation.A boy who started his career as a newspaper salesman could reach to the highest post of the Nation and that too out of severe poverty ,more so in the hearts of all Bhartiya,who feel a great vacuum created because of his departure.A true hard worker seen in him remind me of what poet Longfellow has written ,"the height by the great man reached and kept were not attained by sudden flight,but while their companions slept ,they were toiling upward in the night------",so was the case with this great and pious soul.I have not seen any person of this stature" whose sudden demise and death might have made everyone so dejected and depressed in the country.Other death carry with them partiality or bring comment somewhere,but this great man was above all "isms".A great scientist and true Bharatiya who refuted Pakistan's offer of serving or sharing information with that country in the name of religion,holy book,or racial discrimination.A person who was only for nation has left everything for the nation is the rarest example in the Golden History of gentle and polite he was,when he visited this area on the completion of 100years in college,he insisted to change the high and big chair to preside ,but of the same size and that too simple chairs were brought,only than the programme could be conducted.A missile man who ,need not to say,brought Bharat on the sound footing,It is to his credit that we are safe and secure and stand along with other nation equipped with this capability.A man with science sparkling out of his personality brought the scientific temperament to one and all.Not only so,he reposed faith in the worship-places,both temple and mosque meant for the same path with different routes perceived.He did not hesitate to comment on madrasa education which he felt needed science and modern education.An interesting example comes from his colleague or rather subordinate whose children insisted to visit fair as a mark of birthday celebration,if I am not wrong,asked him for early leave from the office ,Kalaam saab oked,but when he saw him engrossed and engaged seriously in some scientific pursuits,he said nothing.But when the colleague saw his watch ,it was already 8pm,so sad and dejected he reached his home,when called for children,he found that Kalaam Saab took the children to fair on time.Each and every person learnt something out of what was lived and said by him.Today's' news also made us obliged to him whatever he had ,he donated to the Trust.He was a saint too.The reason for international awards are not understood ,but man of such a huge personality needs more recognition in the war-torn areas of the world ,where he stands so clear with scientific temperament that religion is after science.Such enlightenment is very much needed today.I too feel grateful to his words ,when he roars that "those whose target is not high,they have to rethink,for the highest aim takes us to highest height in life".To sum up his life shall take 100years,but today we can refute a foreigner's words who once said in reference to another great man,Generation shall be surprised to believe whether such a man lived on the earth,"and I say today with all conviction and reposing  faith in/ from my friends and all,"Yes,another greatest soul lived and walked in Bharat and that is----Great Kalaam Saab,My deep condolences to the departed soul.JaiHind.

Tuesday, 28 July 2015

Srajan (E-Magazine): 0000238--महान आत्मा को हमारी व हमारे परिवार के सभी...

Srajan (E-Magazine): 0000238--महान आत्मा को हमारी व हमारे परिवार के सभी...: महान आत्मा को हमारी व हमारे परिवार के सभी सदस्यों की तरफ से भी श्रृद्धान्जलि जिद्गी जियो तो ऐसे जियो, जीने के मायने बदल जायें , मुस्...

0000238--महान आत्मा को हमारी व हमारे परिवार के सभी सदस्यों की तरफ से भी श्रृद्धान्जलि(HP-G-016/0000366)

महान आत्मा को हमारी व हमारे परिवार के सभी सदस्यों की तरफ से भी श्रृद्धान्जलि
जिद्गी जियो तो ऐसे जियो,
जीने के मायने बदल जायें ,
मुस्कानों की शंमा हो ,
खुशियों की बरसातें होती जायें I1I
न गमों का सागर हो,
न मनों की उलझन हो ,
प्रेम से जीवन नैया चले,
जीवन बस इक उपवन हो I2I
काम अनूठा, अलग पहचान,
देश की खातिर सब कुर्बान,
देश को जीना , देश को मरना ,
देश को दी अलग पहचान I3I
जिसने दुनिया जब छोड़ी,
सबका अपना अजिज गया,
मातम छाया घर- घर,
ऐसा क्या ? वो शख्स गया I4I
भूला नहीं पायेगें ,हम,
पीढ़ियां गुजर जायेगी ,
श्रृद्धा के सुमन सदा अर्पित,
यादें जब भी आयेगीं I5I
इतिहास भी गौरवान्वित होगा,
जीने की कला को, जो नया पटल दिया,
कलाम जैसी शख्सीयत ने तो,
इतिहास ही बदल दिया I6I
(अर्चना व राज)

Monday, 13 July 2015

Srajan (E-Magazine): 000237---The Recent Visit

Srajan (E-Magazine): 000237---The Recent Visit: The recent visit to Kirghistan by Modiji shall be a great success ,if the agreement related to the use of 2 airways maintained by us are g...

