Saturday, 28 February 2015

Srajan (E-Magazine): 00183---Hinduism--007

Srajan (E-Magazine): 00183---Hinduism--007: Hinduism-007-----The Ethical order comes to us from our scriptures suggest to---- 1--To respect-------Old age,Dharam, and Laws 2---T...


Hinduism-007-----The Ethical order comes to us from our scriptures suggest to----
1--To respect-------Old age,Dharam, and Laws
2---To Admire------Intellect,beauty,Music,
3--To Cultivate-----Sympathy,cheerfulness,contentment,
4---To Stick to-----Promise Friendship,likings according to age
5---To Govern------Tongue,Temper and Action,
6--To Prevent------Idleness,Falsehood and Slang
7-To Watch--------Word,behavior and Character
8--To Love--------Honesty,Purity and Truth.
9--To Spread------Peace,Brotherhood,development,
10--To Learn-----What is best and Use it,Liberality for the perfect order in the society to be created
11-Develop-------Scientific temperament,Share findings,Help Humanity,
12-To Share------the Experience,Mysticism,spirituality
13-To Help-------the poor,the needy,old people
14--To save------Culture,Nationhood,Flaura& fauna
15--To Bear------Tolerance,Pains,Body,
16--To listen and share----What Friends and scholars suggest------Won't You See the great tenets produced before you out of millions prevailing here.
Message---Dharam Guruji---Donot be a speaker on surface,first delve deep into the Indian ocean of Gyan and than comment,A layman like me possesses more understanding than your vast bombastic and malice-filled speeches.------To be continued---by Raj

Srajan (E-Magazine): 0182--Friendship(Hindi Poemकविता सं०---00131)

Srajan (E-Magazine): 0182--Friendship(Hindi Poemकविता सं०---00131): कविता सं०---00131--- दोस्त और दोस्त के स्तर के बारे में क्या सोचते हैं ? सभी मित्रों को समर्पित दोस्ती...

0182--Friendship(Hindi Poemकविता सं०---00131)

कविता सं०---00131---दोस्त और दोस्त के स्तर के बारे में क्या सोचते हैं ?
सभी मित्रों को समर्पित

दोस्ती तो  दोस्ती  है-
दो दिलों को जोडती है,
नफरतों की दीवारें तोडती है
ऊपर ना कुछ है इससे,
 हर जगह छाती है
 टूटे मनों को मिलाती है
अनुभव अनुपम है
प्रेम का मौसम है
 शमा बांधती है
 गमेां को हटाती है
अजीब इम्तहान है,
 जीवन का ज्ञान है,
बन्दूकें थम जातीं हैं,
मुस्कानें लाती हैं,
 आंसू गुम हो जाते हैं,
शब्द चुप  हो जाते हैं,
जवान सहज चलती है
मिठास ही मिठास भरती हैII
दोस्ती तो  दोस्ती  है-002----
बांटता हूँ ,छांटता हूँ,
लड़ता हूँ ,झगड़ता हूँ,
पूछता हूँ ,करता हूँ,
मानता हूँ, जानता हूँ,
सुनता हूँ ,मिलता हूँ,
झिड़कता हूँ, हंसता हूँ
 वाह! मन हल्का करती है
जीवन भर चलती है
(अर्चना व राज)

 बाकी आगे-------

Friday, 27 February 2015

Srajan (E-Magazine): 00181-Hinduism--006

Srajan (E-Magazine): 00181-Hinduism--006: Hinduism-006------- There was a Dharam Guru ,He was speaking jokingly about the other religions forgetting the weakness and stupidity o...


There was a Dharam Guru ,He was speaking jokingly about the other religions forgetting the weakness and stupidity of his.He is advised o understand that Hinduism is not a religion,but more above that.It is more and more the way of life,where the whole scriptures emphasis the best to be adopted and worst to be rejected.
This is true also that with the passage of time,the things are changed,There were problems at a particular point of time,there was a rebirth of something great and people still follows according to their faith. Jainism,Buddhism,Sikhism,Sanatani,or Hindus evolve around different tenets and sect,or creed,and every one in more refined and sophisticated ways.
Albert Einstein has to admit that in the whole world,Buddhism is more scientific.The direct link-up with God is not possible,it is through the Guru ,the remover of darkness.Still the essence is one that is Bhartiyataya evolved herein.
We do not have one God ,one Holy Book ,or one place of worship.Individual freedom is given,about which I have already discussed.For us,every living being is sacred and pious.What impressed Annie Besant was our approach to the world as our sweet Home and those living inside are brothers and sisters.The address by calling American our sisters and brothers by Swami Vivekananda still sound beautifully the whole world............We do not belong to that stock where for example in Syria more than 20million people including men,women,and innocent children have been butchered..The atom bomb developed and made is as our safety measure with a deterrent .and open declaration that we shall never be first to its use.-----Peace is the motto and it brings prosperity where life of human beings is superb ;again excelling individuality in the society and vice-versa.(To be continued) by Raj

Srajan (E-Magazine): 0180------Hinduism-005

Srajan (E-Magazine): 0180------Hinduism-005: Hinduism-005------- The Dharam allows the people to maintain flaura and fauna,for the co-existence is the secret of living...

Srajan (E-Magazine): 0179---हिन्दुधर्म,(Hinduism)---004

Srajan (E-Magazine): 0179---हिन्दुधर्म,(Hinduism)---004: हिन्दुधर्म, ईश्वर शुद्ध स्वरूप, सत्य स्वरूप, चैत्यन्य स्वरूप, ज्ञान स्वरूप, चित्त स्वरूप ,आनन्द स्वरूप ,शाक्ति स्वरूप ,शान्त: स्वरूप ह...


The Dharam allows the people to maintain flaura and fauna,for the co-existence is the secret of living on the earth.During my deep studies of astrology and its related branches,it was confirmed that feeding the birds in the name Graha Shanti(let planet be be at rest and peace) is basically related to have love for the birds and save them for ever in the continuity.It is also reaffirmed that the sorrow and misery of which we are subjected to is shared.Since the birds also belong to the living entity ,they become the blessings giver and sorrow is divided thereof.The lives due to love for them emerged this way saves the lives of them.Each and every god has his/her vehicle which is more or less is the bird or animal.Even Garud ji narrated the story of God.
हिंदू धर्म-005 -------
धर्म लोगों को वनस्पति और जीव को चा रखने की अनुमति देता है, सह-अस्तित्व के लिए पृथ्वी पर रहने का यहराज भी हैI
ज्योतिष और इससे संबंधित शाखाओं  की मेरी गहरी अध्ययन के दौरान इस बात की पुष्टि होती है  ग्रह शांति नाम में पक्षियों को खिलाने  का मूल रूप से पक्षियों के लिए प्यार है और निरंतरता में हमेशा के लिए उन्हें बचाने से संबंधित प्रयास  है I यह भी सत्य है जीवन में जितने भी दुःख आते हैं हम उनका निदान चाहते हैं पक्षियों को दाना खिलाने से एक तरफ तो हम उन्हें जीवनदान देते हैं दूसरी तरफ वे   हमें  भी दुयाऐं  देकर जातें हैं आखिर वे भी जीवित प्राणी हैं और हमारा दुःख भी बंट जाता हैI हरदेवताका वाहन भी  पशु व पक्षी है एवं गरूडजी से तो देवताओं ने भी  कथा सुनी है Iकितना प्रेम है I