079-----------------------The Govt.Jublie Inter College
(025) The Govt.Jublie Inter College with a student strength of 5000 added one more feather to its glorious History,when the High School result stood to 93% and Inter result 98%.As Principal of the college.I wish all the thanks for the help and support by the staff ,students,parents and of course supportive hands from the officials ,failing which it would have been difficult to achieve.
Hard work never goes wasted is proved here.
Tulsi Kumar Gupta secured 91% in Intermediate, who deserves praise and appreciation and Rakesh Gupta with 88%marks in High School added another feather to success story of the College
Once again,Very best wishes to one and all.
(024)--------The Principal is also awarded a letter of duties recognized in the interest of the students through the motivational ,mangerial work and administrative work.A matter of being felt pleased at heart.
(023) Programme on the auspicious occasion of January 26th being celebrated in the college field------
(022)The Building renovation Programme going on the large scale
(021) Time to Charity-------01 collegue suffering from blood cancer being supported financially to withstand against the desease----
021/02--Another collegue being helped financially to fight against the kidney failure.And he succeeded to win against the desease.
(020)-----The old look of the building------The old order changeth yielding place to new ,,for change is the only unchangable thing in the world
(019)-001-----The cultural programme-A child is dancing
(018) -----The Backside of the Building
(017)----The front side of the Building
Where there is Will,There is Way !We changed everything----------------First of all,the buildings 'poor condition was taken of seriously,and work to maintain it beautifully started.The Pictures below speak ---
main campus-during Daytime
In the Evening
During Day
in the evening
Main office
side wing
Modern Library with e-facilities
Be careful-Camera is watching you
During Dwilight
Staff Room
Science wing
Science wing in the evening
Guest house
Vocational Room
Backside of buildings
Backside of the wings
Backside lane
Science wing
English wing
cycle stand
Entry to Prayer Ground