000237---The Recent Visit

The recent visit to Kirghistan by Modiji shall be a great success ,if the agreement related to the use of 2 airways maintained by us are given or agreed upon for the use.It will bring Pakistan under our easy access and POK shall be within a range of 16km only.Not only so,we will be in a position to have a hawk vigil over our neighbors too which has disturbed both Pakistan and China,who are dead committed to cause harm to us all the time.The Chinese ,despite every effort want us to entangle in one or the other dispute so as to limit us and want to see us as a Regional power.The coming days may witness emerging conflicts as in the name of construction ,China has sent 5000 soldiers to POK who ,as the reports received suggest are involved in anti-Indian strategy.Secondly,the synthetic rice recently sent to our market also vindicate the Mala-fide design of China,who can go to any extent ,even disturbing the public health.Since,China who has forgotten that India of 1962 is entirely different in 2015,and showed its true color in 1962 will not hesitate to put before us uncountable difficulties and problems.This is our duty that we must stand united and reject the Chinese items in the market and support our foreign policy to thwart away the China-pak designs against us,Besides,strengthening our relation with USA and Russia too.

Saturday, 4 July 2015

Srajan (E-Magazine): 000236-----I Pay My True Homage(Hindi Poem with En...

Srajan (E-Magazine): 000236-----I Pay My True Homage(Hindi Poem with En...: आज 4 जुलाई है... स्वामी विवेकानंद जी की 113 वीं पुण्यतिथि है.. ऐसे महापुरुष को हमारी ओर से शत शत नमन... (12 जनवरी 1863-4 जुलाई 1...

000236-----I Pay My True Homage(Hindi Poem with English Translation

आज 4 जुलाई है...
स्वामी विवेकानंद जी की 113 वीं पुण्यतिथि है..
ऐसे महापुरुष को हमारी ओर से शत शत नमन...
(12 जनवरी 1863-4 जुलाई 1902)
आपका संदेश झकझोर देता है----

" उठो देश के वीर जवानों,
ताकत अपनी पहचानों,
क्षमता तुझे में असीम बंसी ,
वक्त अभी कुछ कर डालो I

इसी तरह से सोते रहोगे
देश धर्म सब खोते रहोगे 
आज के पल में जीना सीखो
कल को बदल के रख दोगे I

लक्ष्य सामने तेरे है
देश समाज बाट जोहते
अपनी ताकत के बल से
बदल दे सबको दिखा रास्ते II 
(अर्चना व राज)
Today is the 4th July; a day very important in the eventful history of India,For this is day when we lost a great saint and philosopher swami Vivekananda .This is his 113th death anniversary,We pay our true homage to the departed soul(12 January,1863---04 ,July 1902)
His message is very powerful having the tormenting effect
O ! Youth  of the country,Time for you to wake up
Know your power,in-measurable power lies within you
Time is now for action only.
If you waste your time only in idleness or sleep or eat ,drink and be marry,
You will lose everything in the country and Dharma,
Learn the art of living now,
Tomorrow shall be mended accordingly.
The aim is before you,
Everybody has high aspiration in You,
Change everything and show the path to others
(Translation by Raj)

Srajan (E-Magazine): 000235-----Gita in Hindi Poetry(essence)--1

Srajan (E-Magazine): 000235-----Gita in Hindi Poetry(essence)--1: आंओ कृष्णा सें सीखें  ------गीता पाठ-----                             पृष्ठ   भूमि   का   सरल   प्रस्तुतीकरण “ पैदल चलती सेना,  ...