recently on TV,I saw many penalists talking of C-set and English in Civil
services examination.Most of them were highly talking of aptitude and English
to be made compulsory for the civil services aspirants.How unfortunate is this
that everybody was of the view that both of the above are not only important
,but required for the day to day business.The aptitude tests in the name of
judging the managerial skill of the candidates is but a part of conspiracy to
deprive the major portion of population to be away from this prestigious
service.The selection of the students ,more particularly ,from Hindi speaking
belt and rural India before 2011 was 24.5% as on average,but after 2011 it is
armed forces conduct various examination .No candidate is ever tested on
flying an aircraft or shooting and after selection,they give the best training
to the standards and each and every soldier is ever-ready to face and meet with
any of the adverse situation or problems..The coming years will require more of
their skills other than those of the beauraucrates .After proper selection.the
weaknesses amongst the candidates selected is not difficult to be
to 2011,the selected candidates have served and are serving the nation without
any question.No great change is perceieved by those selected afterwards.The
irksome is the situation that prior to 2011,even a son of rikshawwala's was
selected,whereas the higher-ups figure a failure.Hence,such a change was found
necessary to serve the purpose,but of the few.One of the penalists said,'Oh !
It (Englsih) is of 7th standard.How befooling is it that a CBSE student of 7th
standard knows better than a graduate.The double standard in imparting
education is in itself defeating the very purpose of the Equality.I ,as belong
to very rural area,learnt English ,after graduation and improved my skills only
after I joined kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan ,where the students come from
a conscious and the educated families.The environment of that nature is
missing in the rural India.The moment I learnt the language ,it was too
late,other than becoming a philosopher,nothing is left now.
more important point is this that for a Hindi speaking person without the
knowledge of English ,he will suffer in Tamilnadu ,but whatabout in Northeast.Everybody
does'nt know English in this country.If the UPSC feels it urgent for the
managerial skill,let their be complete selection from the Management
colleges,why ITians and others are being befooled.
learning language is good,and only 300 words are sufficient for any new
language to learn,but instead of matter/content,the skills,personality traits
or innovative qualities may be given due importance.
developed nations witness and invest only on innovative universities at
present.The students on strike are correct to feel that those talking this way
get fat salary and they have done nothing ,instead of creating the class of
" Haves" or" Haves not",everytime aggravating to the
problems and finding the ways to serve only their vested interest.Prof.of
Sociology from Jamia Milia University in Delhi once spoke on TV,''If Gilli and
danda is included in the syllabus,the standards shall be changed in the same
way ,as today's syllabus has befooled many a deserving candidates "
far as Aptitude is concerned,The civil services witnessed the selection of the
candidates from the Elite class and their children ,who behaved in way other
than those with qualities as if imported from outside .After 1980,the whole
scenario was changed, and this service invited one and all from all walks of life ; irksome to many a person
holding high offices who always insist on creating a separate class in the
society forgetting that India is a developing nation and the administrative
services need the contribution and inclusion from every walk of life